1、,Operative Clauses 具体操作条款,Conditions Precedent 先决条件,Boilerplate Clauses 通用条款,Schedules and Annexes 附录及附件,Signature Page 签字页,Representations and Warranties 陈述和担保,Definitions 定义,Preliminary Statements 前言(鉴于条款),Preamble 合同首部,Structure of Typical Commercial Contract典型的商务合同结构,典型合同首部,合同名称,具有描述性的简单标题,合同日期,
2、Date of execution 签字日“As of”date 订立日Different from Effective Date?是否与生效日不同?,合同当事人名称,Correct legal name 准确的法定名称Legal status or form 法律地位或者法律形式Registered address or principle place of business 注册地址或者主要营业地,签约地点,Optional 可以省略,前言(鉴于条款),In recitals,the best practice is to avoid:在鉴于条款中,最好避免出现以下情况,Lengthy r
3、ecitals 冗长的段落Rights of obligations 规定具体权利义务Definition of operative terms对将在具体操作条款中出现的属于进行定义,If there is no unique background to the contract,perhaps no recitals are required.如果交易本身并不具有独特的背景,也许应该省掉鉴于条款,Purpose of Recitals:Background Information Not Substantive Provisions鉴于条款的目的:介绍背景情况而不应该包括实质性条款,鉴于条款
4、范例1,Background Recital介绍合同背景的鉴于条款,Background Recital(Project)介绍合同背景的鉴于条款(项目),(A)Borrow and Lender signed a loan agreement dated September 22,2002借款人和贷款人订立日期为2002年9月22日的贷款协议,(A)Party A has obtained approval to design,constuct and operate a public toll road between city1 and city2 in XXprovince,China甲
5、方获得相关批准,在中国X省的X市和X市之间建设并运营一条收费公路,(B)Execution of this Security Agreement is a condition preceent to funding of the loan under the Loan Agreement根据贷款协议的规定,签订本抵押协议是贷款人根据贷款合同提供资金的先决条件,(B)Party B has extensive experience in the design and contstuction of toll roads.乙方在收费公路的设计和建设方面具有丰富的经验。,(C)Party A des
6、ires to engage Party B to perform design services and constuction works for the Project,and Party B desires to accept such engaement,on the terms of this Contract乙方愿意按照本合同的条款聘请乙方为合同项目提供设计服务和工程建设服务,且乙方愿意接受此项聘请。,Definition 定义,为便于查询,应尽量将所有定义的属于放在同一章内。定义条款可作为合同的第一章或者作为附录附于合同正文之后。有时(但不是一成不变),经过定义的术语英文为大写
7、字母开头,中文可以是下划线或者放在方括弧内总的原则是要前后一致。定义条款中不要包含涉及双方具体权利义务的规定。要避免循环定义。如果”通常含义“足以表达某一词语的意思,就无须定义。经过定义的属于在合同中要通篇含义一致。,Operative Clause 具体操作条款,Not subject to conditions outside clients control不受超出当事人控制之外因素的影响No legal obstacles to other partys performance确保要求对方履行义务时在法律上不会遇到障碍Other party to perform within clear
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 合同 结构 起草
