1、第五章 真空检漏 Leak Detection,主要内容,5.1 概述一.真空检漏的意义二.真空系统漏气的判断三.漏孔大小的表示四容许漏率5.2 检漏的基本原理一.压强差的作用二.示漏气体与探测器三、检漏方法的响应过程四、各种效应的利用五、检漏器的性能指标5.3 压力检漏法一.打气检漏法二.卤素检漏法三、氨检漏法 5.4 真空检漏法一.高频火花检漏法二.真空计检漏法三、质谱仪检漏法1工作原理2示漏气体3检漏方法4性能指标,5.1 概述,一.真空检漏的意义二.真空系统漏气的判断三.漏孔大小的表示四容许漏率,真空检漏的基本概念,真空检漏就是检测真空系统的漏气部位及其大小的过程。漏气也叫实漏,是气体
3、认为该系统的漏率是容许的,该情况下系统的漏率称为最大容许漏率。最小可检漏率是指某种检漏方法能够检测出的漏率的最小值。,5.2 检漏的基本原理,检漏目的:一.压强差的作用 P1P2;P1P2 e.g.Testing for the leak of tire of a bicycle.缺点:不能检测微小漏孔,二.示漏气体与探测器示漏气体:卤素;放射元素;氨气等探测器:电离计等;三、检漏方法的响应过程立刻响应;响应较快稳定;响应很慢稳定;探查法四、各种效应的利用五、检漏器的性能指标,漏孔的气流特性 气体流经漏孔的过程是很复杂的,可能包含有粘滞流、过渡流及分子流三种流动状态。检漏方法的分类,充压检漏法
4、、真空检漏法及其它检漏法,Chapter 5 Leak Detection,Section 1.General introduction1.The importance of leak detection(a)An ideal vacuum chamber should maintain forever the vacuum(pressure)reached at the moment of its separation from the pumps.(b)Any real chamber presents a rise in pressure after being isolated fro
5、m the pumping system.,Continuation of general introduction,(c)The pressure rise is produced by the gas which penetrates through leak,which evolves from the walls(outgassing and vapor)and which enteres by permeation(see page 111).PSedt Qdt=VdPWhere P:Pressure;Se:Effective pumping speedV:Volume;Q:leak
6、,outgassing&permeation,Continuation of general introduction,2.Determination of the leak(a)Plotting of pressure vs time curve will assist in determining the the actual leak.,Determination of the real leaks,Straight line 1:the rise of pressure is produced only by real leaks.Curve 2:the rise of pressur
7、e by outgassingCurve 3:the rise ofpressure by a combined effect(leak,outgassing and penetration).,Continuation of general introduction,3.The leak rate(a)Definition:The leak rate is the quantity of gas(in PV units)per unit time into the flowing vacuum system at a certain conditions.,Table of leak rat
8、e specifications,Leak detection,Section 2.Basic principle of the leak detection methods(a)The aim of leak detection:To find exact situation of the leak.(b)The principle of the leak:Pressure difference:e.g.Testing for the leak of tire of a bicycle.,Continuation of the principle of leak detection,The
9、trace probe:In this technique a stream of test gas is spread on the suspected area,and the gas penetrating into the system is pumped via the detector.The detector probe:In this technique the test gas is filled into the system under test and a detector probe connected to the leak detector is passed o
10、ver the suspected area to receive the test gas escaping through the leak.,5.3 压力检漏法,压力检漏法(充压检漏法):在被检件内部充入一定压力的示漏物质,如果被检件上有漏孔,示漏物质便从漏孔漏出,用一定的方法或仪器在被检件外部检测出从漏孔漏出的示漏物质,从而判定漏孔的存在、位置及漏率的大小,此即充压检漏法。一.打气检漏法二.卤素检漏法三、氨检漏法,二.卤素检漏法,用含有卤素(氟、氯、溴、碘)的气体为示漏气体的检漏仪器称为卤素检漏仪。分两类:其一为传感器(即探头)与被检件相连接的称为固定式(也称内探头式)卤素检漏仪;其二
11、为传感器(即吸枪)在被检件外部搜索的称为便携式(也称外探头式)卤素检漏仪。示漏气体:氟里昂、氯仿、碘仿、四氯化碳等,其中氯里昂12最好;卤素检漏仪灵敏度可达3.2lO-9Pam3s。,二.卤素检漏法,工作原理与结构 金属铂在800900 oC温度下会发生正离子发射,当遇到卤素气体时,这种发射会急剧增加。这就是所谓的“卤素效应”,利用此效应制成的卤素检漏仪的结构示意图如图所示。,三、氨检漏法,示漏气体:氨(碱性)外涂试剂或贴试纸(溴酚蓝最好)原理:漏孔处变色灵敏度:大于5*10-6 torr l/s的漏孔,0.5h;5*10-7-1*10-6 torr l/s的漏孔,2-4h;10-8 torr
12、 l/s的漏孔,10h以上。优点:简单方便,灵敏度高,一次充氨可以检完所有部位。缺点:有毒!不能用于铜银等金属容器。,5.4 真空检漏法,真空检漏法:被检件和检漏器的敏感元件处于真空状态,在被检件的外部施加示漏物质,如果有漏孔,示漏物质就会通过漏孔进入被检件和敏感元件的空间,由敏感元件检测出示漏物质,从而可以判定漏孔的存在位置及漏率的大小,这就是真空检漏法。一.高频火花检漏法二.真空计检漏法三、质谱仪检漏法1工作原理2示漏气体3检漏方法4性能指标,一.高频火花检漏法,高频火花检漏器是个高频高压对地放电器件,可以用于真空检漏。(1)工作原理与结构图9示出一种电容,电感串联谐振式高频火花检漏器的原
17、虽然可以通过第一个分析器,但是,经第二次加速进入第二个分析器后,由于其动量与氦离子的不同而被分离出来。由于二次分离,仪器本底及本底噪声显著地减小,提高了仪器灵敏度。,2 性能试验方法,灵敏度、反应时间、清除时间、工作真空度、极限真空度及仪器入口处抽速是评价氦质谱检漏仪的主要性能指标。灵敏度及其校准氦质谱检漏仪灵敏度,通常指仪器的最小可检漏率。记为qL.min,即在仪器处于最佳工作条件下,以一个大气压的纯氦气为示漏气体,进行动态检漏时所能检测出的最小漏孔漏率。所谓“最佳工作条件”是指仪器参数调整到最佳值,被检件出气少且没有大漏孔等条件。所谓“动态检漏”是指检漏仪器本身的抽气系统仍在正常抽气。仪器
20、-810-7Pam3/s。金属压扁型标准漏孔(图中b)通常是用无氧铜或可伐管压制而成,漏率为10-810-6Pam3/s。玻璃铂丝型标准漏孔(图中c)是利用玻璃与铂丝的不匹配封接制成的。薄膜渗氦型标准漏孔(图中d)是利用石英薄膜球泡的渗氦速率制成的,其漏率一般为10-510-9Pam3/s。,Leak detection,Section 3 The different methods of leak detection1.Pressure different method It is very simple and very useful.Normally people use the nit
21、rogen gas as test gas with a little over atmospheric.,Leak detection,2.Halogen leak detector(a)This detector was first described by White and Hickey(1948).(b)It makes use of a red-hot(9000C)platinum which emits positive ions.(c)The presence of small traces of halogen(Cl,F,Br and I)increases the emis
22、sion of positive ions markedly.,Continuation of halogen leak detector,(d)It is this increase in emission that is measured to indicate the presence of a leak.(e)The detector consists of a platinum cylinder mounted on a ceramic-clad heating element placed centrally within an outer cylinder.The heated
23、inner cylinder is made positive(100-500V)relative to the outer cylinder,and the ion current is read on a microammeter.,Schematic diagram of the halogen leak detector,Continuation of the methods of leak detection,3.The chemical detector4.The spark detector.Perhaps it could say that the spark detector
24、 is mostly used in manufacturing light sources.How does it work?And What is the structure of the spark detector?,Continuation of the methods of leak detection,Continuation of the method of leak detection,5.Detector using vacuum gauges.6.Mass spectrometer leak detection.(a)In principle any of the typ
25、es of mass spectrometer together with any probe gas may be used for leak detection.(b)But helium is widely used as Hes molecular weight low;He occurs in the atmosphere at extent of only 5x10-4%per volume and except deuterium no gas will be mistaken.,Mass spectrometer leak detector,Leak detection,Section 4 The standard leak and the measurement of leak rate.1.The standard leak It has very special structure to be made.2.The measurement of leak rate(a)The constant volume method.(b)The compared method using standard leak,