1、Unit 2,Return to Menu,Passage AThink About ItRead About ItTalk About ItWrite About It,1.What do you dream of becoming?,Open.,Reference:,2.What did you do when you had problem in realizing your dream?,Open.,Reference:,Read About ItLanguage PointsContent AwarenessLanguage Focus,Besides being the drumm
2、er and chief lyricist for the rock band“Rush”,Neil Peart is also an author and philosopher.Look at how beautifully he expresses the relationship between life and a dream:“Life is just a candle and a dream must give it flame.”Richard M.DeVos,the founder of Amway Corp.,also writes about the flame of h
3、ope:“No life is more tragic than that of the individual who nurses a dream,an ambition,always wishing and hoping,but never giving it a chance to happen.He nurses the flickering dream,but never lets it break out into flame.”,Most of us have a dream,aspiration,or hearts desire.But the trouble is most
4、of us have the on/off switch of our dream set to OFF.Whenever we say,“I cant,”we set the switch to OFF.Whenever we believe we can,we set the switch to ON.Simple,isnt it?Just because I believe I can do something doesnt mean there wont be any problems.But once I believe I can do it,I will seek solutio
5、ns for every problem I stumble on.And since it is a law of life that we find what we look for,if I look for solutions,I will find them.Any worthy dream is a dream worthy of accomplishing.Once I realize I can do it,the next step is to make a commitment.As soon as we make a commitment,great power is r
6、eleased.What seemingly were insurmountable hurdles are now reduced to obstacles of laughable insignificance.,Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great.We dont have to become the worlds greatest pianist,an Olympic medal winner,or an internationally acclaimed superstar.An aunt of mine sold gloves i
7、n a department store for most of her life.Her dream was to be the friendliest and most helpful salesperson around.Year after year,the same customers would return and deliberately seek her out.She brightened everyones day and touched the lives of thousands.Was her dream any less significant than that
8、 of a prominent person?Of course not,but we all have the power to follow a dream that will make a difference to us and those we meet.Before our dreams can come true,dont we have to dream?Isnt there a good reason for dreaming?After all,how can we travel any further than our dream?How can we become an
9、y greater than our dream?Author of As a Man Thinketh,James Allen expressed the same idea,“Dream lofty dreams,and as you dream,so shall you become.Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be;your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.”,ExampleTheir beliefs are more Christ
10、ian than Buddhist.We spent more time on the last job than usual.,more.than 1)to a larger or extra number or amount(of),2)when“more”is used before a noun,it is used to mean that it is more like the first thing rather than the second,ExampleHes more like a movie star than a lifeguard,really.Sue scream
11、ed,not loudly,more in surprise than terror.,ExampleHe has very little vision in her left eye.Since the accident,he has suffered from memory loss and impaired vision.,vision n.1)the ability to see,2)an imagined mental image of sth,ExampleThats my vision of how the world could be.I have a vision of a
12、society that is free of exploitation and injustice.,ExampleJanes aspirations to help others come from her own misfortune as a child.His early death caused many of his political aspirations to remain unfulfilled.,aspiration n.desire or hope to achieve sth,aspire v.to have a strong desire or hope to d
13、o or have sth,ExampleFew people who aspire to/after fame ever achieve it.,reduce v.1)make less in size,amount,degree,importance,etc.,ExampleI reduced my weight by going on a diet.The workforce has been reduced by half.,2)to bring into a different,usually worse,state,ExampleAllied bombing reduced the
14、 city to ruins.I was reduced to tears seeing the mess they had made.,ExampleDo you play any other sports besides ice-skating and swimming?I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful.,besides prep.in addition to;also,ExampleHe gave up his job so that he could nurse his mother at
15、home in her last months.They found an injured cat and carefully nursed it back to health.,nurse v.1)to take care of someone/an animal while he or it is ill,2)to spend a lot of time taking care of something,ExampleThese young trees were carefully nursed by the head gardener.The project will have to b
16、e nursed through its few months.,3)to feel a desire or an emotion for a long time,ExampleShe has long nursed a passion for Japanese art.Jane still nurses the pain of rejection.,ExampleI break out into a cold sweat merely thinking about snakes.We seem to break out into an argument about absolutely no
17、thing,and this unpleasant state of things usually occurs at mealtimes.,break out into sth begin suddenly to do sth,ExampleWatson said yesterday that he would not seek re-election next year.After the meeting he sought out the person who had spoken about the plans.,seek v.to search for,look for or try
18、 to find or obtain(esp.sth which is not a physical object),seek to do sth try or attempt to do sth,ExampleMr.Taylor is seeking to recover money that he is owed by the insurance company.The plane encountered icing and the pilot sought to climb to a higher altitude shortly before it crashed.,ExampleWe
19、 need to translate these worthy principles into workable rules.Every year he makes a large donation to a worthy cause.,worthy adj.(formal)deserving respect,admiration,or support,ExampleThe students accomplished the task in less than 10 minutes.I feel as if Ive accomplished nothing since I left my jo
20、b.,accomplish v.to finish sth successfully or to achieve sth,ExampleI think I can come tonight but I wont commit myself till I know for sure.The government claimed to commit itself to improving health care.,commit v.to promise or give(your loyalty or money)to a particular principle,person,or plan of
21、 action,commitment n.a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular way,ExampleShe is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.Id like to thank the staff for having shown such commitment.,committed adj.willing to work hard and give your time and energy to sth,ExampleThe party are co
22、mmitted to helping those who are not able to help themselves.We are committed to withdraw our troops by the end of the year.,ExampleHe was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.The medicine released him from years of pain.,release v.1)to give freedom or free movement t
23、o sb or sth,2)to let sth to be shown in public or available for use,ExampleThe police have released a picture of the man they wanted to question.The minister has released a statement explaining the reasons for his resignation.,ExampleAs you sow,so shall you reap.As soul is to a body,so is love to a
24、home.,(just)as so used to compare two people or things,when they are the same the general idea is that“just as X is true/is so,Y is true/is so.”,Read and think Exercise 2Exercise 3,Ex.2Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions.Share your thoughts and resp
25、onses with the class.,1.How would you interpret this sentence“Our dream is the song of our soul”?,There is a sound that your soul sings inside you all the time.The sound of your soul is a frequency that connects you to your dream.Most of us forgot how to listen to the sound of our soul.The song of y
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