Unit Four,My home,bedroom,kitchen,study,返回首页,living room,Lets learn,bathroom,返回首页,跟我学,返回首页,返回首页,词汇练习,给下列物品连接相应的场所。,bedro,湘少版英语三年级上册课件,Unit 1 hello,1.
1、Unit Four,My home,bedroom,kitchen,study,返回首页,living room,Lets learn,bathroom,返回首页,跟我学,返回首页,返回首页,词汇练习,给下列物品连接相应的场所。,bedro。
2、湘少版英语三年级上册课件,Unit 1 hello,1. 掌握26个英文字母,从AZ;2. 掌握本课重点单词:Hello等。,My ABC,Letters AH,Letters IP,Letters QW,Letters XZ,。
3、Unit 7 Abilities,Grammar1,It ride a bike now ,But it ride a bike last year.,Task 1. To talk about abilities .Step 1. Fre。
4、Unit 3 Language in use,Module 5 Shopping,本单元例句 ,What can I do for you What colour does she like What size does she take 。
5、人教版六年级英语下册,How tall are you Part A,unit 1,Lets chant,Tall, tall, tall. I am tall.Short, short, short. I am short.Long, l。
6、冀教版四年级英语下册,Lesson 3Is this your pencil,冀教版四年级英语下册课件,李郁庄中心小学 王丽敏,a pencil sharpener,a pen,an eraser,chalk,a pencil,a penc。
7、Recycle 1,PEP五年级下册,Review,季节,人物活动,月份节日,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成。
8、Job Interview,Unit 3,Is there any opportunity,More and More People,招,聘,会,现,场,The Last Position,Get the Job You Want,The 。
9、三年级下册,1,school skul学校 classroom klsrum 教室 textbook tekstbk 课本,教科书 storybook strbk 故事书,小说 Chinese book ,taini:z 语文书 Engli。
14、Module 1,Module 1,How to learn English,Unit 1,Lets try to speak English as much as possible.,How to learn English well,L。
15、三年级英语,Unit One Hello,Guess:猜猜,里面有什么,pencil,pen,eraser,bag,pencil box,crayon,ruler,sharpener,book,Let chant:I have a bag.。
16、Lesson Four,Inaugural Address J. F. Kennedy,Lesson FourInaugural Address,Objectives of Teaching,To comprehend the whole 。
17、Module 1How to learn English,Unit 1Lets try to speak English as much as possible.,怎样学英语,让我们尽可能多的去说英语。,New words:1. pair 。
18、三年级英语课件,龙子心小学,高丽霞,Unit1,Unit2,Unit3,Unit4,Unit5,Unit6,Sing the ABC Song.,ruler,r,Ruler,pen pencil crayon ruler,eraser ba。
19、Excuse meYesIs this your PardonIs this your Yes, it is.Thank you very much.,Excuse meYesIs this your PardonIs this your 。