1、宏观经济学,教 材,美 N格里高利曼昆(N.Gregory Mankiw)宏观经济学,第4版;美 萨缪尔森:经济学,第17版,第二篇:长期中的收入、失业以及通货膨胀,第三章 国民收入:从那里来和到那里去,我曾听说过,巨额收入是幸福的诀窍-简奥斯丁,货币在经济中的循环流量,一、什么因素决定物品与劳务的总生产,1.生产要素2.生产函数Y=F(K,L)规模收益不变3.物品与劳务的供给,二、国民收入如何分配给生产要素,1.要素价格支付给生产要素的报酬量2.竞争性企业所面临的决策利润=收益-劳动成本-资本成本=PY-WL-RK=PF(K,L)-WL-RK3.企业的要素需求劳动的边际产量(MPL)-边际产
2、量递减从劳动的边际产量到劳动需求-实际工资资本的边际产量(MPK)和资本需求-资本的实际租赁价格,4.国民收入的划分,向劳动支付的实际工资总额是MPLL向资本所有者支付的实际收益总量是MPK K企业支付了生产要素报酬之后留下来的收入是企业所有者的经济利润经济利润=Y-(MPL L)-(MPK K)Y=(MPL L)+(MPK K)+经济利润会计利润=经济利润+(MPK K),三、什么因素决定物品与劳务需求,Y=C+I+G1消费消费函数边际消费倾向(MPC)2.投资名义利率与实际利率3.政府购买平衡预算/预算赤字/预算盈余,四、什么因素使物品与劳务的供求均衡,1.物品与劳务市场的均衡:经济产出的
3、供求Y=C(Y-T)+I(r)+G Y=C(Y-T)+I(r)+G2.金融市场均衡:可贷资金的供求(Y-T-C)+(T-G)=I,私人储蓄,公共储蓄,国民收入核算恒等式:Y-C(Y-T)-G=I(r)因为,G和T是由政策固定的,而Y是由生产要素和生产函数固定的:Y-C(Y-T)-G=I(r)S=I(r),投资I(r),储蓄,实际利率r,投资、储蓄,均衡利率,3.储蓄的变动:财政政策的影响,政府购买的增加,投资、储蓄,I(r),实际利率,储蓄减少,利率上升,税收的减少增加可支配收入T消费量增加 C=T*MPCS减少和C增加是等量的(S=Y-C-G)可贷资金供给左移提高均衡利率挤出投资(同政府购买
4、增加),The Financial System:Markets,Intermediaries,and the Crisis of 20082009,The model presented in this chapter represents the economys financial system with a single marketthe market for loanable funds.Those who have some income they dont want to consume immediately bring their saving to this market
5、.Those who have investment projects they want to undertake finance them by borrowing in this market.The interest rate adjusts to bring saving and investment into balance.,The actual financial system is a bit more complicated than this description.As in this model,the goal of the system is to channel
6、 resources from savers into various forms of investment.But the system includes a large variety of mechanisms to facilitate this transfer of resources.,One piece of the financial system is the set of financial markets through which households can directly provide resources for investment.Two importa
7、nt financial markets are the market for bonds and the market for stocks.A person who buys a bond from,say,Apple Corporation becomes a creditor of the company,while a person who buys newly issued stock from Apple becomes a part owner of the company.Raising investment funds by issuing bonds is called
8、debt finance(债务融资),and raising funds by issuing stock is called equity finance(权益融资).,Another piece of the financial system is the set of financial intermediaries through which households can indirectly provide resources for investment.As the term suggests,a financial intermediary stands between the
9、 two sides of the market and helps direct financial resources toward their best use.Banks are the best-known type of financial inter-mediary.They take deposits from savers and use these deposits to make loans to those who have investments to make.Other examples of financial intermediaries include mu
10、tual funds(共同基金),pension funds(养老基金),and insurance companies(保险公司).,In 2008 and 2009,the world financial system experienced a historic crisis.Many banks and other financial intermediaries had previously made loans to homeowners,called mortgages(抵押贷款),and had purchased many mortgage-backed securities
11、(financial instruments whose value derives from a pool of mort-gages).A large decline in housing prices through out the United States,however,caused many home owners to default(违约)on their mortgages,which in turn led to large losses at these financial institutions.,投资需求的变动投资需求会变化的一个原因是技术创新。假设某人发明了一项
12、新技术,在企业和家庭能够利用这项创新之前,必须购买投资品。投资需求也会由于政府通过税法对投资的鼓励或抑制而改变。假设政府增加个人所得税,并用额外的税收为那些投资于新资本的人提供减税。这种税法的改变使投资项目更有利,增加了投资品的需求,投资需求的变动在任何一种给定的利率下,投资品的需求增加了投资需求曲线向右移动。,利率提高,投资增加,S,I,I,S,r,均衡投资量不变,储蓄是利率的函数,利率是储蓄的收益,较高的利率会减少消费并提高储蓄储蓄曲线向右上方倾斜。,S(r),I,S,r,I,利率上升,均衡投资及储蓄增加,第六章 失 业,一个人想工作,而又找不到工作,这也许是阳光下财富不平等所表现出来的最
13、惨淡的景观了。-托马斯卡莱尔,一、失去工作、寻找工作以及自然失业率,劳动力、就业、失业,就业:正在从事有报酬的工作,因病、因假或因罢工而缺勤者。失业:那些未被雇用而正在主动寻找工作者或正在等待重返工作岗位的人。在最近的4周里,他做了具体努力去寻找工作从一个工作岗位被解雇并正在等待被重新雇用已找好工作,正等待下个月去报到劳动力/劳动人口:等于就业人口+失业人口失业率:失业人口占总劳动力人口的比率,劳动力、就业、失业,L Labor force劳动力E Employment 就业工人人数U Unemployment 失业工人人数L=E+UU/L 失业率,自然失业率,自然失业率是稳定状态的失业率,是
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