1、1,USST,Digital Signal Processing,毛 倩办公室:仪表一馆113Email:,Introduction,3,Digital Signal Processing(DSP)is used in a wide variety of applications.,Telephone&telegram,radar,Audio signal processing,Multimediasystem,Image processing,Mobile telephone,Communication system,digitalTV,Introduction,4,Introduction
2、,SignalsA signal can be defined as a function that conveys information.Signals are presented mathematically as functions of one or more independent variables.for example:a speech signal would be represented mathematically as a function of one time variable-f(t);-One-dimensional(1-D)signal 一维信号a pict
3、ure would be represented mathematically as a brightness function of two spatial variables-f(x,y).-Two-dimensional(2-D)signal 二维信号a color video signal(a RGB television signal)is a 3-D signal.-Multidimensional(M-D)signal 多维信号,5,Introduction,What is Digital Signal Processing?Digital Signal Processing i
4、s the science to process signals by digital means.This includes a wide variety of goals:filtering,transformation,recognition,enhancement,compression,and much more.DSP is one of the most powerful technologies that will shape science and engineering in the twenty-first century.Suppose we attach an ana
5、log-to-digital converter to a computer,and then use it to acquire a chunk of real world data.,6,Introduction,简单的说,数字信号处理是利用计算机或专用处理设备,以数值计算的方法对信号进行采集、变换、综合、估值与识别等加工处理,借以达到提取信息和便于应用的目的。,7,Introduction,Digital signal processing includes two meanings:Processing analog signals in a digital way.Processin
6、g digital signals.Advantages:High reliability(可靠性)High agility(灵活性好,易于实现系统性能)High precision(高精度)Low cost(成本低),8,Introduction,Main tools:Discrete-time signal representations.Discrete transforms and their fast algorithms(z transform,DFT&FFT).Design and implementation of digital filter(IIR(无限长单位冲激响应)&F
7、IR(有限长单位冲激响应)filter).Multirate systems(多率系统),filter banks(滤波器组),and wavelets(小波).Implementation of digital signal processing systems.,9,References,程佩青,数字信号处理教程,清华大学出版社胡广书,数字信号处理理论、算法与实现,清华大学出版社高西全,丁玉美,阔永红,数字信号处理原理、实现及应用,电子工业出版社,Chapter 2 Discrete-Time Signals and System,11,2.1 Discrete-Time Signals:
8、Sequences,The independent variable of a signal may be either continuous or discrete.Continuous-time signals are those that are defined at continuous times.Discrete-time signals are those that are defined at discrete times.,Continue-time signal,Discrete-time signal,12,2.1 Discrete-time signals notati
9、ons,A discrete-time signal can be represented as where T is time interval between samples.Each sample of sequence x(nT)is determined by the amplitude of signal at instant nT.For example where T is 0.03.Another notation is a sequence of numbers.For example,the sequence x can be represented aswhere Z
10、is the set of integer numbers(整数集),and x(n)is referred to as the“nth sample”of the sequence.For example A convenient notation for the sequence x just is x(n).,13,2.1 Discrete-time signals graph,Discrete-time signals are often depicted graphically.,14,unit sample sequence(单位抽样序列),The definition of th
11、e unit impulse,15,delayed unit sample sequence(延时单位抽样序列),The definition of the delayed unit sample sequence,16,unit step sequence(单位阶跃序列),The definition of the unit step,u(n)的后向差分,17,cosine function,The definition of the cosine function is,whose angular frequency(角频率)is rad/sample.,18,Exponential Se
12、quence(实指数序列),The definition of the real exponential function is,19,unit ramp(单位斜坡序列),The definition of the unit ramp,20,2.1 Discrete-time signals,An arbitrary sequence can be expressed as a sum of scaled,delayed unit impulses.The unit step u(n)can be expressed asAnd the unit ramp r(n)can be express
13、ed as,21,Example:generate the signal with impulse sequence,22,Periodic sequence,A sequence x(n)is defined to be periodic if and only if there is an integer N0 such that x(n)=x(n+N)for all n.In such a case,N is called the period of the sequence.Note,not all discrete cosine functions are periodic.If 2
14、/is an integer(整数)or a rational number(有理数),this sequence will be periodic;If 2/is an irrational number(无理数),this cosine function will not be periodic at all.,23,Example,Determine whether following discrete signal is periodic or not.If it is,calculate the period of the signal.,Solution:if the signal
15、 is periodic,then we have Then so system is periodic,its period is 40(when k=17).,24,2.2 Discrete-time systems,Definition:A system is defined mathematically as a unique transformation or operator that maps an input sequence x(n)into an output sequence y(n).This can be denoted as y(n)=Tx(n)where T ex
16、presses a discrete-time system.,T,25,2.2.1 Memoryless Systems,A system is referred to as memoryless if the output y(n)at every value of n depends only on the input x(n)at the same value of n.,26,2.2.2 Linearity Systems,Linearity(线性)If y1(n)and y2(n)are the responses when x1(n)and x2(n)are the inputs
17、 respectively,then a system is linear if and only ifTa x(n)=a T x(n)and T x1(n)+x2(n)=T x1(n)+T x2(n)for any constants a and b.Example:y(n)=Tx(n)=3x(n)+4 Ta x(n)=3a x(n)+4 aTx(n)=3a x(n)+4a Ta x(n)aT x(n)So it is not a linearity system.,27,2.2.3 Time-Invariant Systems,Time invariance(时不变性)A discrete
18、-time system is time invariant if and only if,for any input sequence x(n)and integer n0,thenT x(n-n0)=y(n-n0)with y(n)=T x(n).Note:another name of time invariance is shift invariance(移不变性).Example:y(n)=3x(n)+4 Tx(n-n0)=3x(n-n0)+4 y(n-n0)=3x(n-n0)+4 y(n-n0)=Tx(n-n0)So this system is time invariance.,
19、28,2.2.4 Causality,Causality(因果性)A discrete-time system is causal if and only if,when x1(n)=x2(n)for n n0,then T x1(n)=Tx2(n),for n n0A causal system is one for which the output at instant n does not depend on any input occurring after n.Usually,in the case of a discrete-time signal,a noncausal syst
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