1、Morphology,1 The definition of morphology,Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words,and of the rules by which words are formed.Morphology is generally divided into two fields:the study of Inflections and of Word-formation.,2 Inflection,Inflection is the manife
2、station of grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes,such as number,person,finiteness,aspect and case,which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached.Ex.number:table/tables apple/apples car/cars,2 Inflection,(b)person,finiteness and aspe
3、ct:talk/talks/talking/talked open/opens/opening/opened shout/shouts/shouting/shouted(c)case:boy/boys John/Johns university/universitysEach set in the above examples constitutes a single paradigm,that is,a set of grammatically conditioned forms all derived from a single root or stem.,3 Word-formation
4、,Word-formation,in its restricted sense,refers to the processes of word variations signalling lexical relationships.It can be further subclassified into the compositional type(compound)and the derivational(derivation).3.1 CompoundThe term Compound covers a wide range of different relations between l
5、exical words.For instance,3 Word-formation,Ex.Noun compounds day+break daybreak(N+V)play+boy playboy(V+N)hair+cut haircut(N+V)call+girl callgirl(V+N)wind+mill windmill(N+N),3 Word-formation,(b)Verb compounds brain+wash brainwash(N+V)lip+read lipread(N+V)baby+sit babysit(N+V)(c)Adjective compounds ma
6、n+eating maneating(N+Ving)heart+felt heartfelt(N+Ved)duty+free dutyfree(N+Adj),3 Word-formation,(d)Preposition compounds in+to into through+out throughout,Some features of the English compounds,Orthographically,a compound can be written as one word,two separate words with or without a hyphen in betw
7、een.Syntactically,the part of speech of a compound is determined by the last element.Semantically,the meaning of a compound is idiomatic,not calculable from the meanings of all its components.Phonetically,the word stress of a compound usually falls on the first element.,3 Word-formation,3.2 Derivati
8、onDifferent from compounds,derivation shows the relation between stems and affixes.For instance,un+conscious unconscious nation+al national national+ize nationalize nationalize+ation nationalizationIn contrast with inflections,derivations can make the word class of the original word either changed o
9、r unchanged.For instance,3 Word-formation,Word class changed:N V:length+en lengthen hospital+ize hospitalize un+horse unhorse dis+card discard N Adj:fool+ish foolish beast+ly beastly delight+ful delightful speech+less speechless virtue+ous virtuous,3 Word-formation,N Adj/Adv:clock+wise clockwise V N
10、:work+er worker pay+ee payee inhabit+ant inhabitantV Adj:accept+able acceptable adore+able adorableAdj N:mean+ness meanness rapid+ity rapidityAdj V:deaf+en deafen sweet+en sweeten,3 Word-formation,Adj Adv:exact+ly exactly quick+ly quickly(b)Word class unchanged:N N:non+smoker nonsmoker ex+president
11、expresident profit+eer profiteer book+let bookletV V:dis+obey disobey un+do undo,3 Word-formation,Adj Adj:tall+ish tallish il+logical illogical,4 Word and morpheme,44.1 MorphemeThe morpheme is the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content,a unit which cannot be divided wi
12、thout destroying or drastically altering the meaning,whether it is lexical or grammatical.For instance,the word barks in The dog barks consists of two morphemes in orthographic forms:bark and s,neither of which can be further divided into other smaller meaningful units.Therefore,a morpheme is the mi
13、nimal unit of meaning.It is not like the sound patterns or syllables which can be further divided into segments.,4 Word and morpheme,Words may consist of one morpheme or more than one morphemes.Here are some example:1-morpheme:boy,desire2-morphemes:boy+ish,desir(e)+able3-morphemes:boy+ish+ness,desir
14、(e)+abl(e)+ity4-morphemes:gentle+man+li+ness,un+desir(e)+able+ity5-morpheme:un+gentle+man+li+ness,4 Word and morpheme,4.2 Morpheme and phonemeA single phoneme may represent a single morpheme,but they are identical.The phoneme/z/in/gouz/(goes)represents the third-person singular present tense morphem
15、e,but/z/occurs very often when it has nothing to do with this specific morpheme.See the following examples:,4 Word and morpheme,(a)bees/bi:z/(b)bees/bi:z/(c)raise/reiz/In(a),the phoneme/z/represents the plural morpheme,whereas in(b),it represents the morpheme which means possessive case.However,in(c
16、),it means nothing at all.,5 Type of morphemes,5.1 Free morpheme and bound morphemeA free morpheme is one that may constitute a word(free form)by itself,such as bed,tree,sing,dance.A bound morpheme is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme,such as s in dogs,-al in national,dis-in discl
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