1、基于游客行为的城市旅游地空间结构分析 以西安为例,西北大学城市与资源学系,杨新军,1、相关研究进展,国外-国外学者对旅游地理空间结构研究始于20世纪60年代。区位论 核心 边缘理论模型 地域游憩系统 试验性全国游憩调查(British Pilot National Recreation Survey)时间序列模型(趋势分析)、相关分析模型、引力模型、潜能模型等 旅游流形成机制 国内-主要研究视角:旅游热点城市游客时序分布规律及城市居民出游的规律结构旅游者行为类型和空间规律不同尺度旅游区客源市场的地区结构突发事件等不确定因素对旅游客源波动影响等,A.Progress of relative re
2、search,abroad-Location theory the core-periphery modelregional recreation system British Pilot National Recreation Surveymodel of tendency analysis,model of relevance analysis,gravitation model,potential model the mechanism of tourist flow domestic-the hot tourism cities time-frequency distribution
3、laws and the regular touring structure of urban residents the discussion on tourists behavior types and spatial law the district structure of tourist source area for tourism destinations in different scales the influence of uncertain factors such as incidents on tourism origins market,2、游客行为空间模式研究,2
4、.1 基本模式2.2 旅游出行空间的基本规律,旅行模式 演化模式 区域旅游行为空间选择模式,B.Model of tourism behavioral space,a.Basic patternb.Essential regulation of touring space,Travel pattern Evolutionary Pattern Spatial behavior choice models of regional tourism,2.1.1 旅行模式,旅行模式是早期对旅游活动空间的描述,涵盖了三个基本概念:节点(通常为关联客源地-目的地的一对概念)、联结节点的路径以及沿路径移动的
5、旅行方式。马略特(Mariot,1969)提出了联结惯常住地与旅游目的地的三种不同旅行线路:直达线路(Aaccess Route),游憩线路(Recreational Route)和返回线路(Return Route)。Campbell(1967)按照旅行目的不同,将旅游活动分为游览型(Intinerary)和逗留型(Stay)两种方式,解释了从城市中心向外移动的不同模式。,Travel pattern,Travel pattern covers three basic concepts:the nodes connecting origin region to tourism destina
6、tion regions;the paths connecting nodes and the ways traveling along routes.Three types of travel routes:Access Route;Recreation Route and Return Route(Pearce,1995).Tourists activities were thought to be two types by Campbel.One is Intinerary,and the other is Stay.,2.1.2 演化模式,Miossec国际旅游模型中,客源发生地周围具
7、有四个不同的旅游功能圈层。这些功能圈层的形成是由旅游动机、方式和成本等因素决定的。并认为旅游者和当地居民行为的变化与旅游地的增加和交通网络的扩展有很大关联。Oppermann(1993)考虑了不同旅游者的行为和功能,把焦点集中在发展中国家,认为在其旅游开发过程中,首都城市起着主导地位。Lundgren模式是O(客源地)D(目的地)相互作用的经典模式。Lundgren和Hill1977年曾经提出国际旅游流动的核心 外围模式,认为,城市化水平高的发达国家构成了旅游流发生的核心,而外围发展中国家则形成主要的旅游目的地。,Evolutionary Pattern,Model of internatio
8、nal tourist flow developed by Miossec shows that tourism origin included four functional gradations.(Matley I M,1976).Oppermann(1993)postulated that in developing countries,metropolis played a leading role in tourism development(Oppermann M,1993).The core-peripheral model was used to interpret inter
9、national tourist flow,and it was postulated that developed countries were the core origins of international tourist flow while the peripheral developing countries were main tourism destination districts(Lundgren J O J,1984).,2.1.3 区域旅游行为空间选择模式,模式1:单一目的地旅游旅游者的大部分旅游活动集中在一个目的地;模式2:线型旅游旅游者选择使用一条线路上的多个旅游
10、目的地,但存在主次之分,主要选择使用的目的地只有一个;模式3:基营式旅游旅游者在访问主要目的地的同时也选择访问基他几个目的地,但往往以主体目的地作为大本营;模式4:环型旅游旅游者在既定的目标区域内环旅游好几个目的地,相当于游览线路空间;模式5:链式旅游旅游者以客源地为中心进行的链式游览。美.,Spatial behavior choice models of regional tourism,Model 1:Single destination-most activities are concentrated in one destination.Model 2:Linear tourism-
11、tourist visits multiple destinations along one route.Model 3:Camp-based tourism-chooses one destination as a camp,and visits other destinations from it.Model 4:Circular tourism-tourist visits several destinations within one area.Model 5:Chain tourism-origin is the center of chain tourism.Gunn C A,19
12、94,2.2 旅游出行空间的基本规律,距离衰减相互作用城市主导空间层次等级性,b.Essential regulation of touring space,Distance decay Interaction Leading role of city Spatial hierarchy,3 基于游客行为的旅游地空间结构研究 以西安为例,3.1 旅游目的地空间结构 引入“一日旅游圈”的概念,即以一日为周期的旅游行为高度 联系的区域。假设:适合于一般游客按组团模式进行的旅游活动,其时间序列为:早上7:30出发,晚上19:30返回,全天出游时间为12h,减去在两地市(区)内的平均交通时间约0.5h
13、,共1h,各旅游景点一般午餐和午间时间1h,目的地游览时间大约5h,得到的单程交通可支出时间为2.5h。这样,将行游比控制在1:1范围内,基本满足游客的旅游要求。,C.Research on spatial structure of TDD based on tourist behaviora case study of Xian,a.Spatial structure of tourism destination district The concept of“One-day touring circle”is drawn,namely the district of tourist beh
14、aviour with high relationship based on one-day period.Hypothesis:The time series of the group tourists is that leaving at 7:30 am and getting back at 19:30 pm,so as to the whole touring time a day is 12h;subtracting the 1h in all for average communication time in the two cities(each takes 0.5h),the
15、1h for lunch transportation and the 5h approximately for touring destination,2.5h available time for one way transportation is gained.Therefore,it would mainly satisfy the touring demand of tourist if the transportation touring rate is controlled within 1:1.,图中未注明的景区为依次为:1 兵马俑 2 华清池 3 大慈恩寺 4 大雁塔 5 陕
16、西历史博物馆 6 碑林博物馆 7 秦始皇陵 8 西安城墙 9 骊山森林公园图1 西安TDD范围及区内主要旅游景区Fig.1 Main Tourist Spots and Fringe of Xian TDD,因此,西安“一日旅游圈”可定义为以西安市为起点,采用组团方式组织旅行,单程2.5h内可达到的空间范围(如图1)。其涉及范围包括了西安、宝鸡、咸阳、渭南、铜川和延安六地市。形成以250 km为半径的出游空间,几乎涵盖了整个关中地区。一个明显特征是,西安对其周边地区产生了显著的截流效应。以2002年为例,西安行政范围内接待游客总量达到整个TDD区域的88.53%。,The involved r
17、ange includes such cities as Xian,Baoji,Xianyang,Weinan,Tongchuan and Yanan.It forms a touring space with 250km radius,which almost covers the whole Guangzhong region.An apparent characteristic is that Xian exerts obvious“damming a river”effect on its peripheral regions.The whole sum of tourists rec
18、eived in Xian reaches 88.53%of the ones of TDD.,表1 陕西省各地市近年接待入境旅游人次Tab.1 Oversea visitors of all districts in Shaanxi Province,资料来源:陕西省统计年鉴,2001-2003,Tab.1 Oversea visitors of all districts in Shaanxi Province,An apparent characteristic is that Xian exerts obvious“damming a river”effect on its perip
19、heral regions.The whole sum of tourists received in Xian reaches 88.53%of the ones of TDD(see Tab 1).,Source:Shaanxi statistical yearbook,2001-2003,3.2 旅游吸引力空间结构,根据中心地标准距离公式,把每个客源地在目的地客源中所占份额做为权重,得出客源吸引半径计算公式:公式中,n表示客源地的数量,xi表示第i个客源地所占市场份额,di表示i客源地到西安的距离。,B.The spatial structure of tourist gravity,C
20、entral-distance formula(Formu.1)is used to calculate the gravity radius of domestic tourism in Xian,taking market share of each origin as the weight.,Formula.1,Where n is the number of origin,xi the market share of each origin,di the distance between origin and Xian.,1995年和2001年西安市国内旅游演化对比图,图2 1995年
21、和2001年西安市国内旅游演化对比Fig.2 Evolution of domestic tourism of Xian in 1995 and 2001,Evolution of domestic tourism of Xian in 1995 and 2001,Fig.2 Evolution of domestic tourism of Xian in 1995 and 2001,利用1995年、1998年和2001年三年西安市旅游局国内旅游抽样调查结果的统计,对西安市国内旅游客源市场分省域进行了统计分析(其中西安到各省区的距离运用省会距离来考察,山东、内蒙古则计算西安到济南和青岛的距离平
22、均值和西安到呼和浩特、包头的距离平均值),计算结果如表2:,可见,西安市以省域为单位计算的国内旅游客源市场综合吸引半径基本没有发生变化,而累计百分比在60%到80%这一区间上距离增大,由1995年的1635公里增加到2001年的1809公里,反映了客源市场由周边向东部沿海发达地区倾斜的空间态势。,With data of domestic tourism samples of 1995,1998 and 2001(Tab.2),the radius of domestic tourism abstraction of Xian is calculated.Index of distance i
23、s the railway transporting distance between Xian and each provincial capital.,The result of calculation shows that the composite gravity radius of Xian changes gradually,the attractive radius of Xian to accumulated 60%80%origins went up to 1809Km in 2001 from 1635Km in 1995.It illustrates that the o
24、rigin space scattered gradually and expanded toward to eastern littoral China.,Tab.2 Gravity Radius of Domestic Tourism in Xian(calculated by provinces),3.3 客源市场空间结构,从国内客源省域构成看,1995年和2001年抽样调查结果显示,来西安的外省游客产生了较大变化,其中,陕西周边省份市场份额有所上升,其余省份市场份额有扩散趋势,但变化幅度不一。来西安人数最多的省区主要有周边及近距离的晋、豫、川和经济发达的鲁、沪、京、粤等经济发达省份,说
25、明距离和经济仍然是主导西安地区游客地域构成的首位因素。,图3 西安市国内游客构成的省际变化Fig.3 Change of composition of domestic tourism in Xian,C.The spatial structure of origins market,The composition of outside-province visitors to Xian changed a lot,in which the market share of Shaanxi peripheral province had risen to a small extent,but t
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- 基于 游客 行为 城市 旅游地 空间结构 分析