1、汉英语言对比,心理对比,汉英对比的三个层次:a.语音及语法表层上的对比b.语言表现法的对比c.语言心理的对比其中语音及语法表层上的对比是当今需对汉英对比语法著作的所研究的角度。语言表现法则是把注意力放在英汉两种语言的转换的角度上。语言心理上的对比涉及到了哲学的范畴,是一种加深层次的探讨,从文化背景与心理上进行原因的探讨。,第一节 理性与悟性,中国人“悟性教育”的哲学基础是儒家、道家、佛教孔子:“举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也。”庄子:“言外之意”禅宗:“顿悟”,悟性的表现1、中国传统的绘画中的“留白”“泼墨写意”2、歇后语中的前段与后段 阿斗的江山白送阿斗式的人物没能耐阿二吹笙滥竽充数阿二当郎中没
2、人敢请阿二满街串吊儿郎当阿哥吃面瞎抓阿婆留胡子反常阿庆嫂倒茶滴水不漏;点滴不漏挨鞭子不挨棍子吃软不吃硬挨打的狗去咬鸡拿别人出气,挨打的乌龟缩脖子啦挨刀的鸭子乱窜挨了巴掌赔不是奴颜媚骨挨了棒的狗气急败坏挨了打的鸭子乱窜挨了刀的肥猪不怕开水烫挨了刀的皮球瘪了挨了霜的狗尾巴草蔫了挨着火炉吃海椒(辣椒里外发烧矮梯子上高房搭不上言(檐),3、表达方式上以间接方式为主,比如 死 逝世、寿终、牺牲、驾鹤西游、百年、仙去、咽气、翘辫子、蹬腿、见阎王、上西天。4、送礼的时候强调吉利。特别注意一些谐音的情况 送伞、送钟、四、八、六、,英语的哲学背景是亚里士多德的形式逻辑学。强调科学的实验,注重形式的论证。比如在汉
3、英译的过程中,诗歌 送友人 李白Farewell to a Friend Li Bai青山横北郭,白水绕东城。With verdant mountain against the northern city wall aright,In the west,the city is girdled by river white.此地一为别,孤蓬万里征。After this time we part here,You alone go,from me no longer near.浮云游子意,落日故人情。You wander like a sailing cloud,And the sunset ev
4、okes my sadness as if to cry loud.挥手自兹去,萧萧班马鸣。As you wave a hand and vanishes your face,My heart is broken for still hearing your horses sad voice!,第二节 主体意识与客体意识,主体意识是指以“人”为出发点。客体意识是保持物我之间的距离这两种意识的差异性,表现在语言上1、以人称为主的语言与物称为主的语言。2、以主动句为主的语言与以被动句为主的语言,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language
5、School,JGSU,Questions:How are such Chinese sentences said in English?,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,我花了一年的时间才学会在五分钟内画好一匹马。It takes me a year to learn to draw a horse in five minutes.我从来没有想过她居然是个骗子。It never occurred to me that shes a liar,English Impersonal Tendency,
6、C:(人)怎么了?Focus:MAN E:What happened(to you)?Focus:WHAT English focuses on the existence as it is.Chinese tend to look everything with men perspective,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,English Expressed in Impersonal way,Formal written language often goes with an imperson
7、al style,i.e.,one in which the speaker doesnt refer directly to himself or his readers,but avoids the pronouns I,you,we.Some of the common features of impersonal language are passives,sentences beginning with introductory it,and abstract nouns.正式的书面语经常是伴随着非人称文体的。通常物称文体中,作者不会直接提及自己或向读者说话,避免使用我、你、我们等代
8、词。物称语言的共同点是具有被动意味,句子经常以先行词it 和抽象名词开头,REGULAR ENGLISH COLLOCATIONS,IMPERSONAL SUBJECT,ANIMATE VERB,OTHER PARTS,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,TYPES OF INPERSONAL SUBJECTS,Nouns that has no concrete are ca
9、lled abstract nouns.Or we can say they are what we can experience beyond the sense of sight,touch,hearing,taste or smell.For example:sight(眼光),love(爱),truth(真理),development(发展),economy(经济),ABSTRACT NOUNS,Animate verbs(有灵动词)are those used for description of the acts,activities and states of human or
10、social groups,such as see find bring give escape surround kill deprived Seize tell experience Witness undergo invite know show,ANIMATE VERBS,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,Foreground of central ideas(中心信息突出,最重要的部分可以放在句首)Facilitation of simple structure(使句子结构简单)Freedo
11、m in selection of subjects(根据需要灵活选择主语)Benefit in end weight and emphasis(有利于尾重原则和强调),ADVANTAGES OF IMPERSONAL SUBJECT,人要是太骄傲了,就不太容易进步。A man who is too arrogant will be difficult to make progress.Too much arrogance keeps one from progress.他疼得缓不过劲来.He was so ached that he was almost exhausted.His pain
12、 almost exhausted him.,FOREGROUND OF CENTRAL IDEAS,FACILIATION OF SIMPLER STRUCUTRE,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,一看见那个孤儿,我总想起他的父母。Every time I see the orphan I think of his parents.The sight of the orphan always reminds me of his parents.人要是太骄傲了,就不太容易进步。A man who i
13、s too arrogant will be difficulty to make progress.Too much arrogance keeps one from progress.,民族地区(1)的经济社会(2)不断发展(3)。民族地区(1)The minority national regions have experienced constant social and economic developments.民族地区的经济社会(2)The society and economy of minority national regions have undergone consta
14、nt development.经济社会不断发展(3)Constant social and economic developments have been taking place in minority national regions.,FREEDOM IN SELECTION OF SUBJECTS,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,It is a great honor for me to have this opportunity to attend the party.我很荣幸有机会参加这
15、个聚会。The fact brings us great courage that our enemy who had claimed to defeat us in three months could not move one step forward.敌人吹嘘可以在三个月打败我们,如今却没能前进一步,这一事实给了我们巨大的勇气。,BENEFIT IN END WEIGHT,BENEFIT IN END WEIGHT AND EMPHASIS,All rights reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,All rights
16、 reserved oceanlim,JGSU.,Foreign Language School,JGSU,我们(1)昨天(2)在学校(3)碰巧(4)遇到了王教授(5)。We met professor Wang by chance in the school yesterday.It is we that met professor Wang by chance in the school yesterday.It is yesterday that we met professor Wang by chance in the school.It is in the school that
17、we met professor Wang by chance yesterday.It is by chance that we met professor Wang in the school yesterday.It is professor Wang that we met by chance in the school yesterday,启示:在汉译英时,要尽量避免太多从主体出发的词语,如:我,你,他,你们等。要尽量选择抽象的名词、it、there等开头。例如:1、我们必须每天做一些运动 Its necessary for us to have some exercise ever
18、y day.2、他取得了完全的胜利。His triumph was complete.,在英译汉时,遇到英语中以物为主语的动作句要进行相应的转化,从指人的词为开头。例如:Astonishment,apprehension,and even horror oppressed her她感到心情抑郁,甚至惊恐不安。An idea suddenly struck me.我突然想到了一个主意。Not a sound reached our ears.我们什么也没听到Alarm began to take entire possession of him.他开始变得惊恐万状。The thick carpe
19、t killed the sound of my footsteps.我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。,主动与被动,Questions How to express the ideas idiomatically in English?1、我想要的只是爱别人,别人也爱我 What I want is to love and to be loved?2、在单位,他教的手下,在家里,老婆教育他 In the office he gives lesson to his man,while at home he is given to by his wife.,英语常用被动句的原因:一、行事从上
20、下文中不言自明或未知而难以言明或需强调受事或不便指明。Unnecessary:During Bills visit to his uncles family,he was given a birthday party.比尔去叔叔家玩的时候,叔叔一家给他开了个生日舞会。Agent:bills uncles family,unnecessary to tell.Unimportant He was shown over the Changjiang Bridge.有人带他参观了长江大桥。Unsuitable:Something must be done.得想想办法,二、为了使句子前后连贯或保持平衡
21、。1、Some kinds of plastics can be forced through machines which separate them into long,thin strings,called“fibres”and these fibres can be made into cloth.有几种塑料可以压入机器并分离成细长的纤维,这种纤维可用来织布。2、I was astounded that he was prepared to give me a job.他准备给我一份工作,这使我大吃一惊。,三、出于修辞考虑,避免句型单调。四、文体的需要 比较正式的文体,比如法律文件等比
22、较喜欢用被动式,强调客观性。如果合同不能履行,则双方均不得向对方索赔 In case if the contract be failed,neither party shall claim compensation over the other.,汉语中较少的被动结构的原因,1、汉语传统上认为被字结构属于不幸的结构,如果可以选主动也可选被动,主动占大多数。被+动词 例如:让、给、叫、挨、遭、受、蒙等。2、汉语中也有意义的被动句 受事+动词 The dinner is cooked well 饭做得很好,3、汉语中有大量的无主句或主语省略句 两天后,达成了一项协议 An agreement wa
23、s arrived at two days later.不能这么嘲笑史密斯先生 Mr.Smith cannot be laughed at like that.4、汉语中的泛指主语多。The fact is well known that dog will never be a cat 众所周知,狗是永远成不了猫的。It must be admitted that nothing is of ultimate correctness 大家必须承认没有什么是绝对正确的。,5、汉语中有一些其他的形式来表达被动的含义 1)把字句 你把她吓哭了。She was scared by you.2)为、所、
24、的结构 We are deeply moved by her love to her country.我们深深为其爱国热情所感动。3)加以、/予以、/遭到、The town was visited by a storm.小镇遭到风暴的袭击。4)、的是、这些产品是我国制造的 Those products are made in China.,第三节 整体思维与个体思维,1、用词语为事物命名的整体观照.金星、木星、水星、火星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星Venus,Jupiter,Mercury,Mars,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,Pluto,2.整体性重复的句子安排 镇子坐落在
25、一个峡谷里,东面是山,西面是山,南面是山,北面也是山。The small town lies in a valley surrounded with mountains.这年头什么都要送礼,生要送礼,老要送礼,病要送礼,死要送礼。Nowadays youll have to send presents on almost every occasionPresents for childbirth,on the birthday of the aged,to show your care when somebody is ill or some help to make arrangement
26、for somebodys funeral.,我建议我们分头干:我来做菜,做饭,洗碗;你去取车,洗车,擦车;或者你来做菜,做饭,洗碗;我去取车,洗车,擦车。I suggest we divide up our job:one of us does the cooking and wash-up and the other to fetch the bike,wash and grease it.,第四节 英语爱用静态词,汉语常用动态词,英语喜欢使用静态词汇,而汉语则多使用动态词汇,英译汉时常常把原文中表示动作意义的静态叙述转换成汉语的动态叙述。表示人或事物的动作、行为、发展、变化的词叫做动词(
27、verb)。英汉对动词的概括意义是一样的。动词是最复杂的一种词类,也是最活跃的一种词类。英语的动词又比汉语的动词复杂。本节重点放在分析英汉动词的主要差别。,(一)现代汉语以动词占优势,也就是说,在现代汉语中,一个句子不限于只用一个动词,可以连续使用几个动词,即所谓“动词连用”。动词连用是现代汉语句法显著特征之一。英语每个句子中只能使用一个定式动词(finite verb),唯一例外型式是并列句动词谓语。所以汉语动词翻成英语时,有时只需要用一个动词,其他动词被转换成英语的名词、介词、非谓语动词或其他词类。,我忘了带钥匙。I forgot my key我倒了一杯茶给他喝。I offered him
28、 a cup of tea他拿着枪,绕着屋子巡走。He walked around the house with a gun他跳起来,连忙跑到浴室的镜子前,拿掉了毛巾,细看他面颊上的伤口。He jumped up and hastened to the mirror in the bathroom,taking away the towel to examine the cut upon his cheek.,大量的动词涌现在汉语句中,会不会引起动词臃肿和混乱呢?,答案是不会。因为汉语动词没有曲折的形态变化,形态十分稳定,使用时不受形态上的限制,比较方便。此外,每个动词都代表着一个动作。在一个
29、具体情况下,都有动作发生的所在时间,因此几个动作的发生,必定有先有后,或同时。,试看药中的一段。华大妈在枕头底掏了半天,掏出一包洋钱,交给老栓,老栓接了抖抖的装入衣袋,又在外面按了两下,便点上灯笼,吹熄灯盏,走向屋里去了。,The doctors extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.医生迅速到达,并非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。医生的迅速到达和非常仔细的检查使他很快就恢复了健康。,静态与动态,
30、He is a good eater and a good sleeper.他能吃又能睡。The computer is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings.计算机比人检查得更细心、更勤快。,A用介词来充当 他迫使对方处于守势。He drove his opponent into a defensive position.我发现他在伏案工作。I found him at his desk 他们组织工人加入了工会。They have organized the workers into trade unio
31、ns.,B由形容词来充当 他证明自己值得信赖。He proved himself worthy of confidence 我们必须使教室保持整洁。We must keep the classroom clean and tidy 什么事使你这样激动?What made you so excited?,C由副词来充当 让他进来。Let him in 一位男士驾车送我们回家。A gentleman drove us homeD由分词来充当 他忽然听见有人轻轻扣窗子。Suddenly he heard someone knocking lightly on the window.对不起,让你久等了
32、。Im sorry to have kept you waiting,E由名词来充当 他们任命这位姑娘为公司的副董事。They nominated the girl vice-director 0f the company 他们推他为领袖。They made him their leader,F其他:我知道他很诚实。I know him to be honest 老师教育我成人。The teacher has made me what I am today,从上面几节中所述,我们知道,汉语倾向于多用动词,英语倾向于多用名词和介词。认识英汉不同词类优势或用词倾向,这对于提高译文质量很有益处。可以
33、使译文更加通顺,确切。,英语:静态语言;汉语:动态语言,我疯狂地爱上了她,她也疯狂地爱上了我.I fell madly in love with her,and she with me.(英语可省略后半句的动词,汉语却不可.)他来回晃着脑袋,欲望在膨胀,意志在萎缩.Back and forth his head swiveled,desire waxing,resolution waning.(英语用独立结构,汉语则用动词.)我担心你误解了我.I am afraid of you misunderstanding me.(英语用动名词复合结构),英语:静态语言;汉语:动态语言,这将证实其使用是十分普遍的.That would be the confirmation that it was in general use.(confirm同根名词)除上述同源词外,还有众多的词可用来表示动作意义.如:glance,glimpse,look,mention,close等;形容词able,afraid,angry,anxious,aware,capable,good等.在特定的语言环境中,这些词都宜译作相应的动词.如:一看见他,我就紧张.The very sight of him makes me nervous.对此我深信不疑.Im sure of it.,