1、Chinese-English Translation,Unit 2 Syntax,Lecturer:Qiaonan Deng,2.1 Prepositional Phrase2.1.1 化为从句,E.g.1 未经审批机关批准,合同中不得含有限制受方利用引进技术生产的产品出口的条款。E.g.2 技术服务合同是指供方利用其技术为受方提供服务或咨询以达到特定目标的合同。,E.g.1 未经审批机关批准,合同中不得含有限制受方利用引进技术生产的产品出口的条款。,No provisions of restrictions on exportation of products manufactured b
2、y the recipient with the imported technology may be included in the contract without the approval of the competent authority.,Unless approval has been obtained from the examining and approving organ,a contract shall not include provisions restricting the recipient from using the imported technology
3、to manufacture products for export.,E.g.2 技术服务合同是指供方利用其技术为受方提供服务或咨询以达到特定目标的合同。,Contracts for technical services refer to those for providing services or consultations to the recipient by the supplier with his technology for achieving a specific goal.,This type of contract(a technical service contrac
4、t)refers to a contract whereby the supplier uses certain technology to provide service or consultancy to the recipient in order to achieve a specific target.,2.1.2 后置转前置,E.g.3 要使大多数国有大中型亏损企业摆脱困境。E.g.4 此类投资应按照国家有关外商投资企业的法律和规定办理。,E.g.3 要使大多数国有大中型亏损企业摆脱困境。,We should have extricated most of the large an
5、d medium-sized State-owned enterprises operating at a loss from their predicament.,We should have extricated most unprofitable large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises from their predicament.,E.g.4 此类投资应按照国家有关外商投资企业的法律和规定办理。,This will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and regu
6、lations of the State for foreign investment enterprises.,It shall be handled in accordance with State laws and regulations on foreign investment enterprises.,2.1.3 改用具体词修饰远处词汇,E.g.5 垃圾接受单位应按照环境保护行政主管部门有关危险废物管理规定,将船舶垃圾运往指定的处理场所进行处置。E.g.6 对在两年内出现三次违规行为的企业,暂停其6个月单项商品或单项业务的对外贸易经营许可证。,E.g.5 垃圾接受单位应按照环境保护
7、行政主管部门有关危险废物管理规定,将船舶垃圾运往指定的处理场所进行处置。,A garbage collecting unit shall send the vessel garbage to the designated place for treatment in accordance with the stipulations on the management of hazardous substances by the competent department of environmental protection.,A garbage collecting unit shall se
8、nd the vessel garbage to the designated place for treatment in accordance with the stipulations on the management of hazardous substances as formulated by the competent department of environmental protection.,E.g.6 对在两年内出现三次违规行为的企业,暂停其6个月单项商品或单项业务的对外贸易经营许可证。,A six-month suspension of the foreign tra
9、de license for one single commodity or one single business item for three violations in two years.,A six-month suspension of the foreign trade license for one single commodity or one single business item imposed on three violations in two years.,2.2 Adverbial 2.2.1 modification disorder2.2.1.1 缩短修饰距
10、离,E.g.7 对供方提供或者传授的专有技术和有关技术资料,受方应当按照合同约定的范围和期限承担保密义务。E.g.8 它运用历史唯物主义揭示了人类社会发展的规律。,E.g.7 对供方提供或者传授的专有技术和有关技术资料,受方应当按照合同约定的范围和期限承担保密义务。,The recipient shall undertake the obligations to keep confidential for know-how and relevant information provided or imparted by the supplier in accordance with limit
11、s and duration as agreed in the contract.,A recipient shall undertake the obligation to keep confidential,in accordance with the scope and duration agreed on in the contract,the proprietary technology and related technical information provided or imparted by the supplier.,E.g.8 它运用历史唯物主义揭示了人类社会发展的规律
12、。,It has uncovered the law governing the development of human society by using historical materialism.,Using historical materialism,it has uncovered the laws governing the development of human society., 是否修饰两个对象,E.g.9加强依法治税,强化税收征管,严厉打击偷税漏税。We should levy taxes according to law,tighten tax col
13、lection and management,and severely fight tax evasion and tax fraud., 限制性或非限制性状语,E.g.10 对港区内非法悬挂中华人民共和国国旗航行的外国船舶处以500元的罚款。E.g.11 对非法出借船员证件的处以100元至300元的罚款。,E.g.10 对港区内非法悬挂中华人民共和国过期航行的外国船舶处以500元的罚款。,Within the port zone a foreign vessel illegally flying the flag of PRC is subject to a fine of 5
14、00 yuan.,A foreign vessel flying the flag of PRC,which is illegal,is subject to a fine of 500 yuan.,E.g.11 对非法出借船员证件的处以100元至300元的罚款。,A crew member who illegally lends his seafarer certificates to others is subject to a fine from 100 to 300 yuan.,A crew member who lends his seafarer certificates to o
15、thers,which is illegal,is subject to a fine from 100 to 300 yuan.,2.2.2 多状语,E.g.12 民族地区在国家的扶持和其他地区的支援下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快,各项事业全面发展。E.g.13 在受方承担保密义务期限内,由于非受方原因技术被公开,受方承担的保密义务即行终止。,E.g.12 民族地区在国家的扶持和其他地区的支援下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快,各项事业全面发展。,Assisted by the State and aided by other regions,ethnic minority area
16、s,by their own efforts,accelerated their economy development and achieved an all-round development.,Assisted by the State and supported by other regions,ethnic minority areas witnessed an acceleration in economic growth and an all-round development in various undertakings through heir own efforts an
17、d hard work.,E.g.13 在受方承担保密义务期限内,由于非受方原因技术被公开,受方承担的保密义务即行终止。,Within the duration in which the recipient undertakes the obligation to keep confidential,if the technology is publicized not owing to the recipient,obligations to keep confidential undertaken by the recipient shall be immediately terminat
18、ed.,If,during the period that the recipient is obliged to maintain confidentiality,details of the technology are made public through no connection with the recipient,the obligation of the recipient to maintain confidentiality shall be terminated immediately.,2.3 attributive 2.3.1 modification2.3.1.1
19、 nomination,1950s the Korean War1960s the Vietnam War贸易公司A trade company vs A trading company陆家嘴金融贸易区the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zonethe Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone, pre-or post-modifier,E.g.13 省、自治区、直辖市、沿海开放城市、经济特区和计划单列省辖市E.g.14 上海将建成国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心,E.g.13 省、自治区、直辖市、沿海开放城市、经济特区和计划单列
20、省辖市,provinces,autonomous regions,municipalities directly under jurisdiction of the central government,coastal open cities,special economic zones and cities under provinces with separate economic plans.,provinces,autonomous regions,directly administered municipalities,open port cities,special economi
21、c zones and provincially administered cities which are authorized to formulate their own independent plans,E.g.14 上海将建成国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心,Shanghai will turn into an international economic,financial,trade and shipping center.,Shanghai will turn into an international center of economy,finance,trade and s
22、hipping., Length of pre-modifier,the College of Education BuildingThe Department of Foreign Languages BuildingThe Department of Foreign Languages and Literature Building, overuse of nouns,E.g.15 上海组合港管理委员会E.g.16 技术引进合同批准证书,E.g.15 上海组合港管理委员会,Shanghai combination port administration Comm
23、itteeThe Administrative Committee of the Shanghai combination PortThe Shanghai Combined Port Administration,E.g.16 技术引进合同批准证书,Technology Import Contract Approval CertificateApproval certificate for a Technology Import contract,2.3.2 long attributive balance modifiers,E.g.17 我国进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交
24、活动。E.g.18 合同自批准之日起生效,由审批机关颁发经贸部统一制刷和编号的技术引入合同批准证书。,E.g.17 我国进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动。,China has done fruitful bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities.,China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both bilateral and multilateral contexts.,E.g.18 合同自批准之日起生效,由审批机关颁发经贸部统一制刷和编号的技术引入合同批准证书。,The
25、 contract shall come into force on the date of approval and the competent authority shall issue a unified Approval Certificate for a Technology Import Contract printed and numbered by Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade.,A contract shall be valid from the date of its approval and the ex
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