1、醒脑开窍针刺法的临床应用及基础研究 Clinical Application and Research on XNKQ Acupuncture,石学敏 教授Shi Xuemin Prof.全国针灸临床研究中心天津中医学院第一附属医院The National Acupuncture Clinical Research Center of ChinaNo.1 Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2013年底,新院区将竣工并投入使用。,At the end of 2013,the new ho
2、spital compound will be completed and in operation.,中风病是危害人类健康的四大主病之一,发病率在我国居首位,其死亡率高、后遗症多,给家庭和社会带来了巨大的负担。Stroke is one of four main diseases that endangers human health.Its morbidity lies in the first place in China and its mortality is very high.It is accompanied by many complications,and has brou
3、ght a heavy burden to both the society and families.,近些年来,全国各医疗及科研部门,对中风病的诊断、治疗及机理开展了多方面、多层次的研究,使得中风病的诊断与治疗水平日趋提高,发病和治疗机理的研究已达到了分子水平和基因水平。In recent years,many medical institutes and hospitals all over the country have performed research on the diagnosis,treatment and mechanism of stroke in various a
4、spects.This has raised its standard of diagnosis and therapy rapidly.Research on its pathogenesis and therapeutic mechanism have already been reached molecular and gene levels.,自1972年,我提出醒脑开窍针刺法以来,我们对于中风的诊断、治疗、机理探讨开展了系统的临床研究和深入的基础研究,临床治疗患者达 200 万人次,形成了一套以针灸治疗为中心的中风诊疗体系。Since 1972 when I had proposed
5、 the treatment principle of“Xing Nao Kai Qiao”(XNKQ,awakening brain and opening orifices),this acupuncture method has been widely applied to more than two million patients with stroke.In addition,a series of in-dept systematic research in the mechanism,diagnosis and treatment of stroke have been car
6、ried,forming a system that mainly uses acupuncture for stroke treatment.,醒脑开窍针刺法“醒脑开窍”法是针对中风病的基本病机为瘀血、肝风、痰浊等病理因素蒙蔽脑窍致“窍闭神匿,神不导气”而提出的治疗法则和针刺方法。XNKQ ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY“XNKQ”acupuncture therapy was formulated on the fundamental pathogenesis of stroke which is due to obstruction of brain orifices and h
7、iding of vitality resulting from upward invasion of blood stasis,liver wind and phlegm.,在选穴上以阴经和督脉穴为主,并强调针刺手法量学规范,有别于传统的取穴和针刺方法。The points on Yin meridians and Du meridian are selected mainly and standard quantitative manipulations are applied,which are quite different from traditional point selecti
8、on and acupuncture manipulations in treatment of stroke.,临 床 研 究 部 分CLINICAL RESEARCH,一 般 资 料 General Data,中风病住院患者9005例:男性6029人;女性2976人,年龄最小19岁,最大87岁。病种:脑出血3077例;脑梗死5928例,合并缺血性球麻痹者521例。9005 stroke inpatients:male 6029;female 2976,the youngest 19 years,the oldest 87 years.Categories:3077 cases with c
9、erebral hemorrhage,5928 cases with cerebral infarction;521 cases with stroke with complication of ischemic bulbar paralysis.,病程:最短2小时,最长2年。首次发病6765例,两次以上发病者2240例。Course of disease:the shortest 2 hours,the longest 2 years.First time onset 6765cases,more than two time onset 2240 cases.,治 疗 方 法 Treatme
10、nt,1.处 方 主穴:内关(手厥阴心包经)人中(督脉)三阴交(足太阴脾经)1.Point PrescriptionMainpoints:Neiguan(PC 6,Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin)Renzhong(DU 26,DU Meridian)Sanyinjiao(SP 6,Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin),辅穴:极泉(手少阴心经)委中(足太阳膀胱经)尺泽(手太阴肺经)Supplementary points:Jiquan(HT 1,Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin)Weizhong(BL
11、40,Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang)Chize(LU 5,Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin),位于腕横纹中点直上2寸,两筋间,直刺 0.51.0寸,采用提插捻转结合泻法。内关穴采用作用力方向的捻转泻法,即左侧逆时针捻转用力自然退回;右侧顺时针捻转用力自然退回。配合提插,双侧同时操作,施手法1分钟。,内关PC6,2 cun above the crease of the wrist,between the tendons.Puncture bilateral Neiguan(PC 6)perpendicularly for 0.5-1
12、cun,using combinative reducing method(lifting-thrusting and twirling-rotating)for 1 minute.,补法(左侧顺时针;右侧逆时针),泻法(左侧逆时针;右侧顺时针),右R,左L,左L,右R,于鼻唇沟上1/3 处,向鼻中隔方向斜刺0.30.5寸,采用重雀啄手法。针体刺入穴位后,将针体向一个方向捻转 360,使肌纤维缠绕在针体上,再施雀啄手法,以流泪或眼球湿润为度。,人中DU 26,The junction of upper 1/3 and middle 1/3 of the nasolabial fold.Punc
13、ture Renzhong(DU 26)obliquely upwards to the nasal septum for 0.3-0.5 cun with heavy bird-pecking method until the patients eyeballs are moistened or tears flow.,三 阴 交Sanyinjiao(SP 6),沿胫骨内侧缘与皮肤呈45度角斜刺,进针11.5,用提插补法,使患侧下肢抽动3次为度Thirdly puncture Sanyinjiao(SP 6)obliquely for 1-1.5 cun,at the angle of 45
14、 degrees with the skin surface along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia,with reinforcing method of lifting and thrusting the needle to make the affected low limb have tic for three times.,极泉,部分古籍记载极泉穴为禁针穴,究其原由有以下几点:极泉穴部位腋毛茂密,不易消毒;极泉穴部位的汗腺丰盛,细菌容易滋生;极泉穴部位组织疏松,对穴位部位中的血管缺少压迫,容易出现皮下血肿
15、。Some ancient books said that HT1 is a forbidden area and the reasons are as follows:first is the dense axillary hair which is difficult to disinfect;second is that it is rich in sweat gland where bacteria breeds easily;third is the tissue is loose,and lacking in vascular compression,therefore prone
16、 to subcutaneous hematoma.,根据极泉穴的解剖特点,醒脑开窍针刺法将其延经下移12寸,避开腋毛,在肌肉丰厚的位置取穴。直刺 11.5寸,施用提插泻法,以上肢抽动3次为度。,极泉HT 1,Select Jiquan(HT 1)point at 1 cun below the original location along the heart meridian to avoid the armpit hair.Puncture perpendicularly for 1-1.5 cun with reducing method of lifting and thrustin
17、g the needle to make the affected upper limb jerk for three times.,取穴应屈肘为内角120,术者用手托住患肢腕关节,直刺0.50.8寸,用提插泻法,针感从肘关节传到手指或手动外旋,以手外旋抽动3次为度。,尺 泽LU 5,Perpendicularly puncture Chize(LU 5)for 1 cun while the forearm bends to form an angle of 120 degrees.Perform reducing manipulation of lifting and until the
18、affected arm and fingers twitch for three times.,仰卧位抬起患侧下肢取穴,术者用左手握住患肢踝关节,以术者肘部顶住患肢膝关节,刺入穴位后,针尖向外 15,进针 11.5寸,用提插泻法:以下肢抽动3次为度。,委中BL 40,Select Weizhong(BL 40)point with the patient in supine position and the lower limb lifted.Puncture perpendicularly for 0.5-1 cun,with reducing method of lifting and
19、thrusting to make the lower limb jerk for 3 times.,中风病其他并发症的治疗Treatment of Complications,中风病根据颅脑损伤的不同部位和原发病灶,可并发诸多不同临床表现的并发症及合并症。我们根据不同的并发症、合并症设立了相应的配穴治疗,通过大量临床适应症研究均收到非常理想的临床疗效。According to the affected area of the brain and primary lesion of stroke,different complications might occur.Academician S
20、hi Xuemin proposed XNKQ Acupuncture and made different coordination acupoints for different complications.It has been proved to be effective clinically.,配穴是根据脑卒中的不同临床表现或合并症、并发症针对性的选穴。醒脑开窍针刺法的主穴、辅穴体现了祖国医学“辨病证”抓主要矛盾的学术思想;配穴体现了祖国医学“辨症候群”抓特异矛盾的个性化治疗。两者相得益彰共同体现了祖国医学“辨证论治”的真谛。Coordinate acupoints are chos
21、en for different clinical manifestations and complications.Main points of XNKQ Acupuncture reflect disease differentition while coordinate points reflect syndrome differentiation.,(1)改善椎-基底动脉供血 椎基底动脉系统是颅脑供血的一部分,负责颅内1/3的血供,与颈内动脉系统有丰富的吻合支。是脑卒中病人侧枝循环建立的重要组成部分。处方:双侧风池(GB20,足少阳胆经)双侧完骨(GBl2,足少阳胆经)双侧天柱(BL1
22、0,足太阳膀胱经)颈椎夹脊刺(EX-B2,经外奇穴)1.Improving Blood Supply of Vertebro-Basilar ArteryVertebro-Basilar system is part of the brains blood supply,which in responsible for one third of the brains blood supply and has lots of anastomotic branches of the internal carotid artery system.It is an important artery i
23、n the collateral circulation establishment of stroke patients.Prescription:bilateral GB20,bilateral GB12,bilateral BL10,颅底Willi动脉环,双侧风池,向对侧眼角直刺11.5寸,双侧完骨、双侧天柱,直刺11.5寸,均施用小幅度;高频率捻转补法,即捻转幅度小于90;捻转频率为120160转/分钟,行手法 1分钟。要求双手操作,留针15分钟。,风池、完骨、天柱GB 20、GB 12、BL10,Puncture Fengchi(GB 20),Wangu(GB 12)and Tian
24、zhu(BL10)in the direction of the laryngeal prominence for 1-1.5 cun.Perform reinforcing manipulation of twirling and rotating using high frequency and small amplitude for 1 minute each.,颈椎夹脊刺Cervical Jiaji Points(EX-B2),颈椎正中线旁开5分,直刺0.50.8寸,施用小幅度;高频率捻转补法,即捻转幅度小于 90;捻转频率为120 160转/分钟,行手法1分钟。,These poin
25、ts are located on the neck and back.Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.8 cun with twirling method of reinforcing manipulation for 1 min.,(2)吞咽困难 2005年中国脑血管病防治指南正式将中风后发生的吞咽障碍、震咳不能、构音障碍、饮水咳呛等症状确定为“卒中后吞咽困难”。彻底改变了传统的“假性延髓麻痹”诊断理念。石学敏院士自70年代开始对该病进行了广泛深入的治疗研究,取得了非常理想的疗效。DysphagiaThe symptoms such as dysphagia,
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- 石学敏 院士 醒脑 开窍 针刺 临床 应用 基础 研究
