1、Blackmail,Arthur Hailey,Para.36,Lady.I can prove(证实,证明)all I need to.prove vt.sth.(to sb.)to use facts,evidence,etc.to show that sth.is true.1)证明,证实 VN eg:Just give me a chance and Ill prove it to you.只要给我个机会,我会证明给你看。V(that)This proves(that)I was right.这证明我是对的。V wh-This just proves what I have been
2、saying for some time.这恰好证实了我长久以来所说的。2)to swell before being baked because of the action of yeast 发酵,3)VN yourself(to sb.)to show other people how good you are at doing sth.or that you are capable of doing sth.展现,展示,显示(自己的才能)eg:He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others.他时常觉得自己必须向别人一展身手。Pa
3、ra.37The Duke cautioned(提醒,告诫,警告),Better let him finish,old girl.解析:公爵提醒她到,“最好让他把话说完,老太婆。”公爵对其夫人的称呼为“old girl”,这一称呼语含有爱呢、戏称的含义,反映两者之间的亲密关系,刻画出想极力讨好其夫人的伪善的面孔,恰到好处地反衬他在外面和别的女人鬼混的事实。联系,话语中一个低量值模糊限制语:“better”,读者可以看到公爵虽然在外花天酒地,在家却严重惧内这么一个形象,表明公爵的弱势交际角色。因此,在整个事件中公爵的陪衬者角色使旅馆探长把攻击对象只对准了公爵夫人。旅馆警长自恃掌握公爵夫妇肇事逃逸
4、的把柄,虽身份卑微,却敢于用话语公然挑衅权势地位较高的公爵夫妇。从其对公爵及其夫人的不敬称呼上也可窥见一斑:caution 1)v.(sb.)against sth./sb.about sth.to warn sb.about the possible dangers or problems of sth.警告,告诫,提醒,eg:The government cautioned that pay increases could lead to job losses.政府警告说增加工资会导致失业。2)n.(U)care that you take in order to avoid danger
5、 or mistakes;not taking any risks 谨慎,小心,慎重 extreme/great caution 特别谨慎,小心翼翼(U,C)formal a warning or a piece of advice about a possible danger or risk(对危险或风险的)警告,告诫 a word/note of caution 一句警告 eg:Some cautions must be mentioned for example good tools are essential to do the job well.有些警告一定得说,如:工欲善其事,必
6、先利其器,Para.38,“Thats right,”Looked right shaken,too,the pair of you.Just come in myself an I got to wondering why 解析:1)Looked right shaken(adj.恐惧,震惊),too,the pair of you:You two looked extremely upset(shocked).公爵夫妇看上去是一副恐惧慌张的样子2)Just come in myself an I got to wondering why:I had just come in myself
7、and began to wonder why(you two looked shaken).探长也刚好走进来,看到公爵夫妇恐慌的样子,很是纳闷想弄清楚“you folks”、you two”、“the pair of you”等不敬称呼语的使用,把旅馆探长自呜得意、小人得志的心理刻画得栩栩如生。盛气凌人、目空一切的人物形,象生动地呈现在读者面前。在与公爵夫人较量处于上风之时,他对她的称呼是“lady”、“your high-an-mightiness”(阁下)、“nlaroll”(女士),这些称呼虽为敬语,但联系出现的语境,却使读者不得不联想到旅馆探长洋洋得意、不怀好意、充满嘲讽与讥笑这样一
8、个插科打诨的形象。此时的称呼语恰恰凸显出他当时的强势地位。随着情节的发展,在小说的结尾,旅馆警长被公爵夫人高价收买,达成肮脏交易时,他对公爵夫人的称呼改为“Duchess”。从旅馆探长对公爵夫妇称呼语的不断变化上,再一次暗示这场较量最后将以旅馆探长的妥协而告终,他将重新回到其卑微的弱势社会角色,公爵夫人也将重新回到她高高在上的强势社会角色。,Para.39,The Duchess breathed(深吸一口气),“Go on.”公爵夫人吸了一口气,“接着说吧。”breathe bri:v.呼吸,呼出;低声说;透气 breath bre n.呼吸的空气 1)a breath of fresh a
9、ir 新鲜空气,透气;令人耳目一新的人(或事物、地方)2)get your breath=catch your breath 恢复正常呼吸 3)hold your breath 闭气,屏气 4)in the same breath 但紧接着,但同时(意味着与前一段意图或意思相反)5)his/her last/dying breath 最后一口气,临终,临死 6)out of breath(运动后)喘不上气,透不过气来 7)take sbs breath away 令人惊叹,让人叹绝,breathy bre adj.(讲话或唱歌时)带呼吸声的breathable bri:bl adj.透气的br
10、eather bri:(r)n.短暂的休息 to take/have a breather 歇一下breathing bri:n.呼吸breathless brels adj.(令人)气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的;令人窒息的,无风的breathtaking bretek adj.激动人心的,惊人的breathalyse brelaz v.用呼吸分析器测量(驾驶者)的呼气酒精含量breathalyser brelaz(r)n.(测量酒精含量的)呼吸分析器breath test bre test n.(警察对驾驶者的)呼气酒精含量检测,Para.40,“Late last night the wor
11、d was out about the hit-n-run.On a hunch I went over(跑到)the garage and took a quiet look-see at your car.解析:1)the word(消息,信息)was out:The news about the accident was spreading(散布,传播)around.驾车肇事逃逸的消息传开了2)hit-n-run=hit-and-run adj./n.(驾驶人)肇事逃逸(的)3)On a hunch(预感,直觉)I went over to the garage:As I suspect
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