1、Unit Nine,Business Contracts商务合同,世纪商务英语翻译教程(第三版),返回,知识目标:1.了解商务合同的基本知识 2.掌握商务合同的语言特点及翻译技巧 3.熟知商务英语的特点及翻译的原则能力目标:1.能够运用所学翻译技巧进行英汉商务合同的互译 2.能够在商务英语翻译中遵循正确的翻译原则,Business Contracts,返回,Contents,返回,4.Translation techniques,2.Lead-in,1.Introduction,3.Lexical and Syntactical Features,5.Word Bank,6.Practice,
2、Section 1 Introduction,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec8,Sec 7,返回,讨论:,外贸合同有哪些内容,Huzhou Import&Export Co.addressSales Contract s/c no.:date:The buyers:Address:The buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as below:,1)Commodity description,2)Packing:in ca
3、ses,in bales in boxes of a dozen each,100 boxes to a wooden case,3)Time of shipment:in OCT.12th w/t at Hongkong before the end of OCT.4)Port of loading,port of destination:5)Terms of Payment:by sight L/C,the L/C must reach the sellers before May 1st.by D/P,by D/A 6)Insurance:to be covered by the sel
4、lers for 110%of the invoice value against all risks as per CIC dated January 1,1981.,7)Inspection:8)Quantity/Quality Discrepancy:9)Force majeure:10)Arbitration:The sells-the buyers-,SECTION 1,商务合同是当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事法律关系的协议。作为法律文书,商务合同规定各方当事人的权利和义务。商务合同一经依法订立,就成为一种法律文件而对缔约各方具有法律约束力,成为商务活动中解决争议的法律依据。涉外合同
5、的分类:国际货物销售合同(Contracts for International Sale of Goods)国际技术转让合同(Contracts for International Technology Transfer)中外合资经营企业合同(Contracts for Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures)国际工程承包合同(Contracts for International Engineering Projects)补偿贸易合同(Contracts for Compensation Trade)涉外劳务合同(Contracts for Foreign Labor Se
6、rvice)国际租赁合同(Contracts for International Leasing Affairs)涉外信贷合同(Contracts for Sino-Foreign Credits and Loans),Sec 5,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,返回,Sec 6,返回,分类与结构 按照格式的繁简程度的不同,国际商务合同可以采取正式合同(Contract)、协议书(Agreement)、确认书(Confirmation)、备忘录(Memorandum)、定单(Order)等书面形式。在合同签订和履行过程中,当事人之间往来的信函、电子邮件、电报等也是合同的组成部分,同样具有一
7、定的法律效力。但是,为了顺利、准确无误地完成合同的履行,保护当事人各方的合法权益,所有商业往来应以合同、协议书和确认书的订立为前提和基础。,分类与结构从结构上看,国际商务合同一般包含如下四个部分1,具体说明如下:(一)合同名称(Title):即合同标题,表明合同的内容和性质。(二)约首(Preamble):A.订约日期和地点;B.合同当事人及其国籍、主营业所或住所;C.当事人合法依据;D.订约缘由/说明条款(三)正文(Main Body):A.一般条款(General Terms and Conditions);B.特殊条款(Other Conditions)。(四)结尾条款(WITNESS
8、Clause):A.结尾语;B.签名(Signature);C.盖印(Seal)。,SECTION 1,通常一份典型的商务合同包含以下表格中的部分:,Sec 5,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,返回,Sec 6,返回,SECTION 1,Sec 5,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,返回,Sec 6,返回,SECTION 1,Sec 5,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,返回,Sec 6,返回,Preamble of a Contract合同的前言,国际商务合同的前言部分,主要包括两方面的内容:其一,主要载明合同当事人的名称或者姓名、国籍、主营业务或者住所(the corporate
9、or personal names of the parties to the contract and their nationalities,principal places of business or residential addresses);其二,合同签订的日期、地点(the date and place of signing of the contract)。,This contract is made this 29th day Of March.2003 in Shanghai,China by and between ABC Corporation China(herei
10、nafter referred to as“Seller),a-Corporation having their principal office in Shanghai,China who agrees to sell,and XYZ Corporation(hereinafter referred lo as“Buyer),a Corporation having their principal office in New York,NY,USA,who agrees to buy the following goods on the terms and conditions as bel
11、ow:,【例1】本合同由中国ABC公司,总公司设于中国上海(以下简称卖方)与美国XYZ公司,总公司设于美国纽约州纽约市(以下简称买方)于2003年3月29日订立于中国上海,双方同意按下述条件买卖下列货物:,【例2】合同号码:(经合字)第0081号 签约日期:2003年3月29日 签约地点:中国上海卖方:中国ABC公司地址:中国上海 街 号公司属国:中华人民共和国电传:传真:邮编:电子信箱:买方:美国XYZ公司地址:美国纽约州纽约市街号公司属国:美利坚合众国电传:传真:邮编:电子信箱:,Contract Number:JH Zi,No.0081Date 0f Execution of Contr
12、act:March,29,2003Place Of Execution Of Contract:Shanghai,China.Seller:ABC Corporation,ChinaAddress:No,St,Shanghai,China。Country of Corporation:Peoples Republic of ChinaTelex:Fax:Postcode:E-mail:Buyer:XYZ Corporation,USAAddress:No.,St,New York,NYUSACountry Of Corporation:United States of AmericaTelex
13、:Fax:Postcode:E-mail:,Final Clauses合同的结尾,合同的结尾,也称合同最后条款,写在合同的结尾部分。结尾条款主要应明确的内容有:合同使用的文字及其效力(languages in which the contract is to be written and its validity)。除了明确使用的文字及其效力外,有时还应订立对合同进行修改或补充的内容。如果合同中订有附件,应在合同中另立一章列出附件的具体内容,并明确在合同的结尾部分规定附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分。,This Contract is made out in two originals,each
14、 copy written in Chinese and English languages,both texts being equally valid.In case of any divergence of interpretation,the Chinese text shall prevailThe annexes as listed in Articles 19 to this Contract shall form an integral part of this Contract Any amendment andor supplement to this contract s
15、hall be valid only after the authorized representatives of both parties have signed written document(s),forming integral part(s)of this ContractThis Contract shall come into force after the signatures by the authorized representatives of both parties.,This Contract is made out in two originals,each
16、copy written in Chinese and English languages,both texts being equally valid.In case of any divergence of interpretation,the Chinese text shall prevail1本合同正文一式两份,分别以中文和英文书写,两种文本具有同等效力。若对其解释产生异议,则以中文本为准。The annexes as listed in Articles 19 to this Contract shall form an integral part of this Contract
17、 2.本合同第19章列出的附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分。,Any amendment andor supplement to this contract shall be valid only after the authorized representatives of both parties have signed written document(s),forming integral part(s)of this Contract3本合同的任何修改和补充,只有在双方授权的代表在书面文件上签字后才能生效,并成为本合同不可分割的组成部分。This Contract shall come
18、 into force after the signatures by the authorized representatives of both parties.4本合同将在双方授权代表签字后正式生效。,1本合同正文一式两份,分别以中文和英文书写,两种文本具有同等效力。若对其解释产生异议,则以中文本为准。2.本合同第19章列出的附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分。3本合同的任何修改和补充,只有在双方授权的代表在书面文件上签字后才能生效,并成为本合同不可分割的组成部分。4本合同将在双方授权代表签字后正式生效。,translation,SECTION 2,II.试把下列短语译成汉语。(1),Sec
19、 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,(1)minute of talks(2)memorandum(3)validity clauses of contracts(4)assignment and guaranty of contracts,会议纪要,备忘录,合同生效条款,合同转让与担保条款,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,(5)rescission and termination of contracts(6)default and escape(7)international conventions and
20、practice(8)international business contracts,合同的解除与终止条款,违约与免责条款,国际惯例,国际贸易合同,II.试把下列短语译成汉语。(2),SECTION 2,SECTION 2,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,试翻译下列句子。(1),(1)Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US$500(SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY).(3)This Contract is made by and between the Bu
21、yer and the Seller,whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below.,甲方须每月付给乙方500 美元整。,买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。,SECTION 2,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,试翻译下列句子。(2),(3)This Contract shall come i
22、nto force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.(4)The undersigned hereby agrees that the new products whereto this trade name is more appropriate are made in China.,本合同自买方和建造方签署之日起生效。,下述签署人同意在中国制造新产品,其品牌以此为合适。,Section 2 Lead-in,Translate the following Chinese passage into E
23、nglish.澳门威尼斯人 条款及细则:“北方馆”位于娱乐场内,18岁以下人士遂不能使用此代用券凭此代用券在澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店娱乐场内之“北方馆”消费任何食品即可享用指定甜品一份必须出示代用券以免费换领指定甜品一份每人每次只限使用代用券一张此代用券不能兑换现金及退款,Sec 5,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,返回,Sec 6,返回,THE VENETIAN,casino,voucher,Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Casino,designated,be redeemed for,Terms and conditions:,SECTION 2,此代用券不能
24、与其它推广及餐饮优惠一起使用优惠只限堂食此代用券必须于有效日期内使用,逾期作废如有任何争议,澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店保留最终决定权有效日期:2011年7月1日至31日,Sec 5,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,返回,Sec 6,返回,dine-in,reserve,SECTION 2,Notes:代用券:voucher堂食:dine-in有效期:validity注意几个专有名词的翻译:威尼斯人-Venetian;北方馆-North;度假村酒店娱乐场:Macau-Resort-Hotel Casino。翻译时注意情态动词的使用,尽力按照合同条款的要求将其译成符合英文表达习惯的英语条款。,Se
25、c 5,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 1,返回,Sec 6,返回,THE VENETIANTerms and conditions:“North”is located in casino area,so patrons under the age of 18 are ineligible to use this voucherThe voucher with any food purchase can be used to redeem a designated dessert from“North”at the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Casino only
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