1、1,Introduction to Computer Systems,2,Outline,Teaching staffsTextbook and GradingMotivationSuggested readingPreface 1720(2029 optional),3,Instructor,臧斌宇Email:Make an appointment,4,Teaching Assistants,陈榕杨克峤、郝志军、袁立威、王肇国,5,Text Book,Randy Bryant and David OHallaron,Computer Systems:A Programmers Perspec
2、tivePrentice Hall,August 12,2002.Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie,The C Programming Language,Second EditionPrentice Hall,1988,6,Grading,Exams(60%)Mid term(15%each)Final(30%)All exams are open books/open notes.Labs(35%)4 labs(25%),(4-12%each)On line exam for lab 2(10%)Home work(5%),7,Layers of Comp
3、uter Systems,Why study computer systems?,Lots of systems companiesMicrosoft,Google,IBM,EMC,CISCO,VMwareWhats Googles core?Google Cluster,GFS,MapReduce,BigTableGood systems knowledge is a necessity to get you a good offers/promotions at such companies and top universities,9,Background,Architecture in
4、structors complain students hate the courseGood material,dedicated teachers,but students hate itDont see how it will affect there lives as programmersOS instructors complain about lack of preparationStudents dont know machine-level programming well enoughWhat does it mean to store the processor stat
5、e on the run-time stack?,10,Background,Programming Lies at the Heart of Most Modern SystemsComputer systemsEmbedded devices:cell phones,automobile controls,Electronics:DSPs,programmable controllersProgrammers Have to Understand Their Machines and Their LimitationsCorrectness:computer arithmetic,stor
6、age allocationEfficiency:memory&CPU performance,11,Background,Knowing How to Build Systems Is Not the Way to Learn How to Program ThemIts wasteful to teach every computer scientist how to design a microprocessorKnowledge of how to build does not transfer to knowledge of how to use,12,Birth of ICS,Ne
7、w Idea from CMU:Introduce them to computer systems from a programmers perspective rather than from a system designers perspectiveTopic Filter:What parts of a computer system affect the correctness,performance,and utility of my C programs?New Course Birth:Introduction to Computer Systems,13,Where are
8、 we?,From abstractions to details(realities)From application level to system levelFrom Java to C,14,Features of this course,Enduring ConceptsFrom programmers perspectiveActively studyBecoming the rare“power programmer”,15,Enduring concepts,Computer systems consist hardware and systems software that
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