1、慕瑞斯庄园Murray Street Vineyards,慕瑞斯庄园倾注全部热情酿制葡萄美酒,以此致敬巴罗萨谷酿酒业并展望未来!慕瑞斯庄园采用古老的酿酒工艺来酿造最优质的葡萄酒,尤其擅长于慕瑞斯葡萄庄园生长的设拉子单一品种葡萄酒、设拉子混酿葡萄酒。Murray Street Vineyards passion is to produce wine that honours the past and helps define the future of wine making in the Barossa Valley.Murray Street Vineyards use old world
2、techniques to produce some of the finest wines of the region,specialising in Estate grown Shiraz and Shiraz blends.,走进慕瑞斯庄园 Welcome to MSV,慕瑞斯庄园 MSV Introduction,慕瑞斯庄园成立于2001年,由Andrew&Vanessa Seppelt 夫妇和 Bill&Pattie Jahnke 夫妇共同创立的澳洲葡萄酒品牌,他们志同道合,立志于酿造独具风格的葡萄酒,为巴罗萨谷的顾客们奉献最特别的葡萄酒旅。慕瑞斯庄园一直坚信好的葡萄酒从葡萄园的葡萄
3、开始,所以只选用最好的葡萄来酿造美酒。而且葡萄园坚持可持续性发展政策,以高度的责任心保护环境并使葡萄在自然健康的状态下生长。MSV 拥有Greenock 和Gomersal 两处葡萄园。慕瑞斯庄园的品酒室和品酒窖位于Greenock,有着典型的巴罗萨建筑风格,在这里,您绝对能有最难忘的品酒体验。专注于追求卓越的慕瑞斯庄园,拥有热情活跃的葡萄酒团队,专业人才的团队让慕瑞斯庄园不断向前发展!走进慕瑞斯庄园,品味MSV 葡萄美酒,您就会发现南澳巴罗萨谷Greenock慕瑞斯庄园葡萄酒确实让人称道,哪怕您是最挑剔的葡萄酒爱好人士!,MURRAY STREET VINEYARDS was formed
4、in 2001 and is a partnership between Andrew&Vanessa Seppelt and Bill&Pattie Jahnke.The partners had a dream of producing unique wines and providing an extraordinary experience for all visitors to the Barossa Valley.The dream was for a wine business that could sustainably honour the Barossa Valleys r
5、ich winemaking heritage as well as raising the standards of winemaking for the future.The tasting room and cellars,built in Greenock to house the business,are exceptional examples of Barossan architecture and offer a truly rewarding experience for the wine lover.With a focus on excellence,the MURRAY
6、 STREET VINEYARDS team has grown to include some of the regions most talented and dynamic personalities.Experience MURRAY STREET VINEYARDS and understand why the worlds most influential wine critics are turning their attention to Greenock in the Barossa,South Australia.,MSV 富有激情的团队MSV Passionate Tea
7、m,MSV 酿酒师 MSV Winemaker,Andrew Seppelt 是Joseph Seppelt 的后代,其家族最先于1849年从欧洲到巴罗萨谷定居。Joseph Seppelt 的儿子Benno 和儿媳Sophia 在1868年创立了巴罗萨谷百年名牌Seppeltsfield,并世代延续品牌宗旨理念。Andrew Seppelt 一直都记得年幼时期在葡萄园里玩耍的快乐回忆,葡萄园的美景、葡萄酒的香气在他的脑海烙下深深的印迹,也激励了他长大后成立了慕瑞斯庄园葡萄酒品牌,继续发扬家族精神,将他对葡萄酒的热爱用酿制美酒表达出来。Andrew Seppelt 总是会说“Wine is i
8、n my blood”(葡萄酒早已融入我的血液)。由于他们对葡萄酒的严谨坚持,连James Halliday 也对慕瑞斯庄园葡萄酒赞不绝口,评价其为五星级酒庄,在国际比赛中也频频获奖,MSV 在英国、美国、加拿大等国也广受欢迎。,Andrew Seppelt has moved with a degree of caution in setting up Murray Street Vineyard,possibly because of inherited wisdom and the business acumen of partner Bill Jahnke,a successful i
9、nvestment banker with Wells Fargo.Andrew is a direct descendant of Benno and Sophia Seppelt,who built Seppeltsfield and set the family company on its path to fame.The partnership has two vineyards,one block at Gomersal,the other at Greenock,with the lions share going to shiraz,followed by grenache,m
10、ourvedre,viognier,marsanne,semillon and zinfandel.Most of the grapes are sold,with an increasing amount retained for the Murray Street Vineyard brand.Unusually good point of sale/propaganda material.Exports to the UK,the US,Canada,Denmark,Laos,Macau,Malaysia,Singapore and Hong Kong.,MSV Gomersal 葡萄园
11、 MSV Gomersal Vineyard,主要种植设拉子,维欧尼,玛莎尼,仙粉黛和普米蒂沃葡萄品种。,For Shiraz,Viognier,Marsanne,Zinfandel and Primitivo varieties.,主要种植设拉子,玛塔洛,歌海娜,赛美蓉和杜瑞夫葡萄品种。,MSV Greenock 葡萄园 MSV Greenock Vineyard,For Shiraz,Mataro,Grenache,Semillon and Durif varieties.,慕瑞斯庄园外景 MSV Location,慕瑞斯品酒室 MSV Tasting Room,MSV美酒展示MSV Fi
12、ne Wines,Benno&Sophia宾诺&索菲亚,永远是一对伴侣,永远不能分开来谈的整体!,MSV美酒:宾诺 MSV Fine Wines:Benno,2007年宾诺产区:巴罗萨谷 葡萄品种:56%Shiraz 设拉子,44%Mataro 玛塔洛酒精度:15.0%陈酿情况:法国/美国的全新/半新橡木桶陈酿22个月酿酒师评语:“Benno Seppelt 是我伟大的曾祖父,他是一个具有超凡远见卓识的人,他是在巴罗萨谷的西岭上种植葡萄和酿造葡萄酒的先驱。这款设拉子与玛塔洛混酿的葡萄酒拥有巴罗萨谷产区古老酿酒风格,也是用我曾祖父最爱的风格酿造而成,其酒体饱满,醇厚,浓郁,透着异国香料的芳香,令
13、人回味悠长。”,2007 BENNO Region:Barossa Valley Varietal Composition:56%Shiraz 44%MataroAlcohol:15.0%Aging:22 months in new and old French and American oakWINEMAKERS COMMENTS:Benno Seppelt was my great,great grandfather,a man of exceptional foresight and a pioneer of grape growing and winemaking on the Wes
14、tern Ridge of the Barossa Valley.This Shiraz Mataro blend is made in a style that Andrew believes Benno would have liked,full bodied,rich and robust with more than a hint of exotic spice and a lingering finish.Benno is produced in years that show the character of the old Barossa grape growers and wi
15、nemakers.Blending Mataro and Shiraz,two of the stalwarts of the region,provides the richness and robustness necessary to help me honour the origins of this wonderful wine region.A brooding powerful palate,with rich concentration of fruit-the resulting wine tells the story of Benno beautifully.,宾诺获奖荣
16、誉 MSV Benno Awards,“金奖”:2010年品醇客世界葡萄酒大奖2006 BENNO Decanter World Wine Awards 2010 GOLD“96分”葡萄酒:2011年James Halliday葡萄酒年鉴2006 BENNO James Halliday Wine Companion 2011 96 pts“94分“葡萄酒:2010年Penguin 澳洲优质酒指南2006 BENNO The Penguin Good Australian Wine Guide 2010 94pts“93+分”葡萄酒:2009年澳洲Winefront 杂志2006 BENNO
17、Australia Winefront Magazine 2009 93+pts“四颗星葡萄酒”:澳洲Winestate杂志“2009年最好的葡萄酒”2006 BENNO Winestate Magazine Best Wines of 2009 4 Stars,2006年宾诺,在法国的工作经历让酿酒师Andrew非常热衷于设拉子和玛塔洛混酿葡萄酒,当深色的沉静的玛塔洛葡萄遇上设拉子时,能酿制出与众不同的刚劲型美酒。Andrew became a big fan of blending Mataro in with Shiraz while working in France.Mataro i
18、s a dark and brooding varietal and when blended with Shiraz produces a distinctively masculine element to the wine.,MSV美酒:索菲亚 MSV Fine Wines:Sophia,2007年索菲亚产区:巴罗萨谷 葡萄品种:Shiraz 设拉子酒精度:15.0%陈酿情况:法国/美国的全新/半新橡木桶陈酿22个月酿酒师评语:“Sophia Seppelt 是我的曾祖母,她默默的奉献,看似毫不起眼却满含力量,对Seppelt 家族葡萄酒产业的成功产生了深远的影响。我觉得这款酒将是MSV
19、庄园的经典代表。这款设拉子混酿是用我曾祖母最爱的风格酿造而成的,其酒体饱满、醇厚、口感带有柔和的水果味,有着幽长而迷人的回味。尽情品尝吧,我相信你一定会喜欢!”,2007 Sophia Region:Barossa Valley Varietal Composition:Shiraz Alcohol:15.0%Aging:22 months in new and old French and American oakWINEMAKERS COMMENTS:Sophia Seppelt was my great,great grandmother,a woman of enormous infl
20、uence that was the unsung strength behind the success of the Seppelt family wine enterprise in the early 1900s.This Shiraz blend is a style that Andrew believes Sophia would have liked,rich and full bodied with gentle fruit character on the palate and an alluring finish.I think this one will go down
21、 as a classic.Amazingly deep and soft Shiraz with Sophias trademark perfume appears in this wine in abundance.Taste it,I promise you will love it.,索菲亚获奖荣誉 MSV Sophia Awards,“金奖”:2010年品醇客世界葡萄酒大奖2006 SOPHIA Decanter World Wine Awards 2010 GOLD“94分”葡萄酒:2011年James Halliday葡萄酒年鉴2006 SOPHIA James Halliday
22、 Wine Companion 2011 94 pts“93分“葡萄酒:2010年Penguin 澳洲优质酒指南2006 SOPHIA The Penguin Good Australian Wine Guide 2010 93pts“93+分”葡萄酒:2009年澳洲Winefront 杂志2006 SOPHIA Australia Winefront Magazine 2009 93+pts“三颗星葡萄酒”:澳洲Winestate杂志“2009年最好的葡萄酒”2006 SOPHIA Winestate Magazine Best Wines of 2009 3 Stars,2006年索菲亚,
23、Sophia 是一款更富有女性之美的葡萄酒,微微散发着香水味。设拉子添加少许挤压后的维欧尼果皮进行发酵,酿制出这款诱人风格的葡萄酒。酿酒师Andrew 坚信这款酒跟他伟大的曾祖母性格一样:个性独特、意志坚定、柔中带刚。A more feminine style of wine,one with a little perfume.Fermenting Shiraz with pressed Viognier skins produces this desired style and one that Andrew believes fits the personality and strong will of his great great grandmother Sophia.,开启MSV美酒,开始心与心的交流A glass of MSV wine isnt simply a statement about fine wine,it is the beginning of a conversation.,