1、,Where do they come from?,It _ from_.They _ from _.,comes,come,the U.S.,Brazil,Where do they come from?,It _ from _.They _ from _.,comes,England,come,Holland,Where do they come from?,It _ from _.It _ from _.,comes,France,comes,Italy,Where do they come from?,It _ from _.They _ from _.,comes,Germany,c
2、ome,Norway,Where do they come from?,It _ from _.They _ from _.,comes,Spain,come,Russia,Review,springsummerautumnwinterweatherwarm climatepleasant,春天夏天秋天冬天天气温暖的气候宜人的,What is the climate of Haicheng like?Its warm in spring and autumn,its cold in winter,its hot in summer.,Lesson 53 An interesting clima
3、te.,Listen and Answer:,1.What is the favourite subject of conversation in England?,2.Whats the climate like in England?,Lesson 53 An interesting climate,New words and new expressions:,mild maild adj.温暖的(形容天气);,always lwez adv.总是(频率副词),He always watches TV at night.,He is a mild man.The climate is mi
4、ld.,温和的(形容人的性格),in the east 在东方,east,south,north,west,west west n.西方,east ist n.东方,north n:n.北方,south sau n.南方,in the north:在北方,in the west 在西方,in the south 在南方,go west 去死,North,South,West,East,In,best best adv.最He likes winter best.,night nait n.夜晚We often sleep at night.,season si:zn n.季节There are
5、 4 seasons in a year.,wet wet adj.潮湿的,Her dress is wet.,all in wet 全身湿透了,rainy,wet潮湿的,wet-dry,rise raiz v.升起,early:li adv.早,The sun rises early and sets late.,set set v.(太阳)落下去,sunrise 太阳升起,sunset 太阳落下,late let adv.晚、迟,subject sbdkt n.话题;语法主语;科目,conversation knvsen n.谈话,interesting ntrst adj.有趣的,有意思
6、的,This book is so interesting.,My favourite subject is Chinese.,He listened to their conversation.,season There are four seasons in a year.spring summer autumn winter,Which season do you like best?I like best.Why?,SpringSummerAutumnWinter,in,Whats the weather like in the North?Whats the weather like
7、 in the East?Whats the weather like in the West?Whats the weather like in the South?,Its cold in the North.,Its windy in the East.,Its wet in the West.,Its warm in the South.,英国:大不列巅及北爱尔兰联合王国England 英格兰Scotland 苏格兰Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰Wales 威尔士Ireland 爱尔兰,north,west,south,east,England the Great Brit
8、ain and Northern Ireland Scotland England Welsh Northern Ireland,英国气候特点,英国处于欧洲西部,大西洋东岸,为典型的温带海洋性气候。成因:一方面受中纬度西风(即盛行西风)影响下,常年温和多雨。另一方面与流经此处的北大西洋暖流也有关系。暖流能对沿岸起到增温增湿的作用。英国全国一月份的平均气温约为4至7度,七月份13至17度。年降雨量西北部山区超过1000毫米,而东南部在六七百毫米之间。英国雾气较重,主要是岛国的潮气所致。首都伦敦冬季河湖极少结冰,一月平均气温在4度(摄氏)以上;夏天则相当凉爽,七月的平均气温17度,早晚外出需加外衣
9、。年降雨量约600毫米,雨量分布较均匀。至于伦敦过去常见的浓雾,并不完全是自然现象。由于重视环境保护,伦敦目前出现浓雾的次数已大大减少。英国虽然气候温和,但天气多变。一日之内,时晴时雨。多变的天气也为人们提供了经常的话题,在英国甚至最沉默寡言的人也喜欢谈论天气。受高纬度的影响,英国昼夜长短的变化特别明显。冬季日短夜长,夏季则日长夜短。夏季是到英国旅游的最佳季节。夏季日间长,活动时间多,而且温度适中,天气清爽,人的精神也倍感充沛。这个季节尽管也有雨,但一般不会连绵不断,影响行程。,HANS:Where do you come from?JIM:I come from England.HANS:W
10、hats the climate like in your country?JIM:Its mild,but its not always pleasant.,Lesson 53 An interesting climate.,询问对方是哪国人:(1)A:Where do you come from?B:I come from China.(国家),(2)A:Where are you from?B:Im from China.(国家),(3)A:What nationality are you?B:Im Chinese.(国家的人),Whats.like?:用来询问事物的情况,例如天气、气候
11、等,或是询问人或事物的外观或特征。用形容词回答。,country:(1)国家(前面不加定冠词the);(2)乡村(前面加定冠词the)。,mild:adj.(1)温暖的(形容天气);(2)温和的(形容人的性格)。,always:adv.总是(表示频率的副词)。,JIM:The weathers oftencold in the North and windy in the East.Its often wet in the West and sometimes warmin the South.,north n.北方in the North=in the north of England表示一
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