1、,20140917腹 部 读 片,男性,46岁,已婚,汉患者2周前在当地体检发现左肾占位患者自发病以来无尿频、尿急、尿痛、腰痛、发热等症状无体重变化,大小便正常,睡眠良好,病史介绍,?,病理描述和结果镜检:瘤内为淋巴样细胞,体积较小,核类圆,排列密集,呈浸润性生长(左侧)肾脏恶性淋巴瘤(弥漫大B细胞型),原发淋巴瘤,肾脏淋巴瘤,肾脏为结外淋巴瘤好发的部位之一,正常肾脏没有淋巴组织,有学者认为不存在肾脏原发淋巴瘤,有人认为来源于肾包囊的淋巴组织,慢性炎症刺激引起肾实质产生淋巴组织,继而演变为淋巴瘤,继发淋巴瘤,占淋巴瘤尸检病理的30%-60%,占结外淋巴瘤3%-8%,Yasunaga1等提出肾脏
2、原发性淋巴瘤诊断标准肾脏肿物经病理证实为淋巴瘤就诊时无淋巴结以及内脏器官等淋巴瘤肾外侵犯无白血病性血象以及骨髓抑制表现,肾脏淋巴瘤,肾脏淋巴瘤分型,肾脏淋巴瘤,多结节型30-50%,单结节型25-30%,腹膜后浸润型,肾周型少见,弥漫型少见,肿瘤细胞浸润后再增殖可形成单侧多个病灶或双侧病灶可位于肾皮质、髓质无包膜边界清,病灶呈圆形或类圆形,或融合状无论结节大小,占位效应不显著,CT平扫:等、低、稍高密度,有时无法显示多发病灶;增强:皮髓交界期轻度强化-确定病变性质 实质期最佳时期-确定病变数目、形态、边界、均匀度,MRT1WI:呈低信号、等信号或稍高信号;T2WI:呈等或低信号;肿瘤信号相对均
3、匀、坏死少见,无包膜;DWI:显著高信号(与水分子运动受限有关);增强:轻度强化,多结节型30-50%,多结节型肾淋巴瘤,多结节型肾淋巴瘤,Figure 1.Large B-cell lymphoma in a 41-year-old HIV-positive man.(a)Unenhanced CT scan of the midabdomen shows a soft-tissue mass(arrowhead)in the region of the great vessels,a nding that is suspicious for retroperitoneal adenopat
4、hy.The kidneys do not demonstrate any abnormality in contour.(b)Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the midabdomen shows bilateral soft-tissue renal masses(arrows).Note that these masses do not deform the contour of the kidneys.The paraaortic retroperitoneal adenopathy(arrowhead)is much more clearly depict
5、ed than in a.,Figure 2.High-grade B-cell lymphoma in a 38-year-old human immunodeciency virus(HIV)positive woman who presented with abdominal pain and distention.(a)Contrast materialenhanced CT scan of the midabdomen shows a very large soft-tissue mass(arrows)inltrating the mesentery and omentum and
6、 displacing the small bowel and colon.(b)Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows hypoenhancing soft-tissue masses(arrows)in both kidneys.Note also the retroperitoneal adenopathy(arrowhead).(c)Photomicrograph of a specimen obtained at ne-needle aspiration biopsy shows hypercellularity with a uniform populati
7、on of malignant lymphocytes.Numerous aptotic cells are also seen(200 HE),多结节型肾淋巴瘤,Figure 3.Magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys.(A)T1-weighted imaging reveals two slightly hypointense or isointense signal masses in the right kidney and one hypointense signal mass in the left kidney.(B)T2-weight
8、ed imaging reveals hypointense signal in the bilateral renal masses shown in(A).(C)Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging reveals poor enhancement of the bilateral renal masses shown in(A).,多结节型肾淋巴瘤,肿瘤呈灶性增殖,一般形成单侧单发病灶,平扫:等、低、稍高密度,境界欠清;增强:强化方式多样,可为富血管、中等血供、少血供;位于肾包膜下孤立结节可沿包膜浸润,形成包膜尾征,单结节型25-30%,单结节型肾淋
9、巴瘤,Figure 4.Large B-cell lymphoma in a 72-year-old man with a history of prostate cancer.Contrast-en-hanced CT scan of the kidneys shows a well-dened expansile mass(arrow)in the left kidney.No other solid renal masses are seen,but the right psoas muscle(arrowhead)is enlarged.The diagnosis was establ
10、ished with US-guided percutaneous biopsy of the renal mass.,单结节型肾淋巴瘤,腹膜后巨大软组织肿块侵犯附近肾脏,包绕肾门和肾血管,平扫:形态不规则,实变、坏死、囊变、出血少见;肾脏病灶与腹膜后肿块可分开也可融合;增强:轻中度强化;动态增强呈进行性延迟强化,肿瘤内依稀可分辨肾门,肾门血 管走形、形态正常,腹膜后浸润型,腹膜后浸润型肾淋巴瘤,Figure 5.Low-grade B-cell lymphoma in a 60-year-old man.The patient underwent abdominal CT for necro
11、tizing pancreatitis.(a)Venous phase contrast-enhanced CT scan shows a large soft-tissue mass(arrow)inltrating the retroperitoneum,encasing the left renal vessels,and extending into the perinephric space.Note the uid collection(arrowhead)in the pancreatic bed,a nding that is consistent with the patie
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