2、he following sentences and figure out what each italicized word means.The Clue in the parentheses will help.1.Many teenagers today are no longer inspired to achieve,they think work is a bad four-letter word.(stimulate)2.The high percentage of poorly motivated teens becomes even more obvious in the l
3、ower income,or lesser educated,socio-economic brackets.(category)3.Eagle populations would decline if eagle parents stopped encouraging their fledglings to fly.(young bird that has just fledged)4.The first responsibility of any parent is to slowly,and without trauma,teach their fledglings the abilit
4、y and desire to function as responsible adults.(an emotional wound)5.As the children get older,into their late teens this becomes even more burdensome for parents.(troublesome),BACK,大学英语教程4 读写译,UNIT FOUR,KEY WORDS MADE EASY,A Read aloud the following sentences and figure out what each italicized wor
5、d means.The clue in the parentheses will help.,6.The parents are catering to their adult childrens every whim.(a sudden desire)7.This is beginning to create a fairly onerous social problem in families in my community.(burdensome)8.This means that if a young man of say 25,gets drunk and kills someone
6、 with his car,that his parents may have to sell all their assets to pay for his misdemeanor.(possession)9.We have not yet been able to replicate this insane parental paradigm onto the third world.(reproduce)10.We must,as responsible parents,teach our children the value of a good work ethic.,BACK,大学英
7、语教程4 读写译,UNIT SIX,B Read aloud each of the following sentences.See how these expressions are used.,1.In an effort to curb child abuse,we went way too far.2.A lot of children stay without responsibility far too long,and remain living at home being dependant upon parents.3.I also have clients who stru
8、ggle to make ends meet,whilst their 26-year-old,live-at-home son,has a good job and earns the same money as his father,drives a BMW Cabrio and buys his girlfriend expensive gifts.4.We stopped being parents,and started to become slaves to our children and giving them everything possible,whilst asking
9、 nothing in return.5.Their parents are still responsible for them whilst ever they live at home!,KEY EXPRESSIONS IN USE,BACK,大学英语教程4 读写译,UNIT SIX,PART II LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,STUDY AND PRACTICE,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,BACK,大学英语教程4 读写译,UNIT SIX,Preview QuestionsWork in pairs
10、or groups and discuss the following questions.1.Do you know why many young adults today think work is a bad four-letter word and see their parents as slaves?2.Do you think parents should provide everything for their adult children?3.How can adult children be taught to grow to be independent?4.How sh
11、ould parents take a more responsible parental approach from an early age to inspire their children?,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,大学英语教程4 读写译,UNIT SIX,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,大学英语教程4 读写译,UNIT SIX,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,大学英语教程4读写译,UNIT SIX,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,Notes,Terrie Ander
12、son is a human potential and transformational leadership coach,dynamic public speaker and author of The Little Red Success Book.She is a specialist in transformational leadership,and how to be a successful and happy human being.She understands the challenges of family life,and enjoys helping people
13、open their minds to new ideas and concepts that generate happiness,and success,in both work and family.,Language Points,1.inspireThatkindofpressureshouldntintimidate,butinspire.但这种压力不应该使人望而生畏,而应成为一种激励。Wehopethesewebsiteswillinspireyou.我们希望这些网站能够鼓舞着您。,2.Decline,Thedeclinehasbeenincreasinglyevident.衰退
14、的势头已经日益明显。Ontheonehand,thedeclineisntsurprising.不过,这种下跌并不意外。,3.trauma,IndustrialtownsacrossAmericaare experiencingsimilar trauma,Rosinwrites.美国各地的工业城镇都在经历类似的创伤,罗森写道。HasthetraumaofIraqmadeAmericansmore isolationist?伊拉克战争的创伤是否让美国人更孤立?,4.curb,Mr.Obamawantstocurbcapitalisms excesses.奥巴马总统想要遏制资本主义的过度膨胀。A
15、mericadislikesRussianandChinese attemptstocurb spaceweapons.美国十分反感中俄企图控制太空武器的做法。,5.Replicate,Lavaspawnsnowrequire15attacksto replicate,up from14.火人现在需要攻击15下才会分裂,而不是14下。Theversionwasraisedsuccessfully.Itmay take15minutesormoreforthisinformationtoreplicatetoall domaincontrollers.此版本提升成功。至少需要15分钟将此信息复制
16、到所有的域控制器。,6.reprimand,Theofficerwastoldtoremovethephotosfromthesite andgivenaverbalreprimand.之后该警察被告知从网站上删除这些照片,并遭到口头训斥。ThehardnosedattitudeofMs.Ma,theBMWwoman,earnedheragentlereprimandrecentlyfromthefilm director zhangyimou.马小姐,这位宝马女精明的态度,为她赢得了电影导演张艺谋一个轻轻地谴责。,7.pander,Thatdoesntnecessarilymeanyoupa
17、nder.那不一定意味着你要去迎合Politiciansarehappytopander.政客们也就高兴地迎合这一心态。,8.cater to v.供应伙食,迎合;面向,Theyexpectyoutocatertotheireverywhim.他们预料到你会迎合他们的每一个古怪的念头。Weshouldcatertopublicdemand.我们应满足大众的需要。,9.intimidate vt.恐吓,威胁,Noonecanintimidateus.没有人能够胁迫我们。Itcanalsoproducetwosmallhornsto intimidateand scareawaywouldbepr
18、edators.它还能在头部出现两个小小的“角”来恐吓并吓走可能的捕食者。,10.resolve vt.,Howtoresolvethiscontradiction?怎么解决这个矛盾呢?Howdoesthisresolvethecrisis?那么这又如何消除危机呢?,11.disable vt.使无能力;使残废,使伤残;使无资格;,Pressingtheredbuttonwilltemporarily disablethe printer.按下红色的按钮会使打印机暂停工作。Administratorscanalsolimitattachment sizeordisable attachment
19、s.管理员还可以限制附件大小或禁用附件。,12.throttle vt.勒死,使窒息,Conservativesworryregulatorswillthrottletheindustry.保守派人士担心,监管机构将扼杀金融业Theautothrottlecancontrolthethrottles automatically tomaintainasetairspeedorn1.自动油门系统可以自动地控制油门,来保持一个设定的空速或n1。,13.blossom vi.(植物)开花;繁荣,兴旺;,Iraqmayblossomintoademocracyoneday butisnot yetpe
20、aceful.有朝一日,民主之花可能会在伊拉克开放,但未必带有和平的芳香。Life1withoutloveislikeatreewithoutblossomandfruits,wrotekhalilgibran.纪伯伦说:生命中没有爱情,就像树上没有花朵和果实。,14.ethic n.伦理,伦理观;道德体系;(复数)伦理学,道德学;(复数)行为准则;,Anditsnotonlyastrongworkethic.这不仅仅只是一种强大的职业道德。Itspeoplesworkethicandtheir commitmenttothe nationalprojectareexceptional.人们对
21、职业道德的恪守和对国家项目的投入也远远超越其他国家。,15.empower vt.授权;准许;使能够;使控制局势;,Youcanempoweryouththroughgame design.你可以通过游戏设计授权给年轻人。Theideaistoremovebarriersandto empower employeestoactquickly.这一理念为员工迅速采取行动消除了障碍和提供了授权。,大学英语教程4读写译,UNIT SIX,BACK,Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups.,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,
22、For Comprehension 1.What does the author mean when she says as parents we lost something very important to our childrens futures?2.According to the author,what would happen in nature if eagle parents stopped encouraging their fledglings to fly?3.What should parents do to inspire their fledglings?4.W
23、hat does the author mean when she says it is indeed fortunate that we have not yet been able to replicate this insane parental paradigm onto the third world?5.Is there any huge negative impact on children if the parents show overprotection and always pander to their childrens every desire?,大学英语教程4 读
24、写译,UNIT SIX,BACK,Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups.,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,For Viewpoints6.Do you think parents who became slaves to their children will be respected and admired by their children at any time?Why?7.Do you think that parents should be responsible for everything when
25、 their young adults live at home?Why?8.In your opinion,how should parents teach their children the dignity of independence?9.How do you view the parental paradigm in China?,大学英语教程4 读写译,UNIT SIX,BACK,StructureStudy the following sentences.Then make sentences with the phrases and expressions given.Wri
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