1、第三章 教学设计和大纲,第一节 总体设计和大纲制定第二节 汉语水平标准与等级大纲第三节 教学类型和教学模式第四节 课程设置,Common characteristics of a syllabus,A syllabus is a document which consists,essentially,of a list.This list specifies all the things that are to be taught in the courses for which the syllabus was designed:it is therefore comprehensive.T
2、he actual components of the list may be either content items(words,structures,topics),or process ones(tasks,methods).The former is the more common.The items are ordered,usually having components that are considered easier or more essential earlier,and more difficult and less important ones later.Thi
3、s ordering may be fairly detailed and rigid,or general and flexible.The syllabus generally has explicit objectives,usually declared at the beginning of the document,on the basis of which the components of the list are selected and ordered.,Another characteristic of the syllabus is that it is a publi
4、c document.Underlying this characteristic is the principle of accountability:the composers of the syllabus are answerable(应负责的)to their target audience for the quality of their document.There are other,optional,features,displayed by some syllabuses and not others.A time schedule is one:some syllabus
5、es delimit the time framework of their components,prescribing,for example,the class should have completed this much by the end of the year.A particular preferred approach or methodology to be used may also be defined,even in a syllabus that is essentially content-based.It may list recommended materi
6、als-coursebooks,visual materials or supplementary materials either in general,or where relevant to certain items or sections.,第一节 总体设计和大纲制定,一、相关概念1、教学设计:涉及教和学全部内容,包含了大纲制定、教学类型划分、教学模式的确认、课程设置。2、课程设计:只与课程相关。第二语言教学中,“课程”包含了所有教学内容,所以“课程设计”实际上等于“教学设计”。3、课程设置:针对课程的计划和安排,属于“课程设计”的一部分。4、大纲制定:集中在语言教学内容的选择和分级
10、,第二节 汉语水平标准与等级大纲,一、汉语水平等级标准1、性质是规定统一的教学要求、统一的教学等级和统一的教学水平。2、基本框架结构是三等五级:初等(一级、二级)、中等(三级)、高等(四级、五级)。3、主要内容:1)话题内容,如日常生活、学习、社交、工作、新闻、职业活动等,分为“最基本(一级)、基本(二级)、一般性(三级)、较高(四级、五级)”等层次。,2)语言范围,如语音、汉字、词汇、语法项目等,并分别进行量化要求。一级要求甲级词1033个,甲级汉字800个,甲级语法129项。二级要求甲乙两级词3051个,甲乙两级汉字1604个,甲乙两级语法252项。三级要求甲乙丙三级词5253个,甲乙丙三
13、游和最起码生活需要),3000词(语料覆盖率86%),5000词(语料覆盖率91%),8000词(语料覆盖率95%)。经专家群体性干预分甲级1033词,乙级2018词,丙级2202词,丁级3569词。,3、汉字分级四个界标:800,800,600,700,共2900字,累计达98%以上。经过调整分甲级800个,乙级804个,丙级601个,丁级700个,共2905个。汉字效用递减率:最高频的1000字的覆盖率大约是90%,以后每增加1400字,大约提高覆盖率十分之一。(苏培成汉字学纲要,北京大学出版社,1994年,34页),四、中国汉语水平考试大纲,分为基础、初中等、高等三种。基础分 C、B、A
14、三级。A级最高,相当于HSK初等C级,可作为进入中国高等院校理工农西医类本科学习所达到的汉语水平证明。初中等考试,初等C(3)、B(4)、A(5)级,中等C(6)、B(7)、A(8)级,6级是进入中国文史中医类本科学习的最低汉语能力标准。高等分C(9)、B(10)、A(11)级,9级是研究生学习和从事以汉语为交际工具的一般性工作的最低汉语能力标准。,Types of syllabuses,1.GrammaticalA list of grammatical structures,such as the present tense,comparison of adjectives,relativ
15、e clauses,usually divided into sections graded according to difficulty and/or importance.2.LexicalA list of lexical items(girl,boy,go away)with associated collocations and idioms,usually divided into graded sections.One such syllabus,based on a corpus(a computerized collection of samples of authenti
16、c language)is described in Willis,1990.3.Grammatical-lexicalA very common kind of syllabus:both structures and lexis are specified:either together,in sections that correspond to the units of a course,or in two separate lists.,4.SituationalThese syllabuses take the real-life contexts of a language us
17、es as their basis:sections would be headed by names of situations or locations such as Eating a meal or In the street.5.Topic-basedThis is rather like the situational syllabus,except that the headings are broadly topic-based,including things like Food or The family;these usually indicate a fairly cl
18、ear set of vocabulary items,which may be specified.6.Notional Notions are concepts that language can express.General notions may include number,for example,or time,place,colour;specific notions look more like vocabulary items:man,woman,afternoon.For an introduction to the topic of notional syllabuse
19、s see Wilkins,1976.,7.Functional-notionalFunctions are things you can do with language,as distinct from,notions you can express:examples are identifying,denying,promising.Purely functional syllabuses are rare:usually both functions and notions are combined,as for example in Van Ek,1990.8.Mixed or mu
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- 对外汉语 教学 通论 34
