1、The four most handsome men,四大美男,The handsome men have a common features,is born with both beauty and talent,and their literature、music culture is extremely high.,The four most handsome men of ancient China,always have a variety of versions and saying,but the most popular one is Pan An(潘安),Song Yu(宋玉
2、),Warrior/King Lanling(兰陵王),and WeiJie(卫阶).,PanAn the most handsome man in the world(天下第一美男),Name:Pan yue Nationality:Western Jin Biaozi(表字):安仁Xiaozi(小字):檀(tan)奴Later in the literature TanNu or TanLang has become the pronoun of handsome boyfriend.后世文学中“檀奴”或“檀郎”成了俊美情郎的代名词,The story of Pan An,As recor
3、ded by世说新语 that every time when he go out,always have a large number of young girls running after him,so often scared PanAn dare not go out.As these young girls is difficult to come near him,they use flowers and fruit to throw him and to be able to fill their carts,which has also become the“throw fr
4、uit surplus car“(掷果盈车)the origin of this literary reference.,There is a man who called ZhangMengYang looks strange ugly,also learn the pan yue to go outing,but every time go out,the females went to his car spit,and throw stones.he always get his car fill with stones to home.This is t he typical male
5、 version DongShiXiaoPin!(东施效颦),His works,The three essays“widow fu”“yuanyongshiwen”and“the poem of lament”are famous in the good feeling of sadness.寡妇赋、袁永逝文、悼亡诗名篇都以善叙哀情著称,潘岳在西晋时期将赋这一文体(literary form)发扬光大,其中他的西征赋闲居赋籍田赋沧海赋秋兴赋芙蓉赋射雉赋等都是名垂千古的不朽之作。,Song yu the gifted youth(大才子),Songyu is also named Ziyuan
6、(子渊)A author of the warring states period of ChuHis works:九辨、风赋、高唐赋、登徒子好色赋等.所谓“下里巴人”、“阳春白雪”、“曲高和寡”的典故皆他而来.,潘安和宋玉可以说是我国历史上知名度最高的两位大帅哥了,Pan An and Song Yu can considered as the most popular handsome men in Chinese history.In many ancient novels and operas,people often use the saying“as beautiful as So
7、ng Yu and Pan An”to praise a mans beauty.古代的小说戏曲等文学作品当中,往往以美如宋玉、貌若潘安来形容男子的俊美,In the Chinese history of literature his masterpiece“Nine Distinguishes”is comparable to Quyuans“Li Sao”.The two work come together as“Double-wall of Chu“,他的代表作九辩在中国文学史上可以和屈原的离骚相媲美,堪称楚辞中的双璧。,King Lanling the prince behind s
8、ome kind of a mask(面具后的悲情王子),Name:Gao changgong(高长恭)Nationality:the Northern Qi Dynasties(北齐)The first emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasties was his grandfather.Because his feud(封地)which near Xuzhou named Lanling,so people called him as king Lanling.,King Lanling is a famous general,he is very braver
9、y in battlefield,but he is too beautiful as a warrior,so when he go to the battlefield he always wear a mask.Because his contribution in war was higher than the emperor,the emperor afraid that King Lanling will threaten to his throne,so the emperor give him to death.乱世的杀戮之中,人心如火海,兰陵王的美,如血中飘荡的一缕白梅香,令
10、人肠断神伤,Wei Jie look to death(看死),Nationality:Western JinHe is as beautiful as flowers(他生得“花一般娇,粉一般嫩”)He always set in a baiyang car to play in LuoYang street,seen from afar just like a statue with white jade carved,so people at that time always call him“the beauty”他常坐在白羊车上在洛阳的街上游玩。远远望去,就恰似白玉雕的塑像,时人称之
11、“壁人”。,The death of Wei Jie,Once Wei Jie went out to play,unexpectedly,he was surrounded by a large number of females and couldnt found a way to leave.Wei Jie has a bad health,after that day he was terribly ill and later he was died.So this event has become the”look Wei jie to death”the origin of the literary reference.这就是典故“看杀卫玠”的由来,In Wei jies whole life,he do nothing in politic,military and the development of science and technology in ancient China.But because of his beauty,he also has a biography in the book of Jin,Thank you!,肇庆代办工商注册 http:/邗昊然敡,