1、1.What is functionalist translation theory?定义1:功能翻译理论,又称“功能目的论”(Skopos theory,Skopos 是希腊词,意为“aim”或“purpose”),核心是:根据译文语境,原文中的哪些内容或成分可以保留,哪些需调整或改写,该由译文的预期功能确定。(方梦之主编:译学词典,上海外语教育出版社,第29页)定义2:Skopos theory(pluralSkopos theories)is the idea that translating and interpreting should primarily take into acc
2、ount the function of both the source and target text.(Paul Kussmaul,Training The Translator,1995,John Benjamins Publishing Co,p.149),功能目的理论与变译 Skopos Theory and Adaptation,定义3:德国翻译学者Nord将其定义为:“Functionalist means focusing on function or functions of texts and translation.(Nord,1997)”。翻译的“功能主义”就是将关注点
3、放在文本领域发生的一种或多种功能,以传达信息为目的,而较少关注翻译的情感意义和美学意义。狭义而言,它特指以德国“功能主义目的论”为核心的功能派翻译理论。广义而言,凡是用功能主义研究方法而产生的多种理论都属于功能翻译理论范畴。,定义归纳,For example:汉语:专卖店(不同的专卖店有不同的英语词)女装专卖店-Boutique 海尔专卖店-Haier Outlet福特汽车专卖店-Ford Car Exclusive Agency,Functions Determines Translation,For example:汉语:专卖店(不同的专卖店有不同的英语词)女装专卖店-Boutique 海
4、尔专卖店-Haier Outlet福特汽车专卖店-Ford Car Exclusive Agency,Functions Determines Translation,背景知识Background,功能派翻译理论是20世纪70年代德国学者凯瑟林娜赖斯(Kantharina Reiss)、汉斯费米尔(HansVermeer)、贾斯塔赫兹曼塔利(Justa Holz Mantari)和克里斯蒂安诺德(Christiane Nord)等提出的翻译理论。The functionalist translation theory came into being in 1970s in Germany,an
5、d there have been three distinguished contributors to the formation of this theory:Katharine Reiss,Hans J.Vermeer and Christiane Nord.,“功能目的论”源于行为理论,认为翻译是一种在既定场合发生的目的行为,是言语和非言语交际符号向另一种语言的转换。翻译的成功与否决定于欲达到的目的是否完成,讲究翻译目的不是对等,而是目的的完备性,是译文在译语环境中预期达到的一种或几种功能。”(Nord,2001),定义归纳,功能目的论认为,对等翻译只是翻译多种形式的一种,每个文本为
6、某个目的所产生,并应该服务于该目的。译文的接受者是决定翻译目的的重要因素之一。根据不同情况有不同的目的法则。这些法则来自翻译要求,它是由发起人(initiator)(也可能是译者本人)给定的。任何翻译都是面对意向受众,翻译的要求和目的规定着需要什么样的翻译,而原文只是一种信息源。,定义归纳,中国改革报第二版一篇介绍张家界国家森林公园的原文和译文片断,原文的信息被歪曲,翻译目的就达不到。请看:汉语:张家界国家森林公园简介湖南张家界国家森林公园是1982年经国务院批准成立的中国第一个国家森林公园。1992年因奇特的石英砂岩大峰林质地貌被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。原译文:The Short
7、Guide To Zhangjiajie National Forest ParkZhangjiajie was approved as the first national Forest park of China in 1982,by the state Congress of China and was listed in the Directory of World Heritage by UNESCO for its quartzite sandstone landform in 1992.,翻译的要求与目的经常未达到,译文的划线部分都有误。这样的英语译文对张家界国家公园的旅游必然带
8、来多少不良影响。连“国务院”这样的重要名称也乱一通。“中国国务院”(the State Council)错译成 the state Congress,世界遗产名录(World Heritage List)错译成 the Directory of world heritage,Nord认为,功能翻译理论学派,除了“功能目的论”以外,还应包括持有相同观点,认同翻译中功能作用的其他流派,虽然他们并没有称自己是功能翻译学派。(Nord,1997)可见,凡是以语言功能研究为出发点的翻译理论,都可置于功能翻译理论的框架内。其中颇具影响的有英国翻译学家Newmark 的“功能分类说”和美国翻译学家Nida的
9、“功能对等论”。功能翻译理论强调语言的功能作用,对以传达信息为主的商贸类文本翻译具有较强的指导意义。,“功能翻译理论”与“功能目的论”,商务部副部长在国务院新闻发布会上讲话节选 多双边经贸关系及区域经济合作进一步发展。中国与世界上绝大多数国家(地区)保持着良好的经贸关系,与主要经济体及周边国家(地区)、发展中国家的经贸合作进一步深化。Further progress has been made in bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations as well as regional economic cooperation.C
10、hina has maintained excellent economic and trade links with the overwhelming majority of countries(regions)and its economic and trade cooperation with major economies and its neighboring countries(regions)has been further deepened.,信息不对等,原文的主题已知:中国多双边经贸关系及区域经济合作进一步发展。译文的主题完全丢失 Further progress has b
11、een made in bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations as well as regional economic cooperation.改译:China has made more progress in bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations as well as regional economic cooperation.,信息不对等,中国与世界上绝大多数国家(地区)保持着良好的经贸关系,与主要经济体及周边国家(地区)、发展中国家的经贸合
12、作进一步深化。China has maintained excellent economic and trade links with the overwhelming majority of countries(regions)and its economic and trade cooperation with major economies and its neighboring countries(regions)has been further deepened.,The functional approach has a great affinity with Skopos the
13、ory.The function of a translation is dependent on the knowledge,expectations,values and norms of the target readers,who are again influenced by the situation they are in and by the culture.These factors determine whether the function of the source text or passages in the source text can be preserved
14、 or have to be modified or even changed.,How are functions involved?,1971年德国的莱斯(K.Reiss)首先提出“把翻译行为所要达到的特殊目的”作为翻译评价的新模式。1984年她在与费米尔(H.J.Vermeer)合写的General Foundation of Translation Theory一书中声称:译者在整个翻译过程中的参照系不应是“对等”翻译理论所注重的原文及其功能,而应是译文在译语文化环境中所预期达到的一种或若钟交际功能。20世纪90年代初,德国学者克利斯蒂安诺德(Christiane Nord)进一步拓展
15、了译文功能理论。她强调译文与原文的联系,但这种联系的质量与数量由译文的预期功能确定。,2.The Formation of Skopos Theory,功能目的理论的两项基本原则是:1.翻译各方面的交互作用受翻译目的所决定;2.目的随接受对象的不同而变化。按照这两项 原则,译者可以为了达到目的而采用任何他自己认为适当的翻译策略。换句话说,目的决定方式(The end justifies the means)。例如:,中国认真履行加入世贸组织的各项承诺,对外开放不断扩大。同时积极参加世贸组织新一轮谈判,为完善多边贸易体制发挥了建设性作用。近期以来,已有新西兰、南非等9个国家正式宣布承认中国的完全
16、市场经济地位,为中国与这些国家经贸合作的开展创造了更为有利的条件。China has seriously implemented its WTO commitments and continuously opened up.At the same time,we are active in participating in the new round of WTO negotiation and playing a constructive role for the improvement of the multilateral trading system.Not long ago,9 co
17、untries including New Zealand,Singapore,and South Africa have formally declared that they recognized Chinas full market economy status,which has created more favorable conditions for the economic and trade cooperation between China and these countries.,违背功能目的论的翻译,中国认真履行加入世贸组织的各项承诺,对外开放不断扩大。China has
18、 seriously implemented its WTO commitments and continuously opened up.认真-seriously?vigorously(目的决定翻译方式)不断扩大-continuously opened up?(这个翻译方式没有表达“对外开放不断扩大”China has vigorously implemented its commitments for its entry into WTO and has kept opening wider to the outside world.,(谁?)同时积极参加世贸组织新一轮谈判,为完善多边贸易
19、体制发挥了建设性作用。At the same time,we are active in participating in the new round of WTO negotiation and playing a constructive role for the improvement of the multilateral trading system.China has also cordially attended the new round of WTO negotiations,playing a constructive role for improving the mult
20、ilateral trade system.,近期以来,已有新西兰、南非等9个国家正式宣布承认中国的完全市场经济地位,为中国与这些国家经贸合作的开展创造了更为有利的条件。Not long ago,9 countries including New Zealand,Singapore,and South Africa have formally declared that they recognized Chinas full market economy status,which has created more favorable conditions for the economic an
21、d trade cooperation between China and these countries.改后半句:,creating more favorable conditions for China to have economic and trade cooperation with these countries.,提示:近期以来=not long ago?recently 宣布承认=have declared they recognized?declared their recognition of Chinas full market economy status 新西兰、南
22、非等9个国家=9 countries including New Zealand,Singapore,and South Africa?9 countries such as New Zealand,South Africa,作为受文化制约的语言符号,原文语篇和译文语篇受到各自交际环境的影响,译文功能与原文功能可相似或保持一致,也可能完全不同。根据不同的语境因素和预期功能,选择最佳的处理方法,这是功能翻译理论比以对等为基础的翻译理论或极端功能主义的翻译理论更为优越之处。翻译功能理论指导下的翻译方法表现出较大的灵活性,较高的科学性和易操作性。Gideon Toury(原特拉维夫大学教授)把“功能
23、目的论”看作是“译文文本中心论”的翻版。,Advantages of Skopos Theory,The Skopos theory,an approach to translation put forward by Hans Vermeer and developed in Germany in the late 1970s,oriented a more functional and sociocultural concept of translation.Translation is considered not as a process of translation,but as a
24、specific form of human action.The following examples can tell us why it is an action:1.小心滑倒-Carefully Slide(西南大学宾馆客房内)2.洗澡时小心滑倒-Pay Attention to Your Step while Taking Bath(浙江某市花园山庄客房内)3.不在公共场合袒胸赤膊-Do not wear clothes exposing the neck or shoulders in public places参考:1.小心滑倒-Caution!Wet(Slippery)Floo
25、r2.洗澡时小心滑倒-Caution!Wet(Slippery)Floor3.不在公共场合袒胸赤膊-Dress yourself decently in public placesYou can see,the original translation and the revised are different in actions.,3.What Is Skopos Theory about?,In Skopos theory,one of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the i
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