1、化学基础知识,三.参考书,1.化学信息学教程,Gasteiger,J and Engel,T编著(德文)(梁逸曾,徐峻,姚建华等译),化工出版社,2005年2.化学专业英语,马永祥等编,兰大出版社,1997年3.化学信息学,邵学广和蔡文生编 科学出版社,2002年,Part 1 Physical PropertiesPart 2 Chemical EquationsPart 3 Chemical CalculationPart 4 Nomenclature Of Inorganic ChemicalsPart 5 Nomenclature Of Organic Chemicals,Part 1
2、 Physical Properties物 理 性 质,1)Colour 颜色 colourless red-brown violet-black purple-black pale yellow dark brown,2)state,solid liquid gasgaseous oily crystalline uncrystallinemolten fused,3)smell,odourless pungent penetratingchokingoffensive sour sweetbitter,4)solubility,soluble insoluble slightly solu
3、ble very soluble,5)observations,brisk effervescence precipitate milkyaqueous solution,6)density,heavy light less dense denser greatly denser slightly denser about the same dense,7)hardness,hard soft ductile malleable,8)toxicity,toxic poisonous,9)melting point boiling point,High low,10)conductivity,e
4、lectronic conductivitythermal conductivityconductorsemiconductorinsulator,Exercise,试用英语描述氧气、氮气和金属铁的物理性质。,disproportionationneutralization;hydrolysisexothermic reaction endothermic reaction reversible reaction forward reaction reverse reaction spontaneous reaction nonspontaneous reaction,1.反应名称:,化 学
5、方 程 式,Part 2 Chemical Equations,2、反应条件,heat;burn ignite/ignition electrolyze/electrolysis under/at ambient/room temperature under standard pressure with/in the prescence of catalyst,3、读 法,3.1 Nitrogen reacts with hydrogen to form ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a cataly
6、st.,N2+3H2 2NH3,高温、高压,催化剂,1 mol nitrogen reacts with 3 mol hydrogen to form 2 mol ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.,3.2,Nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form ammonia at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.,Ammonia decomposes to nitr
7、ogen and hydrogen at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst.,3.3,Reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperature and pressure with the presence of a catalyst gives ammonia.,At high temperature and pressure,reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen in the presence of a cata
8、lyst takes place.,Zinc treated with hydrochloric acid forms hydrogen and zinc chloride,Zn+2HCl=ZnCl2+H2,3.4,Calcium carbonate when heated produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide Calcium carbonate is heated to yield calcium oxide and carbon dioxide Calcium carbonate decomposes to calcium oxide and
9、carbon dioxide when it is heated,3.1 化 学 术 语,atomic mass/weight;molecular weightamount(of substance);molenumber of moles;molar massmolar volume;concentrationmolarity;excess agentlimiting agent;reactantproduct;yield,Part 3 Chemical Calculation(化学计算),3.2 数学术语:,运算名称 addition substraction mulplication d
10、ivision动词读法add substract(ed)from multiply(ied)by divide(d)by介词读法plus minus times over运算结果 sum difference product quotient,0.001 o/zero point o o one2/3 two thirds equals/is equal to is approximately equal to less than greater thanx2 x squaredx3 x cubed x-10 x to the minus tenth power100oc one hundre
11、d degrees centigrade 5%five percent(by mass,volume)()round brackets/parentheses square/angular brackets braces,Exercise,试用英语描述下面化学反应?H2和O2在点燃的条件下生成H2O。CaCO3在加热条件下分解。Cu在O2中氧化。,Chapter 4.Nomenclature of compounds,Section I.Inorganic compounds,一.NAME OF THE ELEMENTS,S-block Element,IA H Hydrogen Li Lit
12、hium Na Sodium K Potassium Rb Rubidium Cs Cesium Fr Francium,IIABe BerylliumMg MagnesiumCa CalciumSr StrontiumBa BariumRa Radium,IIIA IV A V A B Boron C Carbon N Nitrogen Al Aluminium Si Silicon P Phosphorus Ga Gallium Ge Germanium As Arsenic In Indium Sn Tin Sb Antimony Tl Thallium Pb Lead Bi Bismu
13、th,P-block Element(I),VIA VIIA 0 He HeliumO Oxygen F Fluorine Ne NeonS Sulfur Cl Chlorine Ar ArgonSe Selenium Br Bromine Kr KryptonTe Tellurium I Iodine Xe XenonPo Polonium At Astatine Rn Radon,P-block Element(II),Common Transition Elememt,Ti:titanium Sc:scandium V:vanadium Cr:chromium Mn:manganese
14、Fe:iron Co:cobalt Ni:nickel Cu:copper Zn:zinc Hg:mercury Ag:silver Au:gold Pd:Palladium Pt:platinum W:tungsten,二.Naming metal ions(cations)for metal oxides,bases and salts,1.Single valence ions Cations name=Elementfor example:Na+Sodium Al3+Aluminum K+Potassium Ca2+Calcium,2.Multivalence ions,Cations
15、 name=Element(V)For example:Fe2+Iron(II)or Ferrous Fe3+Iron(III)or Ferric Cr2+Chromium(II)Cr3+Chromium(III)Mn4+Manganese(IV)Mn2+Manganese(II),三.Naming nonmetal ions(anions),1.Monatomic anions Anions name=Elements root-ide For example:Cl-Chloride(chlorine)O2-Oxide(oxygen)Br-Bromide OH-Hydroxide I-Iod
16、ide CN-Cyanide S2-Sulfide H-Hydride,2.Polyatomic oxyanions,(1).Acid radicals for normal salt Anions name=Central Elements root-ate for example:ClO3-Chlorate IO3-Iodate PO43-Phosphate NO3-Nitrate SO42-Sulfate CO32-Carbonate,(2).Acid radicals for meta-salts,Anions name=Central elements root-ite for ex
17、ample:ClO2-Chlorite IO2-Iodite PO33-Phosphite NO2-Nitrite SO32-Sulfite,(3).Acid radicals for hypo-salts,Anions name=Hypo-Central elements root-ite for example:ClO-Hypochlorite IO-Hypoiodite PO23-Hypophosphite,(4).Acid radicals for persalts,Anions name=Per-central Elements root-atefor example:ClO4-Pe
18、rchlorate IO4-Periodate MnO4-Permanganate,四.Naming compounds,1.Metal oxide Metal oxide=Cation+oxidefor example:FeO Iron(II)oxide(Ferrous oxide)Fe2O3 Iron(III)oxide(Ferric oxide)Fe3O4 Ferroferric oxide Pb3O4 Trilead tetraoxide Na2O2 Sodium peroxide,2.Nonmetal oxide,Nonmetal oxide=n-Nonmetal element+n
19、-oxide for example:CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon dioxide SO3 Sulfur trioxide N2O3 Dinitrogen trioxide P2O5 Diphosphorus pentoxide,Numeral prefix,English Latin一 mono-uni-二 di-bi-三 tri-ter-四 tetra-quadri-五 penta-quinque-六 hexa-sexi-七 hepta-sept-八 octa-九 nona-十 deca-,3.Bases,Base=Metal cation+hydroxide
20、for example:Al(OH)3 Aluminum hydroxide NaOH Sodium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide Ba(OH)2 Barium hydroxide Co(OH)2 Cobalt(II)hydroxide,4.Salts,(1)CaC2 calcium carbide NaCl sodium chloride(2).Normal salt:Normal salt=Cation+anion for example HgSO4 Mercury(II)sulfate KNO3 Potassium nitrate Na2CO3
21、Sodium carbonate NaClO Sodium hypochlorite,(3).Acidic salts,Acidic salt=Cation+hydrogen+anion for example:NaHSO4 Sodium hydrogen sulfate Na2HPO4 Disodium hydrogen phosphate NaH2PO4 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate NaHCO3 Sodium bicarbonate Ca(HSO4)2 Calcium bisulfate,(4).Basic salts,Basic salt=Cation+hyd
22、roxy-anionfor example:Cu2(OH)2CO3 Dicopper(II)dihydroxycarbonate Bi(OH)2NO3 Bismuth(III)dihydroxynitrate Ca(OH)Cl Calcium hydroxychloride Mg(OH)PO4 Magnesium hydroxyphosphate,(4).Mixed salts,Mixed salt=Cation+cation+anionfor example:NaKSO3 Sodium potassium sulfiteCaNH4PO4 Calcium ammonium phosphateA
23、gLiCO3 Silver lithium carbonate NaNH4SO4 Sodium ammonium sulfate,5.Acids,(1).Meta-and hypo-acid(its salt-ite)Acid=Central elements root-ous+acidfor example:H2SO3 Sulfurous acid H3PO3 Phosphorous acid HNO2 Nitrous acid HClO Hypochlorous acid HClO2 Chlorous acid,(2).Per-,hydro-,normal acid(its salt-at
24、e,-ide),Acid=Central elements root-ic+acidfor example:H2CO3 Carbonic acid H2SO4 Sulfuric acid H3PO4 Phosphoric acid HNO3 Nitric acid HClO4 Perchloric acid,(3)Hydrogen halogen acids Hydro-Central elements root-ic+acid For example:HCl:Hydrochloric acid HF:Hydrofluoric acid HBr:Hydrobromic acid HI:Hydr
25、oiodic acid 除了水和氨气使用俗称water(H2O),ammonia(NH3)以外,其它的非金属氢化物都用系统名称。对于卤族和氧族氢化物另一种方法是按盐命名。For example:HF Hydrogen fluoride HCl Hydrogen chloride HBr Hydrogen bromide HI Hydrogen iodide H2S Hydrogen sulfide H2Se Hydrogen selenide H2Te Hydrogen telluride,(4)Other nonmatel hydride name=elements root+ane(氮族还
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- 化学 化工 专业 英语 基础知识
