1、路遥知马力,事久见人心,留得青山在,不怕没柴烧,一年之计在于春,哑巴吃黄连有苦说不出,十五个吊桶七上八下,和尚打伞无法无天,脚踏两只船,偷鸡不着蚀把米,一个巴掌拍不响,车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直,人不可貌相,海水不可斗量,趁热打铁,一箭双雕,火上浇油,了如指掌,Translation of Chinese Idioms,习语翻译,Idioms:(in broad sense may include):set phrases,proverbs,sayings,epigrams,slang expressions,colloquialisms,quotations,two-part alleg
2、orical sayings习语(又称熟语):短语,成语,俗语,谚语,格言,箴言,名言(引语或语录),警句,隽语,俚语,粗话,行话,歇后语(包括双关语),Features of Idioms,英汉习语的共同特征:1、习语是一个民族的语言中最为精彩的一章,是民族文化的瑰宝与结晶。2、习语是语言中独立、不规则而固定的因素,往往以短语或短句的形式出现在句中,在句中多半是当做一个成分使用,有时它的作用就等于一个词。它的意义往往不等于它的组成分子(单字)意义的总和。Definition of“idiom”:a group of words that has a special meaning that
3、is different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word.phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit.E.g.:露出马脚,cats paw,开夜车,落花流水,under the weather,lose ones head,lay heads together3、习语是一种相对稳定的词语搭配。通常不能随意改变习语的词序、拆
4、开或用其他词替换。E.g.:雪中送炭,老马识途,乱七八糟(),cast pearls before swine,burn ones boats,at liberty,A stitch in time saves nine.,4、但习语的稳固性也并不是绝对的。许多英汉习语有自己的变体:拔(揠)苗助长,山珍海味(错),Fry in ones own grease/Stew in ones own juice.Flog/Beat a dead horse.He who laughs last laughs longest/best.Talk of the devil and hes sure to/
5、will appear.习语的临时变体:一箭三雕,权令智昏,birds eye-view(worms-eye view),at arms length(at two arms length),The kid was reading a bit more than he can chew.(To bite off more than one can chew)习语还常常以缩略的形式出现:三个臭皮匠,各人自扫门前雪,三个和尚没水吃,初生的牛犊,挂羊头,放下屠刀,不吃回头草,青出于蓝,八仙过海,芝麻开花,兔子尾巴,Jack of all trade(and master of none).(Each
6、 for himself and)the devil take the hindmost.If you run after two hares you will catch neither.To run after two hares.Its no good crying for spilt milk.To cry over spilt milk./The milk is spilt./spilt milkA bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.A bird in the hand./A bird in the bush.The early bi
7、rd catches the worm.the early birdA rolling stone gathers no moss.a rolling stone,Features of Idioms,5、习语常利用声音的和谐来达到易懂易记、顺口入耳、生动有力的目的。利用韵脚:狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心;一招鲜,吃遍天;良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行;A friend in need is a friend indeed.East or west,home is best.Man proposes,God disposes.Health is better than wealth.Beggars
8、should not be choosers.fair and square;high and dry;wear and tear.利用双声:八面玲珑,聪明伶俐,慷慨激昂,明媚灿烂Alliteration:as blind as a bat,as busy as a bee,as clear as crystal,as dead as a doornail,as cool as a cucumber,as red as a rose,as proud as a peacock,at sixes and sevens,spick and span,then and therethrough th
9、ick and thintit for tatneither fish,flesh or fowlCare killed the cat.Money makes the mare to go.Many men,many minds.Speech is silver(silvern),silence is golden.,Features of Idioms,5、习语常利用声音的和谐来达到易懂易记、顺口入耳、生动有力的目的。利用重复:勤勤恳恳;马马虎虎;种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆again and again,measure for measure,on and on,step by step,thro
10、ugh and through,share and share alike,horse and horse/neck and neckcall a spade a spade as sure as eggs is eggsDiamond cut diamond.They that know nothing fear nothing.Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.利用对仗:只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯;路遥知马力,日久见人心;狼吞虎咽;铜墙铁壁Easy come,easy go.First come,first served.Li
11、ke father,like son,More haste,less speed.Out of sight,out of mind.Penny wise,pound foolish.Nothing venture,nothing gain/win.Well fed,well bred.,Features of Idioms,6、由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核”(common core),英汉习语有时有惊人的相似之处。,Features of Idioms,喻义相同,结构相同:,了如指掌火上浇油滴水石穿浑水摸鱼自吹自擂空中楼阁破釜沉舟如履薄冰晴天霹雳趁热打铁熟能生巧时间不等人时间就是金钱
12、(耳听为虚),眼见为实隔墙有耳,To know something like the palm or back of ones handto pour oil on the flames/add fuel to the flames Constant dropping wears the stone.to fish in the troubled watersblow ones own trumpet castle in the airto burn ones boatsbe skating on thin ice like a bolt from the blueto strike whil
13、e the iron is hotPractice makes perfect.Time and tide wait for no man.Time is money.Seeing is believing.Walls have ears.,6、由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核”(common core),英汉习语有时有惊人的相似之处。,Features of Idioms,喻体相同,喻意一致:,捅马蜂窝笑里藏刀脸皮厚肉中刺得寸进尺英雄所见略同拉长了脸(不开心)自食其果坏蛋人善被人欺,马善被人骑赴汤蹈火把黑的说成白的,to stir up a hornets nestthe smiles
14、 with knife under the cloakthick-skinneda thorn in ones flesh/sidegive sb.an inch and hell take a mile/yard)Great minds think alike.(put on,have,wear,etc)a long face*ones face falls eat the bitter fruit of ones own makingbad egg All lay load on the willing horse.go through fire and water swear black
15、 is white(颠倒黑白,不择手段),6、由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核”(common core),英汉习语有时有惊人的相似之处。,Features of Idioms,喻义相同,修辞方式相同:,轻如鸿毛稳如泰山骨瘦如柴易如反掌活到老,学到老人山人海,as light as a featheras steady as the mountainas thin as a railas easy as turning over ones hand One is never too old to learn.the sea of faces,Features of Idioms,英汉习语
16、的差别:1、英汉习语的最大差别在于文化意象上的差异。E.g.:Its raining cats and dogs.VS 毛毛雨,牛毛雨,鹅毛大雪poke ones nose into sth.(nosy)VS 牵着鼻子走,喻体不同:,血流如注艳若桃李昭然若揭胆小如鼠守口如瓶一贫如洗白费口舌弱不禁风画蛇添足妖魔鬼怪明察秋毫掌上明珠过河拆桥,to bleed like a pigas red as a rose/like lilies and rosesas clear as the sun at noondayas timid as a rabbit/hareas dumb as an oyst
17、er/as silent as the graveas poor as a Church mouseto speak to the windas weak as waterto carry coal to Newcastle/gild the lilythe powers of darknessto see through a brick wallapple of someones eyeto kick down the ladder,Features of Idioms,英汉习语的差别:1、英汉习语的最大差别在于文化意象上的差异。,大海捞针打草惊蛇翘辫子雪中送炭瓮中之鳖对牛弹琴狐假虎威一箭双
18、雕耳旁风班门弄斧黄粱美梦昙花一现化险为夷无米之炊,to look for a needle in a haystackto wake a sleeping dogto kick the buckethelp a lame dog over a stilelike a rat in a holeto cast pearls before swinean ass in a lions skinkill two birds with one stone.go in(at)one ear and out(at)the other teach ones granny to suck eggs/teach
19、 fish to swima fools paradisea flash in the pan fall/land on ones feetmake bricks without straw,喻体不同:,Features of Idioms,英汉习语的差别:1、英汉习语的最大差别在于文化意象上的差异。,生死有命连珠炮似地说个不停拍马屁王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸入乡随俗,Every bullet has its billet.talk a mile a minute polish the apple Every potter praises his own pot.When in Rome,do as
20、the Romans do.,喻体不同:,汉语是明喻,英语是暗喻或直接表述:,暴跳如雷呆若木鸡大智若愚巧舌如簧,to fly into a rage/to hit the ceilingto be petrified with astonishmentStill waters run deep.have a silver tongue,Features of Idioms,英汉习语的差别:1、英汉习语的最大差别在于文化意象上的差异。,汉语形象含蓄,英语形象具体:,暗箭伤人格格不入出言不逊贪得无厌循规蹈矩一清二楚三思而后行,hit sb.below the belt/stab sb.in the
21、 back like a square peg in a round holeto scold like a fishwifeas greedy as a wolfas regular as clockwork/to go round like a horse in a millas clear as crystalLook before you leap.,汉语形象具体,英语形象含蓄:,从生到死没精打采大言不惭,from the cradle to the graveto be a cup too lowall sb.s geese are swans,Features of Idioms,
22、英汉习语的差别:2、英汉习语在使用上也有一定差异。英语习语的使用虽然较为广泛,但字典里许多习语已经过时,英语本族语者并不经常使用;汉语虽也忌讳滥用习语,但四字成语仍然具有旺盛的生命力,尤其在书面语中随处可见。,英汉习语的差别:3、准确识别和理解英语习语。狭义的英语习语容易辨别。People who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.make a mountain out of a molehillput paid to,the powers that be,by and large,like a bat out of hell,like wa
23、ter off a ducks back字面意义似是而非的习语,往往给译者设下陷阱,容易产生误译。go out with sb,take sb.for a ridepull sbs leg,sing a different song/tune,childrens play,eat ones words,习语汉译英的几种方法,一、直译法“如果还是翻译,那么,首先的目的,就是在博览外国的作品,不但移情,也要益智,至少是知道何地何时,有这等事,和旅行外国,是很相像的:它必须有异国情调,就是所谓洋气凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当力求其易解,二则保存着原作的丰姿”鲁迅异化译法(Foreignizatio
24、n)在符合译入语表达习惯和语法规范的前提下,习语的翻译应尽可能地运用直译法。因为直译法能保持原作风味,又能向译文读者介绍源语文化,并且丰富译入语及其文化,于中英语言文化皆善莫大焉。“雨后春笋”:like mushrooms VS like bamboo shoots after a spring shower“猫哭老鼠”:to shed crocodile tears VS The cat weeps over the mouse.,习语汉译英的几种方法,一、直译法现代汉语中有许多习语是输入的:,酸葡萄 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 开火/停火炮火的洗礼打破记录为铺平道路出现赤字圆桌会议象牙塔王牌摊牌连
25、锁反应新血液披着羊皮的狼,sour grapeseye for eye,tooth for toothto open fire/to cease firebaptism of fireto break the recordto pave the way forto get into/be in the reda round-table meetingan ivory towera trump cardto show ones cardschain reactionnew/fresh blooda wolf in sheeps clothing,黑市黑名单冷战黄金时代处女航处女地蓝图瓶颈白热白热
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