1、第四章 海上保险损失的界定,学习目标通过对本章的学习,应达到以下目标:1区分实际全损与推定全损;2掌握推定全损与委付的关系;3了解共同海损与海上保险的关系;4区分施救费用与救助费用;5了解救助合同及其种类。,本章内容,全部损失部分损失费用损失本章自测题,第一节 全部损失,全部损失(Total loss)指的是保险标的物遭受自然灾害或意外事故,造成船舶或货物的全部损失。,I.Actual Total Loss,(一)定义:实际全损是保险标的根本不能恢复,或完全灭失或不可避免地要完全灭失。Where the subject-matter is destroyed,or so damaged as
2、to cease to be a thing of the kind insured,or where the assured is irretrievably deprived thereof.海商法“保险标的发生保险事故后灭失,或者受到严重损坏完全失去原有形体、效用,或者不能再归保险人所拥有的,为实际全损”。,(二)构成实际全损的条件,1保险标的物完全灭失 海上货物被火烧毁、船舶遇难、船上货物沉入海底 无法打捞、船舶本身沉入海底等。2保险标的已失去原有的使用价值和价值属性 如水泥遭海水浸泡后变成固体,面粉遭海水浸泡后 不能使用等。,3被保险人对丧失的保险标的不能恢复其所有权。例如船舶与货物
3、被海盗劫走,或被敌对方捕获或没收,无法再得到。日,劫持乌克兰军火船 海盗索要3500万美元赎金劫持乌克兰军火船 海盗索要3500万美元赎金。视频 4被保险船舶失踪达到6个月,音讯全无。联合国1985年草拟的海上船舶保险条款范本中称之为“Presumed Total Loss”。,II.Constructive Total Loss,(一)定义:推定全损是指保险标的在受损之后,虽然没有达到完全灭失的程度,但是,其实际全损无法避免,或者其修理费、整理费、续运费用、施救费用、赎回费用等都超过获救后的保险标的物的价值。Constructive Total Loss refers to the loss
4、 where an actual total loss appears to be unavoidable or the cost to be incurred in recovering or reconditioning the goods together with the forwarding cost to the destination named in the Policy would exceed their value on arrival.,英国海上保险法:,Subject to any expressions provision in the policy,there i
5、s a constructive total loss where the subject-matter insured is reasonably abandoned on accountof its actual total loss appearing to be avoidable orbecause it could not be preserved from actual totalloss without expenditure which would exceed itsvalue when the expenditure had been incurred.,我国海商法:,“
6、船舶发生保险事故后,认为实际全损已经不可 避免,或者为避免发生实际全损所需支付的费 用超过保险价值的,为推定全损。货物发生保 险事故后,认为实际全损已经不可避免,或者 为避免发生实际全损所需支付的费用与继续将 货物运抵目的地的费用之和超过保险价值的,为推定全损”。,(二)推定全损构成的条件,1保险标的物虽然没有达到完全灭失的状态,但完全灭失不可避免。2被保险货物受损后,修理费用、续运到原出发港的费用估计要超过货物在目的地完好状态的价格。,3被保险人丧失了对保险标的物的所有权。收回这一所有权发生的费用估计要超过保险标的的价值。4在构成推定全损的情况下,被保险人必须向保险人办理“委付”手续。5货物
8、后才能生效。3委付必须是被保货物的全部委付,不能只委付其中的一部分,4委付一旦成立,就不能反悔(pull back).5委付通知发出后,被保险人的权利不因保险人是否接受而受到影响。,(三)委付的作用,委付是一种合同行为,需要经过保险人的承诺才能生效。英国海上保险法:Where there is a valid abandonment,the insurer is entitled to take over the interest of the assured in whatever may remain of the subject-matter insured and all propri
9、etary rights incidental thereto.Upon the abandonment of a ship,the insurer thereof is entitled to any freight in course of being earned,and which is earned by her subsequent to the casualty causing the loss,less the expenses of earning it incurred after the casualty;and,where the ship is carrying th
10、e owners goods,the insurer is entitled to a reasonable remuneration for the carriage of them subsequent to the casualty causing the loss.,当船舶被委付给保险人时,保险人有权得到被保险人残损标的物的权利和利益。保险人通常不行使这一权利,Why?因为保险人要承担与船舶相关的一切义务和责任。包括沉船的打捞或移走,以保障海上航道的畅通。而这种打捞费、移动费超过船舶货物的残值。,实际全损和推定全损的区别:实际全损是被保险船舶与货物无可挽回的完全损失,被保险人要求保险人
11、按全损赔付。推定全损是被保险船舶与货物在受损后还没有完全丧失。被保险人可以向保险人办理委付,要求得到全损赔付,也可不办理委付,保留对残余物的所有权,保险人按照部分损失赔偿。,三、协议全损(Arranged Total Loss),协议全损是指被保险标的物遭受的损害不是实际全损、又没有达到推定全损的要求。但是,为了维持被保险人与保险人之间良好的业务关系,双方都同意按全部损失进行赔偿。但是,保险人在考虑协议全损时,也要考虑自己的利益,不要凭个人感情处理理赔。,IV、Apportioned Partial Total Loss,英国海上保险法:Where the subject-matter ins
12、ured is warranted free from particular average,the assured cannot recover for a loss of part,other than a loss incurred by a general average sacrifice,unless the contract contained in the policy be apportionable;but,if the contract be apportionable,the assured may recover for a total loss of any app
13、ortionable part.,Where the subject-matter insured is warranted free from particular average,either wholly or under a certain percentage,the insurer is nevertheless liable for salvage charges,and for particular charges and other expenses properly incurred pursuant to the provisions of the suing and l
14、aboring clause in order to avert a loss insured against.,这些规定主要是针对货物而言,货物是可以划分的。以下的情况属于可划分的全部损失:1保险单上载有两项以上的保险金额,其中有一项发生全部损失。2同一保险单上承保两种以上不同类别的货物,并且不同货物的数量和保险金额分别列出,其中有一类货物发生全部损失。,3在装货、卸货、或转船时,整批货物中有一件或数件货物发生全部损失。4使用驳船(lighter)分批驳运时,装载于同一驳船的货物发生全部损失。5保险单已载明若干件货物分别承保,分别承保的若干件货物发生全部损失。,例如,一批货物按CIF价格条件
16、单位的。,第二节 部分损失(Partial Loss),部分损失是指保险标的受损未达到全部损失的程度。,一、单独海损(Particular Average),英国海上保险法:A particular average loss is a partial loss of the subject-matter insured,caused by a peril insured against,and which is not a general average loss.,单独海损:保险标的物因海事危险或其他意外事故造成局部损失,由所有人或承保人单独负担赔偿。例如,某外贸进出口公司出口衬衣100箱,
17、运输途中遭受暴风雨袭击,使衬衣受到海水浸泡,造成损失,该项损失与船方和其他货主无关,属于单独海损。单独海损主要可以分为以下几类:,1船舶损失:船舶在航行中,发生海难和他意外事故,船舶起火、搁浅或碰撞等,致使船体损坏或船上所属货物的损失。2货物损失。货物在运输过程中,遇到意外事故,致使货物在品质上的损毁、数量上的灭失、价值上的损失。货物的单独海损可分为:(1)货物完全损毁、灭失(2)货物部分损失,3运费损失运费损失是船舶或货物遭受到某种程度的损失而发生的运费损失。,II、General Average Loss,(一)定义。共同海损是指载货船舶在运输中遭受海上风险或外来风险危及船与货的共同安全。
18、为了挽救船舶与货物,采取合理措施而导致船船与货物一部分财产的损失。这部分损失由船舶、货物、运费有关受益各方根据船舶及货物到达目的港时的价值按比例分摊。英国海上保险法解释:,A general average loss is a loss caused by or directly consequential on a general average act.It includes a general average expenditure as well as a general average sacrifice.There is a general average act where an
19、y extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is voluntarily and reasonably made or incurred in time of peril for the purpose of preserving the property imperiled in the common adventure.,When there is a general average loss,the party on whom it falls is entitled,subject to the conditions imposed by mari
20、time law,to a ratable contribution from the other parties interested,and such contribution is called a general average contribution.Subject to any express provision in the policy,where the assured has incurred a general average expenditure,he may recover from the insurer in respect of the proportion
21、 of the loss which falls upon him;and,in the case of a general average sacrifice,he may recover from the insurer in respect of the whole loss without having enforced his right of contribution from the other parties liable to contribute.,Subject to any express provision in the policy,when the assured
22、 has paid,or is liable to pay,a general average contribution in respect of the subject insured,he may recover therefor from the insurer.In the absence of express stipulation,the insurer is not liable for any general average loss or contribution where the loss was not incurred for the purpose of avoi
23、ding,or in connection with the avoidance of,a peril insured against.,Where ship,freight and cargo,or any two of those interests,are owned by the same assured,the liability of the insurer in respect of general average losses and contributions is to be determined as if those subjects were owned by dif
24、ferent persons.,共同海损与单独海损均属于部分损失,但从其损失的起因和性质看,两者有本质的区别。如船舶搁浅、起火或碰撞所造成的船舶损坏,货物变质、受损、灭失、或因船舶、货物的损失影响运费的收入等,不属于共同海损的范畴。,(二)共同海损的起源,共同海损的建立可以追溯到古希腊。当船舶遇到危险时,船东将船舶桅杆和帆篷砍断,以减小风浪压力,或抛弃部分货物,避免船舶、货物全部倾覆。造成的损失由船东与货主共同承担。写成文字刻在铜牌上:“为了大家牺牲的财产,应由大家来补偿”,海上贸易的逐渐发展,货物交换的范围扩大到非洲。商人向他人借款买货,增加资本。借贷双方商定,如果获得归来,加倍偿还,如果在
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- 海上 保险 损失 界定