1、外语部符祝芹,如何准备大学英语四级写作,内容提要考题趋势 评分标准备考指南 考场策略,08作文预测,一四级写作考题趋势,.作文命题:(记叙,应用,说明,议论,图表)多种体裁并用趋势,评价考生综合写作能力:观察,分析和解决问题的思维能力,back,一四级写作考题趋势,.作文题型趋势:提纲式作文:作文标题和内容提示(三段式)每个段落有一个句子,每个段落的句子其实就中心句 考题越来越具有实用性,题目贴近学生生活,注重考实际运用能力,back,二.四级写作评分标准 切题:正确表达思想,思路清晰;连贯性:意义连贯,前后一致;语言:无重大语法错误。,作文评阅:总体评判(global scoring),ba
2、ck,切题,切题是指每个段落所写的句子都应该围绕该段所给出的中心句来写,而不是就围绕着整篇文章的中心来写就可以了一定是围绕着该段落的中心句展开的,思路清晰,不写与话题无关的东西。,四级作文评分标准之一:,My view on off-campus room renting1.很多大学生在校外租房居住.学生校外租房的主要原因.校外租房的利弊,With the peoples live standards rising rapidly,more campus students concept is open.They want to get the freedom and self control
3、.So a lot of students rent the room out of the campus.why so many students do it?.,学生作文分析例:,是否切题?,As we all know,with the development of society and economics,the campuses become more close to society.Under the condition,college schools are full of various clubs.,年作文考题:,1.本社团的主要活动内容.参加本社团的好处.如何参加本社团
4、,是否切题?,学生作文分析例2:,学生作文分析例:May I have your attention,please.Im here to introduce our club to you.The name of our club is Japanese club.If you join our club,you can have the opportunity to attend many interesting activities.In the first place,there are some classes in which you can learn Japanese.Also
5、sometimes we will call on and watch some Japanese movie together.The best of all,many people who know Japanese culture well will talk with us and tell us some funny Japanese story.,是否切题?,back,可以理解为观念、思想、言论、推理合乎逻辑;前后一致;让人易懂。,四级作文评分标准之二:,.连贯性,段落之间的“启”、“承”、“转”、“合”,句子之间的逻辑关系也要通过一些逻辑连词来完成,My view on off-
6、campus room renting,1.很多大学生在校外租房居住.学生校外租房的主要原因.校外租房的利弊,连贯性:意义连贯,前后一致;,back,1)表示开始:first of all,in the first place,at the very beginning,to begin with,currently,at present,for one thing等。2)表示承接:besides,further more,in addition,moreover,whats more,meanwhile,apart from,as well as,similarly,in the same
7、way等。,连贯性常用表达:,3)表示转折:however,whereas,while,on the contrary,in contrast,on the other hand等。4)表示结论:in conclusion,in brief,in short,to sum up,ultimately,as a result,as a consequence,overall等。5)表示原因:because(of),accordingly,due to,owing to,for this reason,since 等。,连贯性常用表达:,表达观点:in my opinion,personally,
8、from my viewpoint,it seems to me,it is clear to me that,as far as I am concerned举例说明:for example,for instance,as follows,such as,that is to say,namely,just as,in particular等。表示让步:although,in spite of,despite of,despite the fact that,regardless of等。,连贯性常用表达:,back,.语言,用词和造句是否清楚确切地表达思想,四级作文评分标准之三:,(语法、
9、拼写和词汇),home,常见语言错误:,双谓语_可数名词的单复数_冠词_拼写错误_标点_词性混淆_动词的及物和不及物_一致性时态,To,home,三备考指南,目标:一篇作文 段 句 词 词 句 段 篇章,四六级写作基本上是纲要写作,基本上省略掉了从段到篇的构思,中心句直接翻译过来,词汇:,home,词汇,词义词形写作词汇高分运用,备考指南一,词汇,The price is very expensive.We should elbow the time for our study.,语境中学单词,英文解释,近义词,记词组,搭配选词准确,表达贴切,词汇误用例子:,learn knowledge,.
10、词义(meaningusage),gain/obtain/access to/derive knowledge from;,增长知识:expand/increase/broaden/develop/enhance;传播知识:pass/impart/spread 渴求知识:hungry for/thirsty for knowledge,温馨提示秘诀:多留心,多积累,写作常用词组:,Acquire knowledge,获取/学知识:,词汇,单词的记忆:,发音:构词法:超级联想,ambition,俺必胜,minutetomato,minit mainjut,.词形(form),herohistor
11、ychocolate,toma:to tomeito,back,.写作词汇高分运用,多实少虚原则 多使用正式词汇或短语,代替非正式或随意的词汇或表达用词多样化,切忌关键词的重复使用(正反关系,同义词,上下义关系,词性转换)分词做定语短语优先,back,词汇,.写作词汇高分运用,多实少虚原则,例:.我希望我在学校能学到一些东西 I hope I can do/learn something,.说一个人很好/不错的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous,humorous,interesting,smart,gentle,warm-hearted,hospitable
12、 之类的形象词。,back,多使用正式词汇或短语,代替非正式或随意的词汇或表达,例如:good:positive,favorable,promising,perfect,pleasurable,excellent,outstanding bad:unfavorable,poor,adverse in my opinion:For my part,from my own perspective Think:Take the attitude that,hold the view that,it is widely shared/accepted/acknowledged,.写作词汇高分运用,ba
13、ck,用词多样化,切忌关键词的重复使用,如在某事的优点和缺点时,就可用 advantage and disadvantages positive and negative aspects;benefits and drawbacks,favorable and unfavorable aspects.Merit and downside Pros and cons,etc.,.写作词汇高分运用,back,I had a very nice childhood.I went to a very nice school in Scotland where the teachers were all
14、 nice to the children and the lessons were always nice.It was in a very nice part of the country and it seems to me now that the weather was always nice.I thought it was especially nice in winter when it was nice to play in the snow.Our school uniform was very nice and school dinners were always nic
15、e.I wonder if it was really as nice as I think now or if I am just becoming old?,用词多样化:,I had a very happy childhood.I went to a very pleasant school in Scotland wherethe teachers were all kind to the children and the lessons were always interesting.It was in a very beautiful part of the country and
16、 it seems to me now that the weather was always nice.I thought it was especially nice in winter when it was enjoyable to play in the snow.Our school uniform was very attractive and school dinners were always delicious.I wonder if it was really as wonderful as I think now or if I am just becoming old
17、?,back,正反义关系,diminished wildlife species due to increasing populationsPhysically active individuals have half the risk of coronary heart disease compared to their sedentary counterparts.,用词多样化,back,同义词替换,名词 保护preservation of wildlife habitatsconservation of natural habitatsprotection of ecosystemfoc
18、us on environmental protection and nature conservation,用词多样化,back,动词,protect wild birds,conserve water and preserve the environmentstrengthen economic exchanges and promote cultural communicationbalance the calories you consume with the amount of calories you expend,同义词替换,back,形容词,大多数的a large majori
19、ty of/a vast majority ofa great majority of发展中国家a developing countrya less-developed countryan disadvantaged countryan impoverished country,同义词替换,back,副词 increase/decrease dramatically/sharplyrise slightly and then drop moderately significantly,greatly,dramatically,strikingly,environmentally friendl
20、yfinancially independentculturally diversephysically damagingemotionally detrimental,同义词替换,back,上下义关系,endangered species/wild animals/pandawaste disposal programme/recycling scheme/collection system/landfill site/dustbin,词性转换,combustible material vs combustiblesSucceed vs be successful,back,分词做定语,in
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