1、雅思口语中如何克服奇怪的语音语调 雅思口语中如何克服奇怪的语音语调? “中式”口语如何调整?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧雅思口语中如何克服奇怪的语音语调? “中式”口语如何调整?雅思口语评分标准中,“发音”是其中一项,占据了总评分的“四分之一壁江山”。雅思注重考查烤鸭们的沟通能力,对于伦敦腔、纽约范并没有什么执念,但对于发音准确性、语音语调等影响表意的因素,还是重视的。另外,能够跳脱出固有的文化思维,用英语国家惯有的思维逻辑来表述,也是对中国烤鸭的一大挑战,如果真的按照中国式诗词歌赋的思路来说话,就真的会在对方脑袋里画下无数个问号,影响沟通了。为了能够顺畅地用英文来表达自己的意思,我们还真得
2、纠正下咱的“中国式口语”,快来看看问题真正出在哪,以及有什么妙招解决吧!“奇怪在哪儿?就像卡在钢琴缝”汉克曾经问过自己的外教:What do you think of my pronunciation?外教则直接用汉语回答说:“你发音没问题。但是语调有问题。”问题出在哪儿呢?其实,但凡你看过欧美电影,就会发现外国人讲话都很“用力”。Are you kidding me、Really、It is none of your business不仅是在着急生气的时候,他们平常的对话或演讲,也都是抑扬顿挫、声情并茂的,而他们的每一句话也很可能因为语音语调和强弱变化,而传达给对方完全不同的意思。可在我们的
3、文化中,如果你平时“声情并茂地朗读课文”那你要么是个小学生,要么就是在春晚演小品的。所以,当我们带着中文的语言习惯,说着没有连读、没有爆破、语调平平的英语,再加上常常搞错单词中的重音,就会让外国人很难GET到你的重点,从而产生“听不懂”的错觉。同时,我们的“中国式英语训练后遗症”也在这一刻使了绊子总有一些惯性错误在脑子里绕梁三日,就是不绝啊。刚到美国的Joy去食堂吃饭,被后面的女同学撞到,撒了一身的菜汤:“I am sorry!”女同学花容失色。Joy回过头,大脑一片空白地回答道:“You are welcome.”和Joy一样,很多留学生也是因为这样的“惯性思维”留下了许多笑话,当我们直接将
4、中文思维翻译成英语的时候“Can I have another one?”服务生惊恐,我们的菜哪里不好吗?“Just one more, please.”救场。原来只是想多要一份。那咋整?赶紧练吧因此,口语被排在倒数第二,发音不是bug,真正该背锅的是我们的惯性思维和语音语调。事实上,改变这些并不难,当那些在国外混迹几十年的老教授操着一口北京腔湖南腔的英语进行演讲的时候,也并没有外国人会觉得出戏。想改变这一切的关键,是我们要“伪装”一下几十年的经验。进阶第一步 选对情境,追吧小片片无疑是让你“在线”体会国外的社会情境并收获经验的最佳选择了,使用“生肉+跟读”的方式可以很快地提高你的英语口语水平
5、当然,选择小片片也不能盲目,因为不是所有电视剧都适合练口语。以下几类说不定能对你有所帮助:生活类:常见的对话Modern Family摩登家庭(美国)该剧是美国家庭类电视剧的代表之一,讲述了由普通家庭、同性恋家庭、黄昏恋家庭组成的一个大家族的故事,诙谐幽默又不乏对真理的探讨。Fleabag伦敦生活(英国)主要讲述主角Fleabag邋遢、糟糕的生活,无法收拾、自顾不暇是她的真实的写照,她总是很丧,又总装得很酷,在大都市里艰难生活着。这类小片片以生活中的故事为主,情节温馨搞笑又生活化,对话简单明了又便于理解。剧中发生的争吵、问题等也都是现实生活中常见的,是跟读练习突破发音和对话交流的最佳利器。经典
6、片段:were from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together.Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda: to let you know my heart is yours.我们来自不同的世界,但我们彼此相容 ,爱将我们紧紧相连,共度风风雨雨。我到你的前面,只有一事相许,我的心只属于你。爱情类:诗意的表达Love.Rosie爱你罗茜(英国)英国电影Love.Rosie是典型的青梅竹马爱
7、情故事,而两位主演的英伦口音也让这部影片更加唯美浪漫(其中有英美文化对比的片段,颇具讨论性)。The Notebook恋恋笔记本(美国)恋恋笔记本则讲述了一个穷小子Noah和家境殷实的Allie的动人爱情故事,剧中的经典台词经常被演员们模仿。爱情电影的看点在于一些语言的诗意化表达,如何用更富有感情的语言说出“我爱你”?经典片段:You deserve someone who loves you with every beat of his heart.Someone who will always be there for you, and who will love every part o
8、f you, especially your flaws.你应该找一个时时刻刻都爱你的人,一个永远陪着你的人,一个爱你全部的人,特别是你的缺点。政治类:逼格提升House of Cards纸牌屋(美国)纸牌屋讲的是华盛顿高层中“权力运作”的故事,涉及到了许多正式的表达和发音,绝对可以提高英语逼格。Black Mirror黑镜(英国)作为英国年度最佳剧,黑镜一定不会让你失望,每一集都是独立的故事,充满着英国的俚语与实用英文,喜欢英音的小伙伴不能错过哦当你已经不是入门级小白,政治类小片片就是你所需要的了,其中包含许多不很常见却十分正式的词汇,以及在不同场景的不同语态、语调等都十分值得学习。经典片段
9、:What are we supposed to do in the face of so much senseless pain?And he said to me, what else can we do but take what seems meaningless and try to make something meaningful from it.在这些无意义的痛苦面前,我们该怎么做?他告诉我:“除了从无意义的事情中,尽力去挖掘出一些有意义的东西,我们还能做什么呢?”进阶第二步 下载真题,练吧看过了有趣的电影电视剧,是骡子是马都是时候“拉出来溜溜”了。”又折在口语上了“是众多考鸭
10、的心头之痛,看来口语也是雅思考试的四个项目中最让大家犯愁的。其实雅思采用的人人对话口语模式高度模仿了真实生活的场景,并且口语话题实用性很强,内容很多都贴近生活,譬如家人、兴趣、歌手、书等等,所以只要用对了方法,提高自己的语言运用水平,高分就不再是梦了。有些童鞋准备口语容易盲目,但咱这劲一定要往对的地方使,从官方给出的评分标准来看,语言的流利度和连贯性,词汇变换,句式丰富性和语法准确性,发音这四项是评分考虑的维度,我们也要从此入手,逐步对口语进行训练与提升。流畅性与连贯性 复述练习:重复练习相同的主题、不断丰富答案Eg. Do you like watching movies?简单回答:Yes,
11、 I do.丰富回答:Certainly! Im a big fan of action movies.I like going to the movies with my friends during weekends. Normally wed like to go to the cinema because it provides vivid and fantastic visual effects.这样简单的练习,可以让我们的词汇量和语法都得到锻炼,还能帮提升语感,是”溜嘴皮子“的神器。词汇量 积累练习:更多地收集“改述”Eg. Do you like watching movies?
12、可以用多种方式表达“like”Im keen on / fond of / crazy about / enthusiastic aboutIm really intoIm a huge/great fan ofis my biggest passion in life.通过积累不同的连接词和改述的方法,可以横向拓宽我们的词汇量,不死板又充满生活化。语法运用范围与其正确性 语法练习:持续“大声阅读”请问你说中文的时候会一直想着语法吗?No!歪果仁在说英文的时候也不会纠结于此,因为语法对于高端玩家来说都已经是”内功“了,使用正确的语法就像呼吸一样自然。而反复朗读就是内功心法,你读得越多,就越能使
13、复杂而正确的语法内化,也更能精确地表达你的意思。当然,我们不建议大家在口语上使用过于fancy的语法,一定以表意为目的,以准确为底线,遵循咱雅思“沟通为本”的准则,过于纠结形式反而得不偿失哦。Eg. Do you think patience is important?Patience is the ability to tolerate waiting, delay, or frustration without becoming agitated or upset.耐心是一种让我们能够静下心来,平静的面对等待,延迟,及挫折的一种能力。It enables us to control our
14、 emotions or impulses when faced with difficulties.耐心让我们在面对困难的时候能够控制我们的情绪。发音 发音练习:录音并听回放当我们无法确认自己的发音是否正确,录音就可以帮忙。重复回放自己的录音时,很多平时注意不到的发音错误就会被放大,便于自己及时纠正。虽然口语对咱们内敛的中国童鞋有难度,但想出国,口语能力既是敲门砖又是必备技能,能在以上四个维度达到比较高的标准,你的口语水平自然能助你搞定申请面试、国外生活如鱼得水,即便不以留学为目的,你也能通过雅思的口语训练收获一口流利的英语,为工作面试加分。秘籍已经传授给你了,各位加油练习鸭!雅思口语备考必
15、备搭配60组1-20组01 ask someone out中文含义:约会适合话题:leisure time and relaxing例句:I will ask my best friend out to go shopping on weekends.02 ask around中文含义:到处打听适合话题:travel例句:People used to ask around when they go to a new place.03 back someone up中文含义:支持适合话题:friends and family例句:My wife backed me up over my deci
16、sion to quit my job.04 blow up中文含义:夸大适合话题:newspapers例句:Newspapers sometimes will blow up the story.05 blow something up中文含义:往里面充气适合话题:leisure time and relaxing例句:We have to blow 50 balloons up for the party.06 break down中文含义:出故障适合话题:travel例句:Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snows
17、torm.07 call around中文含义:询问适合话题:travel例句:We should call around the policeman when we get lost in somewhere.08 call someone back中文含义:回电话适合话题:interviewing例句:I called the company back but the offices were closed for the weekend.09 call something off中文含义:取消适合话题:interviewing例句:It is rude to call off the a
18、ppointment with the manager before the interview.10 cheer someone up中文含义:使高兴适合话题:friends and family例句:My best friends can often cheer us up when we are together.11 do someone/something over中文含义:洗劫适合话题:public event例句:Hes lucky to be alive. His shop was done over by a street gang.12 do something over中
19、文含义:重做适合话题:study例句:My teacher wants me to do my essay over because she doesnt like my topic.13 do away with something中文含义:废除适合话题:public event例句:Its time to do away with all of these old tax records.14 eat out中文含义:出去吃适合话题:friends例句:We would like to eat out when our friends come.15 end up中文含义:最终适合话题:m
20、ovie例句:We ended up renting the movie instead of going to the theatre.16 fall apart中文含义:裂开适合话题:clothes例句:My new dress fell apart in the washing machine.17 fall down中文含义:落下适合话题:child例句:Babiesoften fall downwhen they are learning to walk.18 fall out中文含义:离开适合话题:shopping例句:The money must have fallen out
21、of my pocket.19 get something across/over中文含义:使弄明白适合话题:friends例句:I tried to get my point across to the judge but she wouldnt listen.20 get along/on中文含义:相处融洽适合话题:friends例句:Our new roommates get along well with us.雅思口语备考必备搭配60组21get around中文含义:走动适合话题:family members例句:My father can get around fine in h
22、is new wheelchair.22 get away中文含义:度假适合话题:travel例句:We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.23 get back中文含义:回来适合话题:travel例句:After five days, we got back home safely.24 get on something中文含义:登上适合话题:travel例句:Were going to freeze out here if you dont let us get on the bus.25 get ove
23、r something中文含义:康复适合话题:teacher例句:My professor has not got over yet, and we are all worrying about him.26 get round to something中文含义:开始做适合话题:graduate例句:We should now begin to get round to prepare for our graduation.27 give someone away中文含义:出卖适合话题:friends例句:Do not give away our friends because it is i
24、mmoral.28 give in中文含义:屈服适合话题:study例句:We should never give in to any difficulties in our study.29 give something up中文含义:戒掉适合话题:work例句:Giving up being lazy can do favor of our success.30 go after someone中文含义:追赶适合话题:child例句:Children should not go after each other in the street. It is dangerous.31hand s
25、omething down中文含义:往下传适合话题:family例句:I handed my old comic books down to my little cousin.32 hand something in中文含义:上交适合话题:study例句:I have to hand in my essay by Friday.33 hand something out中文含义:分发适合话题:activity例句:We will hand out the invitations at the door.34 hang in中文含义:保持乐观适合话题:friends例句:Hang in ther
26、e. Im sure youll find a job very soon.35 hang on中文含义:等待适合话题:activities例句:Hang on while I grab my coat and shoes!36 hold on中文含义:稍等适合话题:experience例句:Before we make any decision, we should hold on for a second.37 keep on doing something中文含义:一直做.适合话题:work例句:Keep on practice until you can handle this mac
27、hine.38 keep something out中文含义:阻止.进入适合话题:animals例句:Try to keep the wet dog out of the living room.39 let someone down中文含义:使.失望适合话题:family例句:We should never let our parents down in any aspects.40 log in(or on)中文含义:登上适合话题:technology例句:I cant log in to Facebook because Ive forgotten my passsword.雅思口语备考
28、必备搭配60组41 look after someone/something中文含义:照顾适合话题:family members例句:I have to look after my sick mother when I was in high school.42 look out中文含义:当心适合话题:technology例句:When we buy something on the intemet, we should look out.43 make something up中文含义:编造适合话题:study例句:Some students usually made up a story
29、about why they were late.44 pass out中文含义:晕过去适合话题:event例句:It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady passed out.45 pass something up中文含义:拒绝适合话题:work例句:I passed up the job because I am afraid of change.46 run away中文含义:逃跑适合话题:experience例句:Some drivers run away when they run into somebody. It is i
30、mmoral and illegal.47 set someone up中文含义:跟踪适合话题:movie例句:The police set up the car thief by using a hidden camera.48 show off中文含义:炫耀适合话题:experience例句:Never show off ourselves and we should be humble.49 think something over中文含义:仔细考虑适合话题:work例句:Ill have to think this job offer over before I make my fin
31、al decision.50 turn something down中文含义:拒绝适合话题:work例句:I turned the job down because I dont want to move.51 turn something off中文含义:关掉适合话题:habits例句:It is a good habit to turn off the light when we leave the room.52 turn something on中文含义:打开适合话题:hometown例句:We need to turn on the heating in our hometown i
32、n winter.53 turn something up中文含义:调大适合话题:music例句:Usually, I will turn it up if the song is my favorite one.54 turn up中文含义:突然出现适合话题:animals例句:Our cat turned up after we put posters up all over the neighborhood.55 try something out中文含义:测试适合话题:technology例句:When we buy a new air conditioner we should tr
33、y it out.56 use something up中文含义:用完适合话题:sports例句:It is easy to use up our strength when we are running.57 wake up中文含义:醒来适合话题:work例句:We have to wake up early for work on Monday.58 warm up中文含义:热身适合话题:sports例句:I always warm up by doing sit-ups before Igo for a run.59 wear off中文含义:逐渐消逝适合话题:party例句:Most of my make-up wore off before I got to the party.60 work something out中文含义:计算出适合话题:hotel例句:We have to work out the total cost if we want to live in this hotel.