1、Module 2 Friendship,桐乡求是实验中学 沈红梅,更多资源,教材内容分析,学情分析,教学目标,教学重点、难点,突破途径,课时安排,教学过程设计,一教材内容分析,本模块以友谊为话题,通过听力、对话和阅读文章使学生了解、掌握并会运用带宾语从句的复合句;通过设计较真实的语境,教育学生去积极地面对生活,真诚地对待身边的人,同时引导学生慎重交友,交真朋友,正确处理朋友间出现的矛盾。教学中应结合学生实际情况,灵活调整教学内容(或增加,或删除,或前后调整),合理设置课时适当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识,拓展学生视野,同时对正处于青春期的学生进行有关友谊的教育。,二学情分析,学生在第一模块学习和要
3、友,人们可以在交友的过程中学习和享受生活。了解中西方打电话文化的差异。,4情感态度目标引导学生积极地面对生活,真诚地对待别人,跟 朋友建立起真正的友谊。,5学习策略目标,三教学目标,自主学习 能够结合个人的情况预习教材和拓展。,合作学习 能够与同学交流学习心得会,共享 策略。,学生利用学会的语言知识去真实的沟通和交际,从而使语言知识得以内化,真正做到学以致用。,四重点、难点,1.教学重点 熟练掌握本模块中出现的词汇;掌握宾语从句并了解连接主句和从句的连词的语法功能;学用宾语从句描述友谊;学会用英语打电话;教会学生掌握阅读技巧,培养学生阅读理解能力。2.教学难点 宾语从句;培养学生能够正确运用阅
4、读策略获取信息。,五突破途径,、以话题为核心,整合教材,努力为学生创设真实和接近真实的语境,使学生在学中用,在用中巩固;、本模块的宾语从句则通过感知归纳巩固的方法加以突破。,六课时安排,第一课时:Unit 1 Activities 1,2,3,4,5;Unit 3 Activity 4第二课时:Unit 1 Activity 6&Unit 3 Activities 1,2,3,5第三课时:Unit 2第四课时:Unit 3 Activities 6,7,8,Around the world,Module task,Unit 1 Can you tell me where youre from?
5、,七教学过程设计,Period 1,Step1.Lead-inBring two telephones or doll telephones to the class and present simple telephone conversations with several students.Expressions of making telephone calls in English:Hello,can I speak to?Is that speaking/there?This is(speaking).Hold the line,please.Etc.设计意图:将学生置身于一个真实
6、的语言环境中引入并导出相关话题,一方面可活跃课堂气氛,另一方面引导学生比较,体会中西方打电话文化的异同,这有助于增强学生对目标语文化内涵的了解,同时为接下来的听力做语言上的铺垫。可以与几名学生课前准备好。,Step2.Listening We know Sally is in China and now shes telephoning.Listen and answer who Sally wants to speak to and how many people you hear.Listen again and number the sentences you hear.check an
7、swers in pairs,then the whole class.Listen and repeat.Deliver the listening material to the Ss and ask them to read it aloud and then act it out in roles.设计意图:在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力,是一种听力输入活动。听完后将听力材料分发给学生让他们读并表演是因为本套教材在这个模块首次出现了用英语打电话,这个是重点,这样做学生能充分吸收语言,对电话内容和结构有了整体认识。,Step 3.Presentation 1.Do you thi
8、nk what Chen Hua is?2.What did Sally call Chen Hua for?3.Chen Hua will interview Sally,do you think what personal questions he will ask Sally?设计意图:本环节起到承上启下的作用,同时前两个问题可初步导出本模块的语法宾语从句,为第二课时作准备;另外第三个问题运用“头脑风暴法”,这是一个开放的活动,可以把全班分成四组看哪一组猜得最多最接近事实。这活动能训练学生的发散性思维,又增强学生阅读对话的欲望。,Step 4.Listen and read Studen
9、ts listen and try to get the questions and then present the four sentences.1.Can you tell me where you are from?2.Ive heard that you play in your school orchestra.3.Can I ask you if you miss the UK,or your relations?4.What does it feel like?Students read the dialogue carefully and work in groups to
10、find out the answers to the personal questions,students infer the meaning of the new words and phrases through the context.,Answer the questions in Activity 5.Ask Ss answer individually and they may discuss if they have different opinions.Students read after the tape,underline some phrases and help
11、Ss overcome some difficulties about comprehension.设计意图:学生通过个人理解,组内交流,全班汇总的方式理 解对话内容。,Step 5.Read and practice Read the dialogue aloud and keep books closed,check the true sentences.1.Chen Hua has already met Sally.2.Sally is waiting for Chen Hua to arrive.3.Sally doesnt know who will come to their l
12、ast public concert.4.Sally thinks the word“foreigner”isnt friendly.5.Chen Hua invites Sally and her friends to visit Radio Beijing.Unit 3 Activity 4 设计意图:学生通过自我体验获取知识,通过练习巩固所学 词汇和内容。,Step 6.Discussion 1.Do you think whether Sally is happy or not in China?Why?2.Suppose you are in a strange place,no o
13、ne knows who you are.What will you do to make you feel less lonely?设计意图:通过Q1讨论学生能更好的把握对话内容,Q2给学生设置了真实的情境,同时又为U2的学习做了铺垫。Step 7.Homework 1.Workbook Exx 4,5.2.Revise Unit 1.设计意图:通过笔头任务使本课的词汇和有关语言点贯彻到实处。,教学反思:本单元有17个单词和词组,同时用英语打电话是首次出现。基于这些第一课时以内容和词汇教学为主,为第二课时开展活动打基础.,Unit 1 Activities 6&Unit 3 Activiti
14、es 2,3,5,七教学过程设计,Period 2,Step1.Lead-inWatch a video and answer some questions:1.Who does Jim want to speak to?2.What do they talk about?设计意图:通过观看录像激发学生兴趣并复习电话用语和中西方打电话的差异.Step2.Activity 5 1.Do Activity 5 individually,check answers in pairs and then the whole class.Read them aloud.2.Work in groups,m
15、ake telephone calls in English.设计意图:学生模拟真实的语言环境,在真实的语言环境中交际,在交际中巩固对目标语的掌握,消除文化性错误。,Step3.Activity 31.Present a sentence with object clause on the Bb.eg:Do you think if Group 3 did the best?2.Activity 3 Match the questions with reasons for asking.设计意图:通过评价学生表演用英语打电话过渡到宾语从句,感知句子要表达的意义。Step4.Unit 1 Act
16、ivities 3&Activity 6Ask the Ss to find sentences like those in Unit 1 Activity 3.Check the sentences in pairs.Present the sentences and ask the Ss to analyze the sentence structures and summarize three kinds of object clauses with different conjunctions in groups.,These sentences are:A:1.Do you know
17、 if Sally Maxwell has arrived?2.I asked your secretary whether she could come or not?3.Can I ask you if you miss the UK,or your relations?B:1.Can you tell me where youre from?2.I dont know who will come?C:1.Ive heard that you play in your school orchestra.2.I know that foreigners find China very dif
18、ferent from their own countries.Students read the sentences,listen to the sentences in Unit 1,Activity 6.read after the tape and read the seven sentences aloud again.Do Unit 3 Activity 2,check answers and ask the SS the reasons.,设计意图:通过学生观察-发现-讨论-归纳巩固的模式,掌握知识点的规律。,Practice,Step5.Interview Half of th
19、e Ss play our oral English teachers Anna or Shaun,and the other half play hosts or hostess to ask Anna or Shaun some personal questions.Two Ss a pair or several Ss a group.Ask several pairs or group to act out in front of the class.设计意图:基于交际智能的任务。学生在较为真实的语言环 境中提口语水平、学会使用语言。,Step6.Homework 1.Wb Exx.1
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- NSE 外研社 英语 年级 Module2Friendsh
