1、,Details Lead to Success-a shortcut to teachers professional development,路桥区金清中学 蔡裕方,教师是一条河,一条常流、常清、不断更新的河。头脑不是一个要被填满的容器,而是一把需被点燃的火把。古希腊身生物学家,散文家 普罗塔戈 教师的职责现在已越来越少地传递知识,而越来越多得激励思考,除了他的正式职能外,他将越来越成为一位顾问,一位交换意见者,一位帮助发现矛盾论点而不是拿出现成真理的人,一个优秀教师应该具有:,陶行知的热情,朱熹的学识,孔子的智慧,孙中山的博爱。,英语教育中的主要问题,1、视野不宽:教书乏招;搬教参,教不
2、活。2、底蕴不厚:创新乏力;无法面对互动生 成的课堂。3、修养不足:育人乏术;责任心似乎很强,艺术性却很差;自我感觉良好,反思能 力欠佳。,4、情趣不多:生活乏味;人未老心先衰;心灵缺乏阳光;难与学生交往沟通。5、学段纵向衔接不够:学生得不到系统发展6、学科横向交流不够:学科本位、学生发 展不均衡。,英语课堂教学中的主要问题,Too much encouragement of Ss loud voiceToo much praise or awardToo many meaningless activitiesToo much teacher controlToo much adherence
3、 to the text book(e.g.),Little attention to Ss in the corner/backLittle concern for Ss real interests/needsLittle variety of tasks/activitiesLittle adoption of Ss life experienceLittle guidance in learning strategiesLittle consideration of teaching context,转变教学观念,强调语言运用,Tell me,I forget.Show me,I re
4、member.Involve me,I understand.,一、在过程中体验英语学习的价值,发展学习兴趣二、在过程中逐步改善学习方法,提高英语学习质量 三、在过程中逐步获取文化策略,提高跨文化交际能力四、在过程中养成良好的学习习惯,提高英语运用能力五、在过程中提高英语学习能力,促进英语学习的可持续发展,“授人玫瑰,手留余香”,给学生一张发展的存折,Professional development,Teacher professional development is the learning process by which teachers continuously develop th
5、eir expertise(their professional knowledge and skills),Questions,-How long have you been a teacher?-How do you understand the work of teachers:professional or not?-How do you understand the term“professional development”?-Which period do you find you grow fastest in your teaching expertise?-Do you f
6、ind your growth slow down or even stop after you became skilful enough in your everyday teaching?What strategies/means do you use to enhance your professional development?-What area(s)do you find you most need to learn further?,Professional development,Why?-professional purpose(eg.for the curriculum
7、 reform)-personal purpose What?-gaining technology-knowing about new syllabus&materials-acquiring(public)theories-develop understanding/personal theoriesHow?-being trained/knowledge transmission-self-directed learning/reflective teaching/teacher-as-researcher,Reflective teaching,Reflective teaching
8、is an approach to teaching and to teacher education which is based on the assumption that teachers can improve their understanding of teaching and the quality of their own teaching by reflecting critically on their teaching experiences.based on J.Richards(1996),Reflective teaching is one in which te
9、achers and student-teachers collect data about teaching,examine their attitudes,beliefs,assumptions and teaching practices,and use the information obtained as a basis for critical reflection about teaching.J.Richards(1996),Reflective teaching involves asking questions such as,What are my beliefs abo
10、ut teaching and learning,ad how do these beliefs influence my teaching?Where do these beliefs come from?What kind of teacher am I?What kind of planning decisions do I make use of?What is my role as a teacher?How effectively do I create and utilize learning opportunities within a lesson?Did I address
11、 needs of different kinds of students?Did I give weaker students enough attention?,What kind of interaction occur in my classroom?What interactional styles do my learners favor?What kind of grouping arrangement do I use and how effective are they?What kind of leaning activities do I employ?What is t
12、he purpose of these activities?Are meaning-focus activities and form-focus ones in appropriated balance?How do I modify my language to facilitate teaching and learning?Richard&Lockhart,1994,Why teacher-as-researcher?,Much can be learned about teaching through self-inquiry(research into ones own/peer
13、s teaching)Much of what happens in teaching is unknown to the teacherExperience is insufficient as a basis for developmentReflection can trigger a deeper understanding of teaching(Richards&Lockhart,1994),Features of teacher-as-researcher,Research by teacher,not on teachers by external researchersFor
14、 practical purpose not for scholarly purposesContext-dependent not context freeBased on classroom data(facts/evidence),Observation and recordingField notesJournals or diaryQuestionnaireInterviewDocuments,How do we collect classroom data for research?,Language Classroom research,Describing what reall
15、y happens in classroomWhat is said by the teacher and learners*What is done by teacher and learnersHow what happens affects learners and their learning,Classroom discourse,Classroom discourse:verbal exchanges,or conversation between teacher and students and among students themselvesThe role of teach
16、er talk:the way the teacher talks shapes the learning experience of the students,as it decides-quantity and quality of the target language students are exposed to-opportunities that students are provided to produce the target language-cognitive and affective conditions that students may perceive,Tea
17、cher talk is used for-ExplainingGiving directionQuestioningFeedbackSocial talking/chatting,Functions of teacher talk,Features of teacher talk,Teacher talk can be described in-Linguistic featuresInteraction features*,Linguistic features,Fluency:rate of speech,pause,hesitation,naturalnessAccuracy:gram
18、mar,pronunciation,vocabularyComplexity:grammar,vocabulary,Interactional features,Interaction patternTurn distributionTopic controlWay of questioning Way of feedbackNegotiation/communication strategies,课堂观察记录表(一)课堂教学互动(即交际)模式的观察课堂教学互动(即交际)模式包括活动类型和活动形式。课堂活动的类型(即课堂组织形式)有提问、默读、朗读、听录音、讨论、复述、竞赛、填空练习、笔头练习
19、、看录像、听歌曲、编对话、角色表演、采访等。课堂活动形式是指课堂上教师与学生、学生与学生之间交流的形式。它包括教师全体学生、教师单个学生、学生学生(两人活动)、学生学生(小组活动)、学生个体活动、全班活动等。活动效果可分为好、一般、差。,课堂观察记录表(二)师生课堂语言面貌的观察 学生的语言面貌包括两方面:输出方式和输出质量。输出方式分为单词、短语、单句、语段(3-4句)和语篇。输出质量为正确、错误较多、自然流畅、断断续续等。教师的语言面貌主要指教师在表扬、鼓励学生时所使用的语言。分为单一的、变化的、客观得体的、超值的、模糊的。,课堂观察记录表(三)教师课堂提问的类型及学生反应的观察教师课堂提
20、问的类型包括课堂程序性问题(这类问题与课堂进展程序和课堂管理的指令有关。目的在于落实教学计划、实施课堂活动、检查学生的学习状况,从而保障教学步骤的自然衔接和实施)、展示型问题(指根据教学内容提出的问题,能直接找到答案)、参阅型问题(指根据课文相关信息提出问题。这类问题没有现成答案,学生要结合个人的知识和课文所提供的信息进行综合分析)、和评估型问题(指要求学生在理解的基础上进行深层次的逻辑思维,运用所学语言知识就课文的某个事件或观点发表自己的看法)。学生反应指学生对教师提问的总体反应。分为积极主动、被动、沉默。,BEST TEACHER DESCRIPTION,1.EnthusiasmStude
21、nts can feel the excitementStudents easily detect the teachers love for job and subject2.PreparationTeacher knows the subjectTeacher plans and prepares lessons daily3.PunctualityAlways arrives on timeBegins and ends class on time Expects and encourages students to arrive on time,4.Support and concer
22、n for studentsLet students know that he/she cares about their successTakes time with students Allows for creativityIs friendly and courteous Is supportive and encouragingIs smiling,caring and loving5.ConsistencyDoes not miss classIs consistent in attitude and dealings with studentsIs always well pre
23、pared to teach class6.Politeness Treats students with respect Avoids embarrassing students in class7.Firmness and control Is firm in a kind manner Avoids tangents in teaching8.Does not play favorites,9.Provides personal help Takes time to explain concept Gives individual attention10.Accepts individu
24、al differences11.Employs an effective delivery Clarifies for understanding Creates a sense of fun with the learning task Eliminates bad,irritating and/or distracting habits12.Does not make students lose face Avoids criticizing students13.Has high expectations of class members14.Is humble15.Is fair,1
25、6.Uses variety Uses a variety of learning activities Experiments Allows for spontaneity17.Has a sense of humor;is relaxed18.Use of engaged time Sets a good pace and provides for a change of pace Avoids engaging students in busy work19.Use of text Is not a slave to the text Uses text as a road map20.
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