1、Lecture 11 Interpretation Skill:Figure Interpretation(1),Teaching Procedures,I.Dictation II.Interpreting Figures,Interpreting of Figures I,examples,1.请用英语和汉语分别表达下面一组数字:1234567891234,One trillion two hundred and thirty-four billion five hundred and sixty-seven million eight hundred and ninety-one tho
2、usand two hundred and thirty-four一兆两千三百四十五亿六千七百八十九万一千二百三十四,请用英语和汉语分别译出所述数字,12亿9988万;542 million 830 thousand,1 billion 299million 880thousand;542,830,000,汉语数字分段法:,英语数字分段法:,A.Some Practical Difficulties for Chinese InterpretersFor an interpreter,to do a long series of figures in interpretation is alw
3、ays by no means easy.And for an interpreter whose mother tongue is Chinese,the difficulties involved seem to be even greater.Notably among the difficulties are the following:,A Brief Introduction,In Chinese,one tends to say“万”and“亿”of which there is no equivalent in English.Hence“一万”must be rendered
4、 into“10千”(ten thousand);“三万”into“30千”(thirty thousand);“二十万”into“200千”(two hundred thousand),etc.And“一亿”must be rendered into“100百万”(one hundred million);“一亿三十万”into“100百万零300千”(one hundred million and three hundred thousand);,“十亿”into“1,000百万”(one thousand million,or one billion);and“一百亿”,“10千百万”(
5、i.e.ten thousand million or 10 billion),etc.All this may cause complication for a beginner or for those young interpreters who have not undergone sufficient training in this regard.,2)The ways comparison is expressed in Chinese are,in some respects,different from those in English,especially when the
6、 questions of countable and uncountable nouns are involved,e.g.(1)Though in Chinese we say“倍”when we talk about“学校为的三倍”in describing the increase in the number of schools,in English we shall have to say,for instance,“There are three times as many middle schools now in our province as there were in t
7、he early post-liberation days.”,(2)Though in Chinese we use the same word“倍”when we talk about“粮食产量”,in English we shall have to say,for example,“Our province produces twice as much grain as it did on the eve of liberation in 1949.”,3)Quite a few units of measurement in Chinese such as li(1/2 kilome
8、ters),mu(0.66 hectare,or 1/6 acre),jin(1/2kilogram),etc.usually have to be converted into the metric systems by the interpreter on formal occasions,so as to facilitate understanding.And this extra bit of work(concerning conversion in units of measurement)could be quite a strain on an interpreter unl
9、ess he has already acquired some experience in the course of training and practice.,1)Two significant indicated earlier,it is risky trying to do a long series of figure in interpreting without jotting them down in a feasible way.To ensure accuracy it is always helpful and reassuring to s
10、peedily jot them down as they are being uttered(or read)by the original speakers.,B.Some Practical Hints to Remember,b.In the case of C-E and E-C interpretation,figures do require a sufficient amount of training.By figures we mean,in a larger sense,not only a long series of figures combined with var
11、ious units of measurements but also a long string of document symbols and long series of proper names(of persons/places).,(1)To lay emphasis on the speedy and accurate rendering of figures involving“万”and“亿”as a first step.(2)To practice the rapid reading of 5-digit numbers,8-digit numbers and,then,
12、10-digit numbers, both Chinese and English,and then combine them with various“units of measurement”until accuracy and fluency are achieved.,3)Some possible signs used:,(1)Using comma(,)each representing one group of 3 naught,e.g.“forty thousand”,represented by“40,”means“四万”;“six hundred thousa
13、nd”,represented by“600,”means“六十万”“seven million”,represented by“7,”means“七百万”“thirty million”,represented by“30,”means“三千万”,(2).An easy table could be useful when you hear the numbers.You just fill in the form.,(3).If a number is bigger than a million,the easiest way is to use a point after the num
14、ber of million.For instance,396万,can be put in this way,3.96 million.Apply the same way to the following numbers:3,956万39.65million3亿9,650万396.5million;If the number is bigger than a billion,adopt the same way to do it.e.g.129亿12.9billion,(4).Note the following ways of uncertain numbers几个some;a few;
15、several十几个more than/over a dozen;less/no more than twenty几十个dozens of几十年Decades七十好几了well over seventy二十刚出头in her/his early twenties三十大几了(快四十了)in her/his late thirties千千万万thousands and thousands of好几百个hundreds of成千上万thousands upon thousand of几十万hundreds of thousands of数以百万计的millions of亿万(人)hundreds o
16、f millions of十年a decade二十年a score/four score and seven years ago三十年(25-30)a generation五十年half a century一百年的centennial 一百年/世纪Century,4).In Chinese we often hear or talk about ordinal numbers.If we interpret in English,we have to change the ways of asking/inquiry.这是你第几次来中国?Is this your first visit to
17、China?This isnt your first visit to China,is it?How many times have you been in China?你们队得了第几名?Did your team win the championship?Did you get/win the first place in the competition?这孩子是(你的)老几呀?Is this your oldest/youngest child/son/daughter?,数字口译补充材料,数字的翻译是口译中的一大难关,即使是老翻译,当遇到数字时,尤其是遇到五位数以上的数字时,也不敢有半
19、、边记、边译)用B或b记录“十亿”,用M或m记录“百万”,如:two billion thirty-four million 2 B 34 M十二亿四千万 1 B 240 M,3).点线法,中译英时,应在听到“亿”时即斜向划一长线/,听到“万”时再划同样的斜长线/,剩下的数字则仍用“符号结合阿拉伯数字”的通用方式完成,或者一律记阿拉伯数字,但不一定立即译成相应的译语数字。(记住是四位一段)例1:一亿三千零二万零八百五十八 1/3002/0858例2:一百零一亿七千四百八十九万五百四十 101/7489/0540,汉语数字分段法:第一段位 个 十 百 千第二段位 万 十万 百万 千万第三段位 亿
20、 十亿 百亿 千亿第四段位 兆(万亿)英语数字分段法:第一段位 One Ten Hundred第二段位 Thousand,Ten thousand,Hundred thousand第三段位 Million,Ten million,Hundred million第四段位 Billion,Ten billion,Hundred billion第五段位 Trillion,口译时,从右向左,逆着原记录顺序每三位打一个逗号(分节号),便可将这些数字切分成印欧语系诸语言的进位单位了。用此方法,需要牢记分节号左位数的单位。从右向左:第一个分节号左位是“千”位,第二个分节号左位是“百万”位,第三个分节号左位是
21、“十亿”位。例1:1/30,02/0,858 130M 20Th 8Hu&58例2:10,1/74,89/0,540 10B 174M 890Th 5Hu&40,此形式译成外语很方便,“回译”成汉语也没太大困难。外译汉(如英文)时,译员应在听到billion、million、thousand等位时,便立即打上一处逗号。例:thirty two billion four hundred fifty seven million eight hundred twenty six thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven 32,457,826,937在预备译出时依然
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- 关 键 词:
- Sissy 中级 口译 数字
