1、新课程理念下的词汇教学,一、课标中词汇学习的要求和内容,1、理解话语中词汇表达的不同功能、意图和态度等(7)1、运用词汇表达的不同功能、意图和态度等(8)层次不同,课标中词汇学习的要求和内容,2、运用词汇给事物命名、进行指称、描 述行为和特征、说明概念等(7)2、在比较复杂的情况下,运用词汇给事 物命名、进行指称、描述行为和特征 说明概念等(8)使用范围不同,课标中词汇学习的要求和内容,3、学会使用24002500个单词和300400 个习惯用语或固定搭配(7)3、学会使用3300个单词和400500个习 惯用语或固定搭配(8)词汇量不同,二、阅读教学中的词汇学习(分层处理),读前读中读后,读
2、前的词汇处理,阅读前词汇处理(原则),一 原则:1.根据学生情况,选择影响课文理解,且 不能通过上下文推测其意义的词语;2.所采用的方式应能够呈现该词语在本课 中的意思,避免引发歧义;3.尽量作为语块(lexical chunks)处 理。4.进行必要的检测,让学生有瞬间记忆。,二 呈现方式:(介绍常见的五种),1 图片呈现2 英文呈现3 中文呈现4 同义词或反义词呈现5 构词法呈现派生词,阅读前词汇处理(方式),图片呈现,flood,图片呈现,ballet,类似的方式:,简笔画 实物 肢体语言,英文呈现,represent to stand for bargain to discuss th
3、e conditions of agreement earn to receive money for the work that you dobrief shortroof the part that covers the top of the building,应该注意的问题:1.选择适合用这种方式呈现的词语;2.用于解释的词语必须是已知的;3.解释意思仅限于本课意思;4.呈现后进行必要的检测。,英文呈现,culture 文化、文明 actually 实际上,事实上 present 现在的、出席的 rule 统治 vocabulary 词汇、词汇量,中文呈现,(1)Then she pre
4、pares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.(2)Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.(3)At that time it was considered a revolution and the start of my“artificial intelligence”.,同义词或反义词呈现,man-made,uses,happens,(1)If they cannot find enough food,their numbers may decr
5、ease.(2)And everything in the flat was damp.(3)Snow is a rare sight here,except on the mountains.,同义词或反义词呈现,increase,dry,common,构词法呈现,reunitedisappear uncleartransform,unite,re,appear,dis,clear,un,form,trans,构词法呈现,creativecentralsimplifycompetition,create,ive(adj.),centre,al(adj.),simple,ify(v.),com
6、pete,ition(n.),读前词汇处理(小结),1 所选词汇应为影响课文理解,且不可通过上下文推测其意义的词语;2 所采用的方式应能够呈现该词语在 本课中的意思,恰当得体;3 尽量作为语块儿处理。,此部分只是读前的词汇处理,目的是帮助学生掌握课文大意,因此不可占用过多时间,影响阅读课其它环节的安排。本节课词汇在后面环节中还做进一步处理。,阅读教学中的词汇学习(分层处理),读中的词汇处理,原则 阅读中(while reading)的主要任务是理解课文,获取信息,读的同时需注意培养阅读能力和良好的习惯,因此词汇学习应该为这个目标服务。,读中的词汇学习与理解(原则),1.根据上下文推测词义2.在
7、上下文情景中用构词法推测词义,读中的词汇学习与理解(方式),He has an incurable illness which causes the muscles of the body to waste away.The doctors say they are unable to treat this kind of illness up to now.,根据上下文推测词义,Have you walked into a candy store with a young child and watched with delight as the store manager gave the
8、 youngster a small treat?Or have you ever received a telephone call from a retailer asking you whether an item you purchased a month before was meeting your needs?No doubt you noticed these gracious acts.,1.用时不可过多,主要任务是阅读,词汇学习以能使学生理解为限。2.阅读中词汇的学习一般不展开讲。3.在不同话题的课文中可以灵活使用各种方法。,阅读中学习词汇的注意事项,读后的词汇学习与运用,
9、读后的词汇运用原则一、传达阅读材料中的主要信息,学生主动 尝试运用文章中的关键词汇;二、话题和语境要尽可能一致;目标和任务 要符合学生实际;三、词汇运用分层要求,满足各层次学生需 求;突出重点动词和词块的运用。,读后的词汇学习与运用(原则),内化过程1、在句子层面运用词汇2、在语篇层面运用词汇输出过程3、在传达信息中运用词汇4、在表达观点中运用词汇,读后的词汇学习与运用,1.They will perform in a hall,where thousands of screaming _ are waiting there.2.The weather in the Arctic is _ c
10、old.3.Lisa was _ at how well Jane played the piano.4.Susan worked for her father _her holidays and she saved up a lot of money.,extremely,throughout,impressed,fans,fans,extremely,impressed,throughout,读后的词汇学习与运用(句子层面运用词汇),7,选词填空,Last Thursday night,hundreds of fans went to see Alanis Morissette _ in
11、concert.It was her first performance in England since she won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song.The singer has a strong fan _ in England.Although it was an extremely cold night,there was not an empty seat in the concert.During the 3-hour concert,Alanis sang many songs which expressed fe
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