1、,国际贸易实务(双语)(International Trade Practice In Chinese and English),制作人:郝美彦,理论电子课件,百度文库 百度文库,第一章 国际贸易术语第二章 主要贸易条件第三章 商品的价格第四章 国际货物运输第五章 国际货物运输保险第六章 国际货款的收付第七章 检验、索赔、不可抗力与仲裁第八章 合同的磋商 第九章 合同的履行 第十章 国际贸易方式,课件目录,百度文库 百度文库,第一章 国际贸易术语 International Trade terms,贸易术语及国贸易际惯例(trade terms and international custom
2、ary practices),国际贸易术语的含义及作用有关贸易术语的国际惯例,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,Case(案例):One import and export company exported his goods under the CIF term.The seller delivered the goods on board the vessel on time and prepared all necessary documents.But the vessel stranded and sank in a few hours after departure.The next
3、day,when the seller asked for payment with full set of documents in conformity with the contract,the buyer refused to accept the documents and rejected payment because his goods have been lost.Is it reasonable for the buyer to do so?Why?,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,、The definition of Trade Terms(贸易术语的定义):,FOB LO
4、NDON,The trade terms refer to using a brief English concept or abbreviation to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities,expenses and risks borne by two parties as well as the time of the passing of the property in the goods.,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,2、International customary
5、 practices(国际贸易惯例),Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 华沙牛津公约Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941美国对外贸易修订本International Rules For the Interpretation of Trade Terms国际贸易术语解释通则,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,常用的贸易术语,FOB(Free on Board,named port of shipment)船上交货(指定装运港)CFR(Cost and Freight,named port of destination)成本加运
6、费(指定目的港)CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight,named port of destination)成本加保险费、运费(指定目的港),返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,FOB,Free on Board(Named port of Shipment)指定装运港船上交货,It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver the goods when they have passed over the ships rail at the named port of shipment.This means
7、that the buyer has to bear all expenses and risks of or damage to the goods from that point.,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,CFR(Cost and Freight,named port of destination)成本加运费(指定目的港),It means that the seller shall undertake the cost and freight necessary to carry the goods to the named port of destination,but the
8、risks of,losses of,or damage to the goods,as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered on board the vessel,are transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ships rail at the port of shipment,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,CIF(Cost,Insurance
9、 and Freight,named port of destination)成本加保险费、运费(指定目的港),It means that the seller has the obligation to procure marine insurance against the risks of,losses of,or damage to the goods during the carriage.,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,Mode of transportation(运输方式),The formation of the unit price(价格构成),The place of de
10、livery/risk transfer(交货地点/风险转移点),Responsibilities,expenses and risks borne by two parties(双方责任、费用和风险的划分),返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,1.The mode of transportation(运输方式),Suitable for sea or inland waterway transport.,2.The formation of the unit price(价格构成),FOB:Cost(成本)CFR:Cost and Freight(成本和运费)CIF:Cost,Insurance
11、and Freight(成本和运费和保险费),返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,3.The place of delivery/risk transfer(交货地点和风险转移点),On the ships rail at the named port of shipment(在装运港的船舷),4.The expenses and responsibilities borne by two parties(双方费用、风险和责任的划分),返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,The seller The buyer,FOB,Deliver the goods on board the vessel交货,Con
12、tract for the carriage of the goods 租船订舱,Obtain export license获得出口许可证,Obtain import license,Cover cargo insurance 投保,Provide documents for the buyer and ask for payment 交单议付,Pay the price and take delivery of the goods,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,The seller the buyer,CFR,Contract for the carriage of the goods at
13、 his own expenses,On usual term 通常条件By the usual route 惯常航线In the proper vessel 适合的船舶,Usual freight正常运费,Additional Freight额外运费,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,The seller the buyer,CIF,Contract for the carriage of the goods,Cover cargo insurance on behalf of the buyer,Minimum insurance(F.P.A)最低险别,additional insurance
14、 premium额外保险费,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,CIF,1.The expenses and risks are separated(风险和费用分离),2.CIF term is document transaction 单据交易(Symbolic delivery)象征性交货,The seller fulfills his duty of delivering goods against the documents,The buyer shall pay the price against the documents,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,货交承运人的三个贸易术语,1)FC
15、A(Free Carrier,named place)货交承运人(指定地点)2)CIP(Carriage insurance Paid to,named place of destination)运费、保险费付至(指定目的地)。3)CPT(Carriage Paid Tonamed place of destination)运费付至(指定目的地),返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,目的地交货的各种术语,1)DAF(Delivered at Frontiernamed place)边境交货(指定地点)2)DES(Delivered Ex Shipnamed port of destination目的
16、港船上交货(指定目的港)3)DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay,named Port Of destination)目的港码头交货(指定目的港)4)DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid,named place of destination)未完税交货(指定目的地)5)DDP(Delivered Duty Paid,named place of destination)完税后交货(指定目的地),返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,第二章 主要贸易条件The Quality of Goods The Quantity of Goods Packing and Marking,返回目
17、录,百度文库 百度文库,nit1 Quality of Goods 商品的品质,表示品质的方法,(1)用文字说明表示商品的品质(Sale by Description),凭规格、等级或标准买卖(Sale by Specification,Grade or Standard)商品规格(Specification):The specification of the goods refers to certain main indicators which indicate the quality of the goods,such as composition,content,purity,siz
18、e,length,etc.,SUPER,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,商品的等级(Grade)The grade of the goods refers to the classifications of the commodity of the goods which is indicated by words,numbers or symbols.The classifications are usually decided by different qualities,weights,compositions,appearances,properties,etc.,商品的标准(Stand
19、ard)The standard refers to the specifications or grades which are stipulated and announced by the government or the chambers of commerce,etc.,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,凭牌号或商标买卖(Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark)As to the goods whose quality is stable,reputation is sound and with which the customers are quite fa
20、miliar,we may sell it by brand name or trade mark.,凭产地名称买卖(Sale by Name of Origin)It is suitable for some agricultural products and by-products whose origins are well-known all over the world.,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,凭说明书和图样买卖(Sale by Description and Illustration),The quality of some commodities,such as tech
21、nological instruments,electric machines,etc.can not be simply indicated by quality indexes,instead it is quite necessary to explain in detail the structure,material,performance as well as method of operation.If necessary,pictures,photos,etc.must also be provided.,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,(2)以实物表示商品的品质(Sale by
22、 Actual Quality or Sample,看货买卖(Sale by Actual Quality)In this case,the buyer or his agent examine the goods at sellers place at first.After they conclude a deal,the seller shall deliver the goods according to the goods examined.,凭样品买卖(Sale by Sample)The sample refers to the article which can be used
23、 to represent the quality of the whole lot.Sale by sample includes two cases,i.e.,sale by the sellers sample and sale by the buyers sample.,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,a.凭卖方样品(Sale by Sells Sample):b.凭买方样品(Sale by Buyers Sample):c.对等样品成交(Sale by Counter Sample):也有的称之为确认样品(Confirming Sample)。日后卖方交货以对等样品品质为准。,返回目录
24、,百度文库 百度文库,Unit2 商品的数量The Quantity of Goods,1、商品数量的计量单位 按重量(Weight)计算。常用的单位有公吨(Metric ton/kilo ton)、长吨(Long Ton)、短吨(short tonnet ton)、公斤(kilogram)等,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,按数量计算。常见的计数单位有件(Piece)、双(Pair)、套(Set)、打(dozen)、卷(roll)、箱(case)、箩(gross)、袋(bag)、包(bale)等,长度(length)计算。常用单位有米(meter/m.)、英尺(footft)、码(yardyd
25、)等。丝绸、布疋、钢管、电线电缆、金属绳索等常用长度单位计量。,返回目录,百度文库 百度文库,按面积(Area)计算。有平方米(Square metersqm)、平方英尺(square footsq.ft)、平方码(square yard/sqyd)等。木板、皮革、地毯、玻璃板等用面积单位计量。,按体积(Volume)计算。有立方米(cubic metercum.)、立方尺(cubic footcuft)、立方码(cubic yardcuyd)等。木材、天然气、化学气体等常以体积作计景单位。,按容积(capacity)计算。常见的容积单位有升literl.、加仑(gallon/gal)、蒲式耳
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 国际货物 买卖合同 履行
