1、,Reading,Its important to get enough sleep,一、设计理念二 教材与学生分析三、教学任务四、教法与学法分析五、教学过程六、创新点阐述,以目标为导向以学生为中心以能力为目的(听说读写译),一 设计理念,课标导航 全面发展,英语课程标准:【五级目标描述读】,(一)课标解读,二教材与学生分析,本单元主题为“Heath”单元话题为“Its important to have a healthy lifestyle.”本课是在单元话题基础 上延伸的一篇阅读课,阐述了充足的睡眠对人体健 康的重要性,需要在一个课时完成。通过对本课的 学习,学生在阅读策略的帮助指引下可
2、以进一 步提高阅读能力,并引导学生培养健康的生活方式。,(二)本课的地位与作用,二教材与学生分析,1、知识上:九年级的学生经过三年的英语学习,已经具备了 一定的英语基础知识,具有学习本课内容的认知基础。能力上:经过三年听说读写能力的训练,学生的概括能力 和理解能力都能够达到学习本课的要求。学习主动性和创 造性也得到了一定的发展。情感上:本节课的健康话题与学生实际联系密切,从而使 学生更容易融入本篇文章的学习,提高学习效率。,(三)学生现状分析,二教材与学生分析,知识与能力,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观,(一)教学目标,掌握运用四会词汇和目标语言;借助阅读策略理解文章大意;掌握听、说、读、写技能
3、,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。,在教师的引导下,通过自主学习和合作探究完成学习任务,深化对知识的运用。,让学生通过创设的情境感受语言,提高学习英语的兴趣;通过师生互动和生生互动,提高学习的积极性和主动性;同时抓住适当的教育契机,指导学生培养良好的生活方式。,三 教学任务,1、教学重点:(1)学生能够正确运用重点词汇和句型。(2)学生能够利用所学的阅读策略来读写文章。,2、教学难点与突破方法:教学难点是对文本的理解与运用。突破方法:采用鱼骨信息图来帮助学生理清文 本逻辑。在此基础上通过信息差式小组活动完成 对本课重点的实际运用。,(二)教学重、难点,三 教学任务,1.S:Strategy gui
4、de 策略指导,2.M:Meaningful reading”有意义“的阅读,3.C:Communicative activities 思想交流,略读 扫读 细读 延读,(一)教法:,四 教法与学法分析,多媒体辅助教学 multi-media,采用自主互助型学习模式,让学生在自主学习和合作探究中体验学习的快乐和成就。,(二)学法:,(三)教具:,四 教法与学法分析,听说读写译训练,五 教学过程,1 Learn the new words and expressions.2 Master the reading strategies.3 Know the importance of being
5、healthy.,Teaching aims,Meaningful Reading”有意义“的阅读,略读 扫读 细读 延读,Lets think,1 How many hours do you and your parents sleep every day?2 What will happen if people dont get enough sleep?,First readingSkimming(略读).Read quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph.,1 Its better to have a nap in the afte
6、rnoon.,2 If you cant sleep,the writer tell you something you can do and you cant do.,3 The scientists cant agree on why we meed to sleep.,4 The amount of sleep is different.,5 If we cant sleep well at night,we wont do well at school.,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,How many times do we need to sl
7、eep if we want to be healthier?,Twice,2.To perform well at school,whatshould we do?,We need to get a good nights sleep,Second readingScanning(扫读).Scan the text and answer questions.,Read and Translate,We are told that its important to get enough sleep,but do we know why?TheTruth is,even scientists c
8、ant agree on why we need to sleep.However,it is clear that the less we sleep,the worse we perform in everyday life.,Para 1,Task 1,Its healthier to sleep_a day,and can allow us to work_,enough sleep,twice,less sleep,Task 2,better,You may have problems with your _ or_,memory,concentration,Read Para 2&
9、3 and fill in the blanks.,bad,good,sleep at regular times,sleep in a dark and quiet environment,keep looking at the time,Read Para 4 and finish the fishbone diagram,Task 3,try too hard to sleep,F,T,2.If we feel tired at the daytime,it means we need to get more sleep.,1.The amount of sleep we need is
10、 the same.,Read Para 5 and choose T or F.,Task 4,小试牛刀,利用我们所学的阅读策略完成讲义中的任务型阅读:,1 略读找大意,2 扫读寻细节,3 细读解疑惑,Report:In my group,we have some great ideas.Lily thinks eating more healthy food helps us to keep healthy,Lily eat more healthy foodPeter Susan I,信息差式小组活动,Survey,how to keep healthy,food,happy,frien
11、ds,enough sleep,relax,exercise,Sum Up,Writing Time,China Daily 正在征集名为“How to keep healthy”的征文,快快行动起来投稿吧。,Please look after your health for yourself,for your family,for the people who love you.,Homework,You must:Read the text again and try to remember the words and expressions.If you can:Draw another
12、 about the importance of healthy food.,板书设计:主要以多媒体辅助教学,BL:,Reading Its important to get enough sleep,Language points:1 agree on2 a ten-minute nap3 have effects on,4m 2m 4m 15m 5m,5m 5m 5m,时间安排:,展示策略,导入,扫读,情感升华及布置作业,略读,写作,信息差活动,细读,延读,(1)S:Strategy guide 策略指导,(2)M:Meaningful reading”有意义“的阅读,(3)C:Commu
13、nicative activities交流思想,略读 扫读 细读 延读,1 以学定教,注重策略运用,六 创新点阐述,2、在任务的驱动下,采用自主互助型学习模式,让学生在自主学习和合作探究中体验学习的快乐和成就。3、分层推进,因材施教。通过信息差式小组活动和分层作业的设置,使每位学生在课堂上都有所收获,以达到新课标为了每一个学生发展的核心理念。,六 创新点阐述,Thank you!,Have good sleeping habits.,Exercise every day.,Active and full life.,Laugh happily often.,Tell others your f
14、eelings.,Have more healthy food.,H E A L T H,What is health?,Do Remember,Please look after your health for yourself,for your family,for the people who love you.,The other day,my friends and I talked about the rules that we have in school.At our school,we have to wear uniforms every day.The problem i
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