1、英汉主语对比与翻译,英语的主语特点与功能,1.主语具有不可或缺性(indispensability)。所有英语的陈述句和疑问句中都必须有主语。It is warm here.,2.主语是真正的一句之主,和全句具有密切的关系,对其他成分的影响举足轻重,有“牵一发而动全身”的作用。主语和谓语在逻辑与语法上必须保持一致,即所谓主谓一致性。,语法上的一致:she is a student./They are students.My family are all fond of playing table tennis.Neither you,nor I,nor anyone else knows th
2、e answer.The girl has seen her mother.Sent to zoos in Tokyo and other cities,the pandas are reported to have settled down very well.Mary felt sad not to have been invited to the banquet.,逻辑上的一致 你的教学科研都取得了长足进步,但不能因此而骄傲自满.原译:Your teaching and research have made progress,but you should not get conceite
3、d and arrogant.改译:You have made good progress in teaching and researching,but you should not get conceited and arrogant.,英语基本句句型主要有七种:1.SV(主语+谓动)The telephone rang.2.SVO(主语+谓动+宾语)Labor created man.The news surprised me.3.SVOC(主语+谓动+宾语+宾语补语)He painted door green.We elected him our monitor.,4.SVO1O2(主
4、语+谓动+宾语1+宾语2)She sang us a song.I sent him a letter.5.SVC(主语+谓动+主语补语或表语)She appeared cheerful.We are students.6.SVA(主语+谓动+状语)He listened carefully.The bird sang happily.,7.SVOA(主语+谓动+宾语+状语)We visited the teacher on Tuesday night.The government reduced the price on a large scale.,就主语和谓语动词之间存在的语义关系来说,
5、英语主语可以有如下七种:(1)施动主语:The hunter killed the tiger.(2)受动主语:The tiger was killed by the tiger.(3)工具主语:The gun killed the tiger.(4)地点主语:The hall seats 500.,(5)时间主语:Tomorrow will be the National Day.(6)形式主语:It is interesting to learn a foreign language.(7)类别属性主语:Mammal is any of a group of vertebrates the
6、 females of which have milk-secreting glands for feeding their offspring.,3.所有主语都必须是名词性的。,汉语的主语特点与功能,1.在汉语中,主语并非必要成分,在大量的句子中没有主语,可能是省略,隐含或者说不出。也可能有多个看似平行并列,实质不在一个层次的主语(或称大主语和小主语)。,只要勤奋就能取得好成绩。甲:吃完了没有?乙:吃完了。热得我透不过气来。有你受的。出太阳了!忽然响起了钟声。不准攀折花木。,这座桥我们造了三年。一百米她跑第一。国庆节三天我们第一天全家人全聚德吃烤鸭。On the first day of t
7、he three national days all our family will enjoy the roast duck in the restaurant“Quanjude”.,2.汉语主语对全句并不具有全面密切的关系,虽然它们被提到了句子的主位。它们可能是施事者,也可能是受事者,还可能只是与施事行为有某种关系或参与形式的与事者,与谓语之间没有形态上的一致性,也不存在密切的逻辑搭配关系。,(1)施事主语:妈妈在洗衣服。(2)受事主语:衣服被小弟弟弄脏了。(3)类别属性主语(主谓之间的关系是说明类别性质的关系):家里最辛苦的是妈妈。(4)与事主语:这套衣服妈妈有个故事。,(5)方式主语:
8、这么快妈妈就洗好了衣服。(6)时间主语:仅仅一个小时就洗完了全家的衣服。(7)地点主语:洗衣盆里堆着一大堆脏衣服。(8)工具主语:一块洗衣板养活一家人。(9)零位主语:闷得我透不过气来。,3.汉语主语具有词类兼容性。,干净是他的习惯。唱歌要有天赋。天天慢跑,很有必要。要孩子们在课堂上保持安静最难。他考上了北京大学不假。,英汉互译中主语的处理,1.增补或删减主语。希望有更多的城市与外国城市结为友好城市。Its hoped that more and more cities will establish friendly relations with foreign cities.,弄得不好,就会
9、前功尽弃。If things are not properly handled,our labour will be totally lost.不要有了新亲,把旧亲忘个干净!这种没良心的人我见得多了.once you have new relatives,dont forget the old ones.Ive seen too many such ungrateful people.,2.主语转换 许多城市正在开展一场群众性的灭鼠运动。原译:Many cities are carrying on a mass campaign against rats.改译:A mass campaign
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