1、Foodies are those who enjoy cooking and eating diverse kinds of food.,As is known,Mark,who is our English teacher,is such a foodie.,Ive never forgotten the duties and responsibilities that a foodie should take.,Foodies have the purest eyes in the world:things that can be eaten or not.,Ma cake is the
2、 most famous food in Changzhou,which is my favorite,Union of Foodies is one where you can meet many,many foodies!,500 alarms cant match a call for a meal,this is what a foodie is like!,1.Whichever(No matter which)restaurant they go into,the Wi-Fi will be connected automatically.2.The Wi-Fi will be c
3、onnected automatically in any restaurant where they go.,A foodie doesnt see anything that is not in the menu!,Probably this is the way in which/that/空 all foodies think.,The life that a foodie lives needs no explanation!/doesnt need explaining,Youll never understand the world where a foodie lives,1.
4、May foodies live long!2.Long live foodies!,In the eyes of a foodie,Im always a meat-Bacon,There are always lots of excuses/reasons for which foodies eat.,Winter is the season when people put on weight,Only when you put on weight can the Spring Festival be called a festival,Not putting on weight,Ill
5、be sorry for the sacrifice of chicken or duck or fish or meat at every meal.,I cant fail the food that my mom has carefully made.,The order that is given by the elder cant be ignored.,Is there any food(that is)left/remaining food?,Only those who are goodlooking and enjoy eating can be called foodies
6、.,While those who are ugly and enjoy eating are just rice buckets!,Dont worry.As is written in the book,my tail will grow again!,There are always lots of reasons for which foodies eat,Do remember not to find someone who is both a foodie and a tough girl.Thats all that I can say!,95%of those who have
7、 prepared the breakfast for tomorrow will eat it as night snack,1.Dont eat too much and become fat,or youll be killed.2.If you eat too much and become fat,youll be killed3.Eating too much and becoming fat,youll be killed.,Once I had a dream where my boyfriend snatched food from me,and I decided to b
8、reak up with him after I woke up crying!,吃货经典语录 2,1、你不要误会,我不是在吃,只是在去吃的路上。2、每一个高喊着减肥的妹子都有一张停不下来的嘴。3、不开心的时候睡一觉,就让它过去吧。伤心还好,伤胃就不好了。4、真正的吃货敢于直面粗壮的大腿,敢于挑战隆起的小腹。5、没有吃就没有爱情,不信你一顿饭不带的谈一次恋爱给我看看啊!6、只有填满肚子,人才不会空虚。7、美食跟身材哪个更重要?吃货:身材是神马?能吃吗?8、瘦子吃给胖子看,是一件很残酷的事儿;胖子吃给瘦子看,是一件很拉风的事儿。9、空有一颗想减肥的心,偏偏生了一条吃货的命。,吃货经典语录 3,1
9、 以吃为一种最高境界,可以不吸烟,不喝酒,不穿名牌等等,吃的有品相,只要想吃的东西,一定会想法设法吃到 2见啥吃啥!一个不剩!管他好吃赖吃,能吃就行!统统进肚,片甲不留!总之,一句话:要么吃,要么死!3我有一个梦想,梦想有一天,全世界所有的饭店都会免费,1 人这辈子有两样东西是别人抢不走的,一是吃进肚里的食物,另一个是藏在心里的梦想。所以做一个有梦想 的吃货,你就是无敌的。2 爱美食就是爱生活。3 吃喝玩乐四个字的意义就是:先要吃饱喝足了才有劲玩,玩美了才能快乐。吃饱喝足是快乐的根基,哈哈!4 找美食、做美食、享用美食是人生的一大乐趣,离开美食,活着的乐趣到哪里去找哦!5人活着的意义就是吃啊,
10、不吃太对不起自己了!6 识食物者为俊杰 7吃得是福,多多益善,1服务员问我披萨要切成4份还是8份,我说:“4份,8份的话我就吃不下了。”2向吃货表白时的最佳歌曲:我愿意喂你,我愿意喂你,我愿意喂你请放纵体重,1 早饭我唯一不吃的两样东西是午饭和晚饭。2 不是在吃,就是在去吃的路上 3 将吃货精神进行到底,减肥什么都是浮云 4 天天都想着减肥的人偏偏生了一张吃货的嘴!5世界上有一种吃货,他们除了吃就是在找吃的 6世界上还有一种吃货,要么吃,要么就是倒腾吃 7咱承认,咱是那种一有的吃的就忘了之前说的减肥社么的;吃完了,站在称上的是时候,才会念叨,恩,该减肥了;喊着减肥口号被人拍砖的时候,心里很暗爽
11、不已。,吃货经典语录 1,1、吃货的思路是什么?好吃你就多吃点,不好吃多少也要吃点。2、吃货的格言:今天吃喝不努力 明天努力找吃喝。3、吃货匹克精神:吃的更多,吃的更饱,吃的更好!4、吃货的座右铭:Just eat it!5、身材苗条的吃货是吃货中的精品。6、有的饭桶相当于吃货,但吃货却不一定是饭桶。两者的根本区别在于,饭桶很能吃,吃货很会吃。7、没有吃就没有爱情,不信你一顿饭不带请的谈一次恋爱给我看看啊。8、永远别问一个吃货吃了没,这对吃货来说根本不是问题,要问就问吃饱没。9、一个吃货的遗言:别的什么的就得了,给我烧一份海底捞和两个服务员。10、爱吃东西的人,多数不是什么坏人。他们拼命追求美食,没有时间去害人。大笑姑婆兼馋嘴,是完美的结合,这种女人多多益善。11、真正的吃货敢于直面粗壮的大腿,敢于挑战隆起的小腹。12、瘦子吃给胖子看,是一件很残酷的事儿;胖子吃给瘦子看,是一件很拉风的事儿 13、美食跟身材哪个更重要?吃货:身材是神马?能吃吗?14、吃货不是在吃,就是在去吃的路上。15、对吃货来说,这世上唯一不能吃的就是亏。16、如果你认为吃是吃货人生的全部,那就错了,还有睡!,