1、Shanghai Doc,标点符号在翻译中的应用,主讲:郭宝霞Trainer:Becky Guo,上海道珂翻译培训学院,1,为什么要学习标点符号?,1、翻译中需要对原语言合句、分句,标点符号也需进行调整。2、初学翻译者由于受原语言中标点符号的误导,写的句子缺乏逻辑,要么一逗到底,要么不做任何调整。3、标点符号的不正确使用,会给读者带来很大的理解上的困扰。4、专业、地道的写作和表达,标点符号的细节问题不容忽视,否则就是“门外汉”。,2,翻译中标点符号的两大误区,中英翻译中英文一逗到底。见符号翻符号,不做任何调整。,3,翻译中对标点符号的态度,记住两句话:切忌眼高手低细节决定成败,4,咱们走着瞧!
2、,如果您不信,咱们来试试!找找错误,5,判断并找出下列句子中的标点符号错误,1.Please fill in this blank with male/female.请在这个空格中填上男性/女性。请在这个空格中填上男性或是女性。2.我们这里出产棉花、大豆、小麦和玉米。Here we grow cotton、soybeans、wheat and corn.Here we grow cotton,soybeans,wheat and corn.3.It was raining hard,they could not work in the fields.It was raining hard.Th
3、ey could not work in the fields.It was raining hard,so they could not work in the fields.It was raining hard,and they could not work in the fields.,6,判断并找出下列句子中的标点符号错误(续),4.I wonder how you will solve the problem?I wonder how you will solve the problem.5.Saturn was long thought to be the only ringed
4、 planet,however,this is now known not to be the case.Saturn was long thought to be the only ringed planet;however,this is now known not to be the case.Saturn was long thought to be the only ringed planet,but this is now known not to be the case.6.It is,however,usual to use a colon after a word,phras
5、e or sentence in the middle of a text.,7,标点符号的用途,应用在口语中,有助于语气的表达和判断。应用在写作和翻译中,有助于表情达意。错误的标点符号,会造成意思的误解。正确使用标点符号,让您的译文变得专业、规范、通顺。,8,课程大纲,中文和英文中通用的标点符号中文、英文标点符号的区别中文中有而英文中没有的五大标点符号英文中有而中文中没有的三大标点符号逗号、句号、冒号和分号的经典用法破折号和括号的使用,9,中文和英文通用的标点符号,讨论问题:1、中文和英文中哪些标点符号是通用的(叫法上)?2、对于这些通用的标点符号,在中文和英文中表现形式均一样吗?哪些不一样
6、?,10,中文和英文标点符号-相同点,11,中文和英文中通用的标点符号,讨论问题:英文中有而中文中没有的三大标点符号,并说明其具体的用法。中文中有而英文中没有的五大标点符号,并说明其具体的用法。,12,撇号或省字号 Apostrophe(),a.表示名词或不定代词的所有格,翻译时常译为“的”,有时可省略 last weeks news 上周(的)新闻 womens right 妇女(的)权利 b.表示数字、符号、字母或词形本身的复数。可根据具体情况进行不同的处理,使用双引号有助于表达清晰。He got five Cs in the final exams.他在期末考试中得了五个“C”。c.表示
7、省略了的字母、数字或单词。翻译时进行复原,将意思译出来即可。I heard it at the butchers(store).我是在肉店听说这事的。Ive got it=I have got it.Id like to(在书面语中要写作I would like to),14,连字号 hyphen(-),a.用于复合词、词缀与词根之间,不必译出。b.用于两个比分或两个比赛对手之间,可根据情况使用冒号,或译为“比”、“对”等。c.用于两地名、数字或时间之间,译为“至”或“到”d.用于单词移行,不必译出。e.用于拼词,可根据情况处理。,15,连字号 hyphen(-)-第一种用法,a.用于复合词、
8、词缀与词根之间,不必译出。例如:anti-seismic 抗地震的Ex-husband 前夫;brand-new 全新的;poorly-dressed 衣着破烂的b.把连接符恰当地用在复合词中,起到整体修饰作用,让行文更简洁、易懂。c.为避免产生歧义时,用连字号She re-covered the sofa=She put a new cover on the sofa She recovered the sofa=She got the sofa back.re-create 重新创作(用以区分 recreate 娱乐),16,Hyphen 在翻译中的活用,阳春三月,我们中国大陆媒体代表团的
9、一行10人踏上太平洋彼岸的土地,利用一周的时间采访了霍尼韦尔过程控制部及其工厂。In March 2006,the _of China Mainland media paid _to Honeywell Process Solutions(HPS)as well as its plant.,10-people delegation,10-people delegation,a one-week visit,17,连字号 hyphen(-)-第二种用法,b.用于两个比分或两个比赛对手之间,可根据情况使用冒号,或译为“比”、“对”等。1)This is a America-China match.
10、这是一场美国对中国的比赛。2)Our team defeated theirs by 3-0.我们队以三比零(或 3:0)击败了他们的队。,18,连字号 hyphen(-)-第三种用法,c.用于数字One-quarter Twenty-three The Beijing-Shanghai express has just arrived.从北京到上海的快车刚刚抵达。We can find the answer to the questions in pages 99-155.我们可以在第 99 页到 155 页中找到这些问题的答案。办公时间是 9 点至 17 点。The office hour
11、s are 9:00-17:00.,19,连字号 hyphen(-)-第四种用法,d.用于单词移行,不必译出。移行的时候,注意在音节的分界处进行断开1)We were dismayed at having to listen to such inconsequential remarks 2)inconsequential remarks 这样就不合理,20,连字号 hyphen(-)-第五种用法,e.用于拼词,可根据情况处理My name is Ernest.E-r-n-e-s-t.Ernest.我的名字叫欧内斯特。E-r-n-e-s-t.欧内斯特。“梦“这个词怎么拼?”“D-r-e-a-m
12、。”“How do you spell the word dream?”“D-r-e-a-m.”,21,Dash破折号用法举例,In todays economy,maintaining efficiency in regards to both operations and costs is the common challenge facing industrial customers around the globe.Experion R300 also features embedded cyber security technology to help prevent denial
13、of service attacks a feature no other competitor offers.PHOENIX,June 29,2006 Honeywell(NYSE:HON)today announced a new service that will help pulp and paper companies reduce maintenance costs while keeping their quality-control equipment running smoothly.,22,Dash破折号的用法,英文中破折号的形式The dash(-)is the long
14、 horizontal bar,noticeably longer than a hyphen.A single hyphen=dash(British Usage);Two hyphens=dash(American Usage)Dashes come in pairs(one dash at the end or beginning of a sentence)破折号的用途A pair of dashes separates a strong interruption from the rest of the sentence.representing ranges of numbers,
15、and occasionally also other ranges,23,Dash表示数字范围,Representing ranges of number,occasionally other ranges.1.According to the site survey,the ground elevation is+2.78-+1.43.2.The length of the rope is 2.5-2.8m.3.We can find the answer to the questions in pages 99-155.我们可以在第 99 页到 155 页中找到这些问题的答案。4、办公时
16、间是 9 点至 17 点。The office hours are 9:00-17:00.,24,判断下来句子是否正确并改正,1.Steel contains from 0.1-1.7%carbon.Steel contains from 0.1 to 1.7%carbon.2.She was living in Rome from 1977-1983.She was living in Rome from 1977 to 1983.3.Steel contains between 0.1-1.7%carbon.Steel contains between 0.1 and 1.7%carbon
17、.4.Steel contains between 0.1 to 1.7%carbon.Steel contains between 0.1 and 1.7%carbon.,25,Dash经典错误-总结,正确的表达from X to Ybetween X and Y,错误的表达from X Ybetween X Ybetween X to Y,26,斜线号Virgule(/)的用法,a.分隔替换词。常常可译为“或”。b.分隔并列词语,可以用汉语中的逗号或顿号以及并列连词进行翻译。c.用于缩略语,翻译时进行复原,将意思译出来。d.用于数字组合中,翻译时按照汉语表达习惯处理。e.用于度量衡或音标中
18、,翻译时可照搬,或译成“每”。,27,斜线号 Slash/Virgule(/)的第一种用法,a.分隔替换词。常常可译为“或”。Please fill in this blank with male/female.请在这个空格中填上男性或是女性。You can use this pen to draw and/or write.你可以用这支笔写或是画,或是既写又画。,28,斜线号Virgule(/)的第二种用法,b.分隔并列词语,可以用汉语中的逗号或顿号以及并列连词进行翻译。Please write down your name/sex/age.请写下你的姓名、性别和年龄。,29,斜线号Virg
19、ule(/)的第三种用法,c.用于缩略语,翻译时进行复原,将意思译出来。c/o(care of)由转交 h/w(husband and wife)夫妻,30,斜线号Virgule(/)的第四种用法,d.用于数字组合中,翻译时按照汉语表达习惯处理。Tel:23435654/23435655 电话:23435654,23435655 1/3 三分之一 one-third,31,斜线号Virgule(/)的第五种用法,e.用于度量衡或音标中,翻译时可照搬,或译成“每”。,32,仅中文有而英文中没有的标点符号,33,顿号、书名号的转换,甲、乙、丙、丁 A,B,C and D原产地证书 Certific
20、ate of Origin/CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINLaw of the Peoples Republic of China on Employment Contract 中华人民共和国劳动合同法,34,找出下列译文中的标点符号错误,1.I have been to a lot of places including Beijing,Shanghai,Jiujiang and Guangzhou etc.我去过很多地方,如:北京,上海,九江,广州等。我去过很多地方,如:北京、上海、九江、广州等。2.建筑设计防火规范Code of design on building fire
21、 protection and prevention Code of Design on Building Fire Protection and Prevention3.Final Acceptance Certificate has to signed off by the Parties.双方需在最终验收证书上签字。双方需在最终验收证书上签字。,35,找出下列译文中的标点符号错误,4.The contract is valued at$2.5 million and includes design,engineering,commissioning,testing and mainten
22、ance services.该合同包括设计,工程,调试,试验以及维护服务,合同总金额为250万美元。该合同包括设计、工程、调试、试验以及维护服务,合同总金额为250万美元。5.Town and Country Planning Act of the Peoples Republic of China has been carried into effect since 1 January,2008.“中华人民共和国城乡规划法”自2008年1月1日起施行 中华人民共和国城乡规划法自2008年1月1日起施行,36,找出译文标点符号错误-Homework,1.屋子里有一张床、一张桌子、四把椅子 Th
23、ere were a bed、a table、and four chairs 2.Liu will be responsible for the overall business in mainland China,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan.刘先生负责包括中国大陆,香港,澳门及台湾的全盘业务。3.维克多雨果的作品对我国的影响很大。VictorHugos works have a great influence in our country.4.Tom Sawyer reminds millions of the adults of their childhood.汤
24、姆-索亚使数以百万计的成年人忆起了他们的童年。5.Romeo and Juliet is one of the most touching plays written by William Shakespeare.“罗密欧与朱丽叶”是威廉莎士比亚最令人感动的剧作之一。6.The Construction Company shall strictly implement Technical code for building pile foundations.施工单位应严格执行建筑桩基技术规范。7.The Seller shall issue Quality of Certificate in
25、three originals.卖方应签署合格证书正本三份。8.SH 3017-1999石油化工生产建筑设计规范 SH 3017-1999 Architectural code of petrochemical production design,37,找出对应的译文中非翻译类错误-答案,1.屋子里有一张床、一张桌子、四把椅子 There were a bed、a table、and four chairsThere were a bed,a table and four chairs.2.Liu will be responsible for the overall business in
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