1、班级集体建设的阶段任务探索,陶新华 博士 副教授,苏州大学心理咨询中心主任苏州市心理卫生协会秘书长,2023/10/16,2,苏州天力咨询有限公司,班级公约,积极参与遵守规则空杯心态保持秩序,2023/10/16,3,苏州天力咨询有限公司,一个有趣的比喻作为班主任,我们作怎样的选择?,2023/10/16,4,苏州天力咨询有限公司,THE CARROT,THE EGGAND THECOFFEE BEAN,2023/10/16,5,苏州天力咨询有限公司,Put three pots of water over the fire.,2023/10/16,6,苏州天力咨询有限公司,In the fi
2、rst pot,put some carrots.,2023/10/16,7,苏州天力咨询有限公司,In the second pot,put some eggs.,2023/10/16,8,苏州天力咨询有限公司,In the third pot,put some coffee beansthat have been grounded into coffee powder.,2023/10/16,9,苏州天力咨询有限公司,Boil all three pots for 15 minutes.,Take out what you put in.,2023/10/16,10,苏州天力咨询有限公司,
3、The carrots went in hard.They are now soft.,The eggs went in soft inside.Now they are hard inside.,2023/10/16,11,苏州天力咨询有限公司,But the water has the colour and the wonderful smell of coffee.,The coffee powder has disappeared.,2023/10/16,12,苏州天力咨询有限公司,Now think about life.,Life is not always easy.Life i
4、s not always comfortable.Sometimes life is very hard.,2023/10/16,13,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We work very hard but get few results.What happens when we face difficulties?,Things dont happen like we wish.People dont treat us like we hope.,2023/10/16,14,苏州天力咨询有限公司,Now think about the pots.,The boiling water is like
5、 the problems of life.,2023/10/16,15,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We can be like the carrots.,We go intough and strong.,We come out soft and weak.,2023/10/16,16,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We get very tired.We lose hope.We give up.,There is no more fighting spirit.,Dont be like the carrots!,2023/10/16,17,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We can be like the
6、 eggs.,We start with a soft and sensitive heart.,We end up very hard and unfeeling inside.,2023/10/16,18,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We hate others.We dont like ourselves.,We become hard-hearted.,There is no warm feeling,only bitterness.,Dont be like the eggs!,2023/10/16,19,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We can be like the coffee beans
7、.,The water does not change the coffee powder.,The coffee powder changes the water!,2023/10/16,20,苏州天力咨询有限公司,The water has become different because of the coffee powder.See it.Smell it.Drink it.The hotter the water,the better the taste.,2023/10/16,21,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We can be like the coffee beans.,We ma
8、ke something good from the difficulties we face.,We learn new things.,2023/10/16,22,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We have new knowledge,new skills,new abilities.,We grow in experience.,2023/10/16,23,苏州天力咨询有限公司,We make the world around us better.,2023/10/16,24,苏州天力咨询有限公司,To succeed,we must try and try again.We must bel
9、ieve in what we are doing.We must not give up.We must be patient.We must keep pushing.,2023/10/16,25,苏州天力咨询有限公司,Problems and difficulties give us the chance to become stronger and better and tougher.,2023/10/16,26,苏州天力咨询有限公司,What are we like when thingsdo not go well?Are we like the carrot,or the eg
10、g,or the coffee bean?,2023/10/16,27,苏州天力咨询有限公司,Be like the coffee bean!,2023/10/16,28,苏州天力咨询有限公司,体验式学习循环图,产生意义,2023/10/16,29,苏州天力咨询有限公司,爱的语言,爱的鼓励掌 声 II:XXX XXX XXX XO:II 鼓励自己一分钟鼓掌 潜能无限,长寿多多!鼓励他人真情传递 通体舒坦,活力四射!爽极了!,2023/10/16,30,苏州天力咨询有限公司,组建团队,团队的展示组长名称口号灵活调整说明团队积分榜,2023/10/16,31,苏州天力咨询有限公司,班级发展的技能,
11、2023/10/16,32,苏州天力咨询有限公司,班级集体发展四阶段,2023/10/16,33,苏州天力咨询有限公司,第一阶段 形成期,当一个班级正在形成时,班级成员常会很谨慎地观察及试探班级能接受的行为程度,譬如说像不太会游泳的人在池边试探性地将脚趾头伸入池内的状况即是如此。这个阶段正是由个人自我转换成为班级成员的阶段,同时也是正式及非正式测试领导者带领方式。,2023/10/16,34,苏州天力咨询有限公司,形成期常会产生下列感觉和行为,刺激、参与感,乐观以身为班级的一份子为自豪开始对班级产生依赖和情感对下一步的任务感到质疑、惶恐及紧张试着界定任务范围及目标性质,共同商议如何完成尝试决议
12、班级行为接受度及面对问题班级如何处理决定共同搜集什么样的信息及资料常讨论与任务目标不甚相关的问题,对与任务目标相关的问题无法精确的掌握,2023/10/16,35,苏州天力咨询有限公司,第二阶段 风暴期,风暴期对班级而言是最难通过的一关,就好象是落水后快要溺水挣扎活命的情形一样,大家开始真正地体认到任务的困难性是远超过他们的想象的,班级开始互相试探甚而责难,或是过分热忱以博取他人好感。,2023/10/16,36,苏州天力咨询有限公司,风暴期常会产生下列感觉和行为,针锋相对的态度和对班级成功完成任务的信心摇摆不定即便是在解决方案上已达成共识,大大小小的纷争仍是不断防卫心及竞争心,派系纷争搞小团
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- 关 键 词:
- 班级 集体 建设 阶段 任务
