1、东西方文化差异,求同存异,英汉习语的文化差异及翻译,地理环境的差异:疾风知劲草 未雨绸缪,A good pilot is not known when the sea is calm and the water fair.,在天气晴朗和大海平静时看不出好舵手。,While it is fine weather mend your sail.修帆趁天晴。,英汉习语的文化差异及翻译,挥金如土不知所措在许多的冬日我都看见他,鼻子冻得发紫,站在飞雪和东风之中!,spend money like water,all at sea,How many winter days have I seen him,
2、standing bluenosed in the snow and east wind.(Charles Dickens).,英汉习语的文化差异及翻译,牛不喝水强按头倒贩陈皮到广东一一多此一举,You can take a horse to the water,but you cannot make him drink.牵马到河边要它喝水。,Carry coals to Newcastle.,英汉习语的文化差异及翻译,风俗差异 1.张三李四 2.半斤八两 3.胆小如鼠 4.爱屋及乌5.幸运儿 6.优胜者,左右全局的人 7.快活人 8.老练水手 9.水性好的人10.助人于危难 11.宁为鸡头,
3、勿为牛后,A.Six of one and half a dozen of the other B.any Tom,Dick or Harry C.a gay dog D.as timid as a hare E.a water dog F.Love me,love my dog G.to help a lame dog over a stile H.a lucky dog I.a top dog J.Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion K.a sea dog,英汉习语的文化差异及翻译,宗教信仰不同 as old as Ada
4、m not to know someone from Adam to raise Cain Man proposes,God disposes,很久以前的、极古老的,完全不知道(他是什么人),若恼该隐,大发脾气,找麻烦,谋事在人,成事在天,英汉习语的文化差异及翻译,历史文化背景 杀鸡焉用牛刀 破釜沉舟 张飞遇张飞,杀得满天飞,Is it necessary to use a steam hammer to crack nuts?,Cross the Rubicon”或burn ones boats”,When Greek meet Greek,then comes the tug of war
5、.,英汉颜色词翻译的不同,英汉颜色词基本对应的翻译White house A green belt 白宫 绿化地带Green grass Green revolution 青草 绿色革命Red figure Yellow page 赤字 黄页Snow white White flag 雪白 白旗(投降)Black market Red card 黑市 红牌Grey-headed man Black list 头发灰白的老人 黑名单White terror 白色恐怖,英汉颜色词多种对应翻译,Blue is extracted from the indigo plant but is bluer
6、than the latterBlue sky and bright sunDo you not see the mirrors bright in chambers high,grieve over the snow white hair though once silk-black?Black brickBlack clothGreen hills and blue watersGreen pepperGreen jadeGreen pines and blue cypress,青出于蓝而胜于蓝,青天白日,君不见高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪,青砖青布,青山绿水,青椒,青玉,青松翠柏,英汉
7、颜色词多种对应翻译,As long as the green hills are there,one need not worry.Green pinesThe blue skyBlack dragonWhite as a sheetA gray bearda clear blue skyThe blue seaBlue water,留得青山在不愁没柴烧,苍松,苍天,苍龙,苍白如纸,苍髯,碧空,碧海,碧水,英汉颜色词多种对应翻译,The lake stretches green and vastThe walls are of golden bricks and the roofs of gr
8、een tilesA carpet of green grass,碧波万顷,碧瓦金砖,碧草如茵,英汉颜色词错位对应的翻译,Black teaBlue movieBe beaten black and blueTo be blue with coldTo be green around the gillsBrown sugarTo be as brown as a berryBlue-eyedMilky WayGreen-eyed,红茶,黄色电影,被打得青一块紫一块,冻得发青,脸色苍白,红糖,皮肤晒的黝黑,得宠的,银河,嫉妒的红眼,颜色词在翻译时的缺省,白菜青肿处红粉佳人红榜A red-lett
9、er day害群之马,Chinese cabbage,sore,A gaily dressed beauty,Honour rool,特别高兴的日子,Black sheep,颜色词在翻译时的缺省,陶器生于帝王显贵之家女学者红男绿女红白喜事红得发紫Big white hope,Brown ware,To be born in the purple,Blue stocking,Gaily dressed young men and women,Weddings and funerals,Extremely popular,巨大希望,颜色词在翻译时的缺省,Blue sky Sth.has a bla
10、ck eyePink of sth.He clenched his fist and went very redA white lieWhite sale白吃白费力气白开水白痴白手起家,股票不可靠;好高骛远,不切实际,有贬义的,。是典范,他握紧了拳头,变得非常生气,没有恶意的谎言,大减价,Eat without pay,Labour without results,Plain boiled water,idiot,Build up from nothing,英汉颜色词在翻译时信息的补充,Pink collarWhite collarWhite paperBlue bookRed tapeBlu
11、e revolutionHave a green thumbRed herringWhite warWhite nightGreen hand,由妇女从事的粉黛阶层,白领,白皮书,蓝皮书,官样文章,性解放,有园艺天才,指转移注意力的话或事物,没有硝烟的战争,不眠之夜,不成熟,没有经验的新手,英汉颜色词成语的翻译,一穷二白封锁狂欢,Poor and blank,Black out,To paint the town red,英汉动物词汇的翻译,老虎屁股摸不得噤若寒蝉像热锅上的蚂蚁狼吞 鳄鱼的眼泪 犟驴 拦路虎 力大如牛,Dont beard the lion,as mute as fish,like a cat on hot bricks,wolf down,crocodiles tears,as stubborn as mule,lion in the way,as strong as a horse,其他,水乳交融画饼充饥 如饥似渴 三天打鱼,两天晒网 危在旦夕,perfect harmony,feed on fancies,with great eagerness,lack of perseverance,on the verge of destruction,THE END,Thank you,谢谢观赏,