1、GRE填空高分如何拿高分 GRE填空难度很高,这是因为其本质上就是在考词汇。因此,考生只有背好单词才可能拿到高分。而在GRE填空的备考中,考生尤其需要注意做好这3个复习步骤。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。只要做好这3步 GRE填空高分就是这么简单GRE填空作为GRE考试的传统项目,可以说是无数考生最为痛恨的一个部分。为什么这么说呢?因为GRE填空本质上就是在考词汇。如果考生词汇量不够,掌握深度不足,那么就很难做好填空题,没有任何技巧和花招可用。因此,只有在备考中脚踏实地地背好单词,考生才可能拿到高分。而在GRE填空的备考中,考生尤其需要注意做好这3个复习步骤。1. GRE词汇背诵不能停如同开
2、头所讲的,考生一定要突破单词障碍,千万不能放松单词的背诵。现在填空题对单词的要求量依然很大,很多单词都是平常没有见到过的。在做题的过程中,我们会遇到这样的情况,题目都看懂了,也知道空格中应该填什么样的词,但是一看选项就傻眼了,选项中的单词大部分都不认识。如果选项中的单词都认识了,那么填空题目也就搞定了。所以突破单词就是打开了填空题的第一道大门,单词是做题的基础,万万不能忽视。2. 提升快速阅读和理解的能力除了词汇基础外,考生还需要提高快速阅读和理解的能力。虽然填空题更多的考查的是单词的用法和精确含义,但是有些题目的句子本身也是很长的,例如两空题和三空题,尤其是三空题。做这样的题目时,如果考生具
3、备有一定的阅读技能,就能起到事半功倍的效果,让考生能够快速理解句子的意思,做出适合的选择。3. 勤加练习才能熟能生巧无论是词汇还是阅读能力,归根到底还要落到实处,通过练习来检验成果。孰能生巧几乎可以适用于任何的考试。GRE填空的练习题有时候只做一遍是不够的,许多题目往往需要多做两遍,例如陈圣元句子填空,和一些模考中的题目。因为多做几遍这样的题可以帮助我们熟悉GRE填空题的出题思路,总结出一些重复的基本规律。同时许多快速阅读和理解的方法,也需要通过练习来加以熟悉,如此才能顺利运用到考试之中。总而言之,虽然GRE填空考察的是词汇,看似难度不低,但只要考生在备考中打好词汇基础,在结合上文提到的一些备
4、考要点和复习心得,想要取得高分也并非难事。GRE考试填空题模拟练习1. If efficacious new medicines have side effects that are commonly observed and _, such medicines are too often considered _, even when laboratory tests suggest caution.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A salutary D outdatedB unpredictable E safeC unremarkable F experimental答案:AE
5、2. A number of writers who once greatly _ the literary critic have recently recanted, substituting _ for their former criticism.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A disparaged D approbationB lauded E ambivalenceC influenced F censure答案:AF3. The actual _ of Wilsons position was always _ by his refusal to compromise
6、 after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A cowardice D betrayedB rigidity E foreshadowedC uncertainty F alleviated答案:AE4. Salazars presence in the group was so _ the others that they lost most of their earlier _; failure, for them, became all but unthinkable.Blank
7、 (i) Blank (ii)A mundane D practicableB visionary E appealingC eclectic F ignored答案:AE5. Although the architects concept at first sounded too _ to be_, his careful analysis of every aspect of the project convinced the panel that the proposed building was indeed, structurally feasible.Blank (i) Blank
8、 (ii)A unnoticed by D confidenceB reassuring to E exhilarationC unexpected by F trepidation答案:CD6. He was regarded by his followers, as something of _, not only because of his insistence on strict discipline, but also because of his _ adherence to formal details.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A an acolyte D re
9、luctantB a martinet E sporadicC a tyrant F rigid答案:BF7. The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary _ that permits very little _.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A experience D scientificallyB conjecture E empiricall
10、yC surmise F aesthetically答案:AD8. Although _ is usually thought to spring from regret for having done something wrong, it may be that its origin is the realization that ones own nature is irremediably _.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A remorse D innocentB skepticism E frivolousC certitude F flawed答案:CE9. Unlik
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