1、Cultural issues in C-E translatoin,-Strategies and methods(1),Experience in culture,1.Please give some examples of culture.2.Please give some examples of cultural translation.,Culture and its composition,Edward B.Tylor:Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge,belief,art,morals,law,cust
2、om,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.(Tylor 1924 orig.1871:1)Edward B.Tylor.1924.orig.1871 Primitive Culture.2 vols.7th ed.New York:Brentanos.,Peter Newmark,The way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to one speech community.Newmark P.2001.A Te
3、xtbook of Translation.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.,美国著名翻译理论家尤金奈达将语言文化特性分五类:,1.Ecology生态学,2 Material Culture物质文化,3 Social Culture社会文化,4 Religious Culture宗教文化,5 Linguistic Culture语言文化。,文化三层次,文化包括三个层次的内容:(1)物质文化,如建筑物、服饰、食品、工具等;(2)制度习俗文化,包括制度、法规,以及相应的设施和风俗习惯等;(3)精神文化,包括价值观念、思维方式、宗
4、教信仰等,也包括哲学、科学、文学艺术方面的成就和产品。,The importance of the role of culture in translation,To be bilingual,one has to be bicultural.For truly successful translating,biculturalism is even more important than bilingualim.对于成功的翻译来说,双文化水平比双语言水平更重要。(Nida,2001:82),It is not surprising that the most serious mistakes
5、 in translation are made because of ignorance about the views and values of other culture.翻译中大部分重要的错误是由于对其他文化的观点和价值的无知造成的。(Nida,2001:286)Nida.E.A.2001 Language and Culture:Context in Translating.上外出版社/外教社,在处理文化因素中的两种策略,1.异化(foreignization;alienation):以源语文化为中心,以源作者为中心,注意点在于将源语文化传递给译语读者,以促进文化的交流。缺点:增加
6、译语读者理解的难度,阅读的速度、节奏也会受到影响。,2.归化(domesticatioin;adaptation):以译入语文化为中心,以读者为中心,将源语文化经过整理,然后以译入语中较为现成的、熟悉的、易于接受的形式出现。缺点:丧失了源语的异国特色。,Schleiermacher,Schleiermacher(2006/1813)puts forth two methods for translators:Either the translator leaves the author in peace,as much as possible,and moves the reader towa
7、rd him,or he leaves the reader in peace,as much as possible,and moves the author toward him.Of which he favors the former.,Venuti:,In this vein,the deconstructionist Venuti differentiates two strategies in translation:domesticating and foreignizing.He strongly advocates the resistant foreignizing me
8、thod and rejects the transparent domestication in opposition to the Anglo-American hegemonic cultural stand,异化/归化;直译/意译,迦因小传(Joan Haste)在十九世纪初最先由蟠溪子译出。其中有一段迦因未婚先孕的情节,因为有违中国传统伦理,被略去,因此这部译作,以及主人公受到读者的广泛欢迎。几年后,林纾将这部小说全译出来,则主人公被斥为:“淫贱卑鄙,不知廉耻”,“情界之蟊贼”。前一策略便是归化,后一策略便是异化。异化/归化是宏观层次的策略;直译/意译是微观语言层次的技巧。,王夫人因
9、说道:“你舅舅今日斋戒去了,再见罢。”,Your uncle is in retreat today,said Lady Wang.Hell see you another time.(Hawkes)Retreat:retirement for a time for relegious meditation(Chambers),“Your uncles observing a fast today,”,said Lady Wang.”your will see him some other time.”(the Yangs)Fast:a period during which someone
10、does not eat eat or fish for religious reason,巧妇难为无米之炊。,1.Even the cleverest housewife cannot make a meal without rice.(The Yangs)2.Even the cleverest housewife cannot make bread without flour.(Hawkes)3.One cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear,盛宴必散。,Even the best party must have an end.(Hawkes
11、)Even the grandest feast must have an end.(The Yangs),谋事在人,成事在天。,Man proposes,god disposes.(Hawkes)Man proposes,heaven disposes.(the Yangs),如何评价归化、异化,不能简单的说归化比异化好,或异化比归化好,因为面对不同的读者要求、不同的文化态势,出版商不同的要求,译者需要考虑到很多因素。因此,很多情况下,是将二者综合使用。,处理文化因素的一般策略,一般而言,处理文化因素的策略是:文化存真(transmit the authentic culture to th
12、e target readership),特别是在物质文化层面和制度文化层面。,文化存真的翻译技巧,音译(transliteration);直译(literal translation);音译/直译+解释(explanation);增释(amplification);脚注(footnote)。,音译:,人名、地名以及一些表示新概念 而本族语里又找不到对成词来表示时,均可采用音译法介绍到译文语言中去,如:汉译英 磕头(kowtow),荔枝(litchi);功夫kongfu如霍克斯译红楼梦“饺子”译为jiaozi,“炕”译为the kang;阴阳yin;yang;英译汉engine(引擎),mot
13、or(马达),sofa(沙发),logic(逻辑),直译,纸老虎paper tiger,丢脸lose face,百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing.眼不见,心不烦out of sight,Outof mind.,红楼梦的一些例子,“黄酒”译为yellow rice-wine,“果子”译为fried pastry-shapes,或sweets,抑或cakes,nuts and dried fruits,“银丝挂面”译为silver thread vermicelli贵妃:imperial concubine,音译/直译+增释:,chocolate 巧克力糖,opium鸦片烟,g
14、olf高尔夫球,rifle来福枪,nylon尼龙布龙Long,the Chinese totem元宵Yuanxiao,sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour清明节Clear and Bright Festival,a time when Chinese renew their late ancestors tombs to mourn them,脚注(footnote),Bright red costumes,with hats,shoes and stockings to match,are to be all the craze in th
15、e Spring.Smart women will have to be careful not yawn in the streets in case some shortsighted person is on his way to post a letter.,鲜红的衣服,再配上鲜红的帽子和鞋袜,是春日的流行装束。不过时髦女郎们可得小心一点,别在街头打哈欠,要是碰上近视眼准备寄信就大事不妙了。注:在英国,邮筒为红色。,霍克斯对“红”的处理,在红楼梦霍克斯译本中,怡红公子被翻译成了“green boy”,怡红院,也被翻译成了“the House of Green Delight(怡绿院)”
16、,增释(amplification),红楼梦第3回林黛玉初见贾母,一家人设宴同庆,“熙凤拉了黛玉在(贾母)左边第一张椅子上坐了,黛玉十分推让。”Xi-feng tried to seat Dai-yu in the left nearer to her grandmother an honour which she strenuously resisted.,第21回写王熙凤的女儿病了,大夫看后说,“替夫人奶奶道喜,姐儿发热是见喜了”,后面“凤姐听了,登时忙将起来:一面打扫房屋供奉痘疹娘娘,一面传与家人忌煎炒等物,一面命平儿打点铺盖衣服与贾琏隔房”。,霍克斯的翻译,第一句增释译为the doc
17、tors diagnosis was couched in the strange language which custom decrees in such casesI am happy to inform them that the little girls sickness is smallpox,第二句增释,A room had to be swept out and prepared for the worship of the Smallpox Goddess.Orders had to be given to the servants to avoid the use of a
18、ll fried and sauteed cookery.Patience had to be told to move Jia Lians clothes and bedding to a room outside-for sexual abstinence,too,was enjoined on the parents of the sufferer.,心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。(红楼梦)译文1:She had more chambers in her heart than the martyred Bi Gan;And suffered a tithe more pain in i
19、t than the beautiful Xi Shi.(Tr.David Hawkes),译文2:She looked more sensitive than Pikan,more delicate than Hsi Shih.1.Pikan:A prince noted for his great intelligence in the end of Shang Dynasty.2.Hsi Shih:A famous beauty of the ancient kingdom of Yueh.(Tr.The Yangs),王佐良,“翻译者必须是一个真正意义的文化人。人们全说:他必须掌握两种
21、iaoLi”,Granny Wang smiled,“when can I eat your wedding canddy?”“I dont know”,she blushed with shyness.,Here he crossed his finger.说到这里,他交叉起手指,祝我好运。He is a Hercules.他象海格里斯一样力大无穷。,三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。Three cobblers combined makes Zhugeliang the master mind.,(凤姐:)“这通身的气派竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿,竟是嫡亲的孙女儿似的。”(红楼梦),译文I:And
22、everything about her so distingue!She doesnt take after your side of the family,Grannie,shes more like a Jia.(Tr.David Hawkes)译文II:Her whole air is so distinguished!She doesnt take after her father,son-in-law of our Old Ancestress,but more like a Jia.(Tr.Yang Xianyi&Gladys Yang),文化翻译中的补偿,胡太太叹了口气;看见胡
23、国光还是一肚子心事似的踱方步。“张铁嘴怎么说的?”胡太太惴惴地问。很好。不用瞎担心事了。我还有委员的福份!”“么事的桂圆?”“是委员!从前行的是大人老爷,现在行委员了!你还不明白?”(茅盾动摇),Madame Hu gave a sigh and watched her husband anxiously pacing about as before.“What did Chang Tieh-tsui say?”she asked timidly.“He gave me very good news.We need not look for trouble.I have the possibi
24、lity of being a member of a member of a Committee!”“Whats a common tea?”asked the wife,who only vaguely caught the sound.”“A committee!Lords and esquires are out of date,and the prevailing nomination is to a Committee.Dont you still understand?”,用“common tea”与“committee”的发音相似来模仿原文中“桂圆”与“委员”的谐音,可谓巧译,
25、两种语言能有音形意俱似的表达方式只是偶然,可遇而不可求。,节日的高潮是除夕,在旧年与新年交替之时,家庭全体成员要聚在一起吃年饭,菜中有道菜是鱼,而且有人讲就不能把它吃完,图个“年年有余”的吉利。,The festival reaches its climax on the lunar New Years Eve,when the past lunar year gives way to the new one.All the family members are together to have this yearly sumptuous supper on the Eve.Among the
26、 dishes,one fish course should be served.However,the fish must no t be eaten up,as some people would emphasize,for the sake of“nian nian you yu”.Note:In Chinese,“nian nian”means every year,“youyu”means“having fish”and“having surplus”.The phrase indicates an auspicious future.,石克,湖南人,年五十,官至县常委。造反起家,性
27、刁钻,厌读书报。或问蒋祝英、罗健夫何人,则答:“一为女中豪杰,一为异国伟男也。”闻者莫不喷饭。,Shike,Hunanese,50,currently a member of the Party Standing Committee of a certain county.He wormed his way to this position by making rebellion.He was cunning by nature,hating books and newspapers of all kinds.Once asked about Jiang Zhuying and Luo Jia
28、nfu,he answered,“Oh,one is a woman heroand the other a great man abroad.”All those who heard the explanation split their sides with laughter.,Note:,During the“Cultural Revolution”,it was the fashion to“make rebellions”against the“capitalist roaders”(Party leaders at different levels).A few did so wi
29、th private axes to grind.Both Jiang Zhuying and Luo Jianfu were male advanced workers just departed.“Zhuying”sounds very feminine in Chinese while“Jianfu”sounds somewhat exotic.,端 午 节,农历五月初五是民间另一个重要传统节日-端午节。过去,在节日里要划龙舟是为了祭祀河神,是一种宗教活动,现在则纯粹是一种娱乐活动。在这个节日里,人们也要纪念战国时期楚国伟大的爱国诗人屈原。节日的这一天,人们吃粽子(用糯米做成的形状象金字
30、塔的米团),在江湖之中举行龙舟竞赛。,Dragon Boat Festival,The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is another important folk festival-the Dragon Boat Festival.Dragon boat races held on the occasion originated as a religious practice to offer sacrifices to the river god,but now are purely recreational.The death of Qu Yu
31、an,a great patriotic poet of the Chu State during the Warring States Period,is also commemorated on the festival.On that day,people hold dragon-boat races on the lakes and rivers,and eat zongzi(pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice).,参考书目,Edward B.Tylor.1924.orig.1871 Primitive Culture.2 v
32、ols.7th ed.New York:Brentanos.Newmark P.2001.A Textbook of Translation.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Nida,E.A.2001.Language and Culture:Context in Translating.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Schleiermacher,F.2006.On the Different Translation Methods.In D.Robin
33、son(ed.).Western Translation History:From Herodotus to Nietzsche.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.225-238.Venuti,L.1995.The Translators Invisibility:A History of Translation.London&New York:Routledge.Hawkes,D.1973,1977,1980.The Story of The Stone.England:Penguin Books.Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang.1994.A Dream of Red Mansions.Beijing:Foreign Language Press.钱歌川.1980.翻译的技巧.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司谭载喜.2000.翻译学.武汉:湖北教育出版社邢福义.2000.文化语言学.武汉:湖北教育出版社 王佐良.1989.翻译:思考与试笔.北京:外语教学与研究出版社.,