1、Para 1&2,我们不断变化的生活方式:潮流和时尚 如今,生活方式有种迅速变化的趋势。迅速变化的不仅仅只是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式。曾几何时,人们戴帽子,穿牛仔裤,喝白葡萄酒,到日本餐馆就餐,每天跑几英里健身。但到了第二年,所有这一切都变了:妇女们穿长裙,人们喝昂贵的法国进口水,到意大利餐馆就餐,似乎每个人都在健身俱乐部里锻炼身体。,译 文,Para 3,现代生活中几乎没有什么能逃过时尚的影响:食品、音乐、运动、书籍、语言、电影、家具,甚至名字都会经历时髦或者过时的过程。人们追随的兴趣爱好会很快地改变。,译 文,Para 4,在美国,甚至人也可以变得时尚或者过时。
2、美国人喜欢追随名人的生活方式:演员、体育明星、著名艺人、政治家等。但是美国人也十分注意一点特殊才能都没有的人。比如,1981 年,一位名不见经传的老妇人出现在一个电视广告里,她看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨道:“牛肉呢?”这三个字使她成了名。一时之间,她在杂志、报纸和电视上频频亮相,一下子大受欢迎,成了时尚。但是,这种名声并不持久。这种人只是在很短的一段时间里为众人所知他们只是时尚。,译 文,Para 5,是什么使这种时尚来得快也去得快?尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流为的是赚钱,但这种赚钱的欲望并不能解释其他方面的时尚,例如语言。比如,为什么青少年在过去25年里的不同时代,谈话时使用“groovy
3、(帅呆了)”或者“awesome(太棒了)”这样的词,而不只说“wonderful(好极了)”了呢?据一位流行文化专家说,追随时尚的人并不是愚蠢或爱慕虚荣;他们只是想成为富有创造性的新事物的一部分。,译 文,Para 6,不过,时尚并不只是美国才有。任何经济强国(如英国、日本、德国)都有时尚。但是,在美国,时尚发生另有原因:大多数美国人似乎觉得,如果他们的生活没有发生频繁的变化,那一定有什么地方不对劲了。,译 文,Para 7&8,有时候很难区别时尚和潮流。时尚持续时间很短,也不太重要。但是一种社会潮流能长时间存在,并且真正成为现代文化的一部分。例如,使用个人电脑是一种潮流,而使用某种电脑游戏
4、只可能成为一种时尚。谁知道今后的生活方式又会发生什么样的变化呢?,译 文,Model:It is not only clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next;its a whole way of living.Key:It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next;its a whole way of living.,A.Rewrite th
5、e following sentences after the model,using the expression“more than just”.,Focusing on Sentence Structure,Children like it because it is more than just a simple toy.,More than just your life will be affected;it is the whole group.,She can more than just sing well;she is also a good dancer.,1.Childr
6、en like it because it is not just a simple toy.2.Not only your life will be affected;it is the whole group.3.She cannot only sing well;she is also a good dancer.,Focusing on Sentence Structure,appearv.【1】become able to be seen;come into sight 出现;呈现 e.g.The symptoms dont appear until a few days later
7、.症状要到几天后才显现。【2】seem;give other people a particular idea or feeling 似乎;好像;看来 e.g.Love appears to be more beautiful in stories than in real life.故事里的爱情似乎比现实生活中的要美一些。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,appear,2.都市人似乎永远在忙忙碌碌。,City people appear to be hurrying all the time.,1.她乌黑的头发中露出了丝丝银发。,Gray began to app
8、ear in her black hair.,New Words,Model:It seems that well have fine weather today.Key:It appears that well have fine weather today.,B.Rewrite the following sentences after the model,using the word“appear”.,Focusing on Sentence Structure,It appears that youll be the only boy at the party.,He appears
9、to be friendly,but you still have to be careful.,She appeared quite excited to hear that John was coming soon.,1.It seems that youll be the only boy at the party.2.He seems to be friendly,but you still have to be careful.3.She seemed quite excited to hear that John was coming soon.,Focusing on Sente
10、nce Structure,A.Translate the following into English.,1.如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。(get away from),If he starts talking about the past,youll never get away from him.,2.冬天失业率有上升的趋势。(tendency),There is a tendency for job losses to rise in the winter.,Translating,A.Translate the following into English.,3
11、.在我不断地要求下,父亲终于同意和我一起去澳大利亚了。(frequent),Because of my frequent demands,father finally agreed to go to Australia with me.,4.他把老店卖了,开了一家新店,以便赚更多的 钱。(make money),He sold his shop and opened a new one to make more money.,Translating,B.Translate the following into Chinese.,1.It is more than just clothing a
12、nd hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next;its a whole way of living.,迅速变化的不仅仅只是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式。,2.In 1981,for example,an unknown elderly woman appeared in a TV advertisement in which she looked at a very small hamburger and complained loudly,“Wheres the beef?”,比如,1
13、981 年,一位名不见经传的老妇人出现在一个电视广告里,她看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨道:“牛肉呢?”,Translating,B.Translate the following into Chinese.,3.Although clothing designers influence fads in fashion because they want to make money,this desire for money doesnt explain fads in other areas,such as language.,尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流为的是赚钱,但这种赚钱的欲望并不能解释
14、其他方面的时尚,例如语言。,4.However,in the United States,there is an additional reason for fads:most Americans seem to feel that something is wrong if there isnt frequent change in their lives.,但是,在美国,时尚的发生另有其因:大多数美国人似乎觉得,如果他们的生活没有发生频繁的变化,那一定有什么地方不对劲了。,Translating,Use the following words and expressions to comp
15、lete the passage below.Change the form where necessary.,All types of fads _ around us.What is _ today may go _ next month because the change is so fast.Some people,especially _ are busy _.In todays society,almost everyone is influenced by _ to some degree.,in style out of date fashion come and go te
16、enagers follow fads,come and go,in style,out of date,teenagers,following fads,fashion,Using Topic-related Terms,英语写作中,动词的常用时态的使用主要遵循下列规则:,1.关于事实、真理和习惯通常用一般现在时。例如:New Years Eve is the worlds oldest celebration.(Text A,Unit 6,Book 1)2.对于发生在过去时间里的事实或事件通常使用一般过去时。例如:In fact,ancient people celebrated the
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