1、名词性从句,在复合句中的句法功能与名词相同,在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句(Noun Clauses)。名词从句的功能相当于名词词组,它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。名词性从句一律用陈述句语序。,引导名词性从句的连接词,引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类:连接词:that,whether,if(不充当从句的任何成分)连接代词:what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whose,which.连接副词:when,where,how,why,从属连词that在
2、名词性从句中,不担任任何成分,没有词义,有时可以省略。,由 that 引导的主语从句时。that不能省略:That we shall be late is certain.2._ is known to all.(地球是圆的)3._ is a pity.(你错过了这次机会)that 无意义,后接一个完整的句子.,That the earth is round,That you missed the chance,从属连词whether.在名词性从句中不担任任何成分,但有词义,做“是否”解一般不可省略。在宾语从句中,常用if 来代替whether.。但若宾语从句做动词discuss或介词的宾语或
3、后面紧跟有or not,则只可用whether。(注意,在其他名词性从句中表示“是否”之意时,只用whether.),whether 与 if 均为“是否”的意思。但在下列情况下,whether 不能被 if 所取代:,1.whether 引导主语从句(包括从句在句首的位置)应当用whether,不用if,如:Whether it is true remains a problem.Whether he will come,I am not sure.,2.引导表语从句用whether,不用if,如:The question is whether you should accept it.,w
4、hether 与 if 均为“是否”的意思。但在下列情况下,whether 不能被 if 所取代:,whether 与 if 均为“是否”的意思。但在下列情况下,whether 不能被 if 所取代:,3.whether可以引导从句作介词的宾语,而if 则不能,如:Im not interested in whether theyll go or not.It depends on whether we have got enough money.,whether 与 if 均为“是否”的意思。但在下列情况下,whether 不能被 if 所取代:,4.whether可以直接跟动词不定式连用,
5、而if 则不能,如:I didnt know whether to laugh or to cry.She hasnt decided whether to go or not.5.引导同位语从句用whether,不用if,如:The question whether hell attend the meeting is essential.,连接代词:what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whose,which.在名词性从句中都担任成分,都有词义,都不能省略。连接代词what常可在主、宾、表语从句中担任主、宾、表语(不用来引导同位语从句)。,引导名词性从句的that和
6、what,That引导主从,宾从,表从时在句中无词义,只起连接作用.引导宾语从句时that可省略.引导主语从句时常用形式主语it代替主语从句.what引导主从,宾从,表从时,不但起连接作用,而且有具体意义,意为the things that(which)所.的人或物.简言之,从句中如果主语或宾语都不缺少时,连接词用that,否则用what.,The fact is that we are far behind the developed countries in science and technology.The village is no longer what it used to be
7、 ten years ago.,从宾语从句 object clause 说开去:The object clauses can be divided into the following groups 宾语从句可分为如下几类,这种分类方法也同样适用于其他几种名词从句:,1.陈述句分句,由无实际意义的 that 引导,that 常可省略.We do not agree(that)the computer helps us a lot.2.一般疑问句分句,由 whether 或 if 引导.I cant tell whether/if hes coming or not.,3.特殊疑问句分句,由关系
8、代词或关系副词引导.I wonder who has taken my dictionary.Have you found out where the trouble lies?4.感叹分句,由 what 和 how 引导.I remember what a fine voice she had.He was astonished to find out how fast she could run.,a.It+be+形容词+that-从句It is necessary that 有必要It is important that 重要的是It is obvious that 很明显,用 it 作
9、形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:,大部分连接词引导的主语从句都可置于句末,用it充当形式主语。,b.It+be+-ed 分词+that-从句It is believed that人们相信It is known to all that从所周知It has been decided that 已决定,用 it 作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:,c.It+be+名词+that-从句It is common knowledge that 是常识It is a surprise that 令人惊奇的是It is a fact that 事实是,用 it 作形式主语的
10、that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:,用 it 作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:,d.It+不及物动词+that-分句It appears that似乎It happens that碰巧It occurred to me that 我突然想起,练习:用it充当形式主语,That we shall be late is certain.-1.That the earth is round is known to all.-2.That you missed the chance is a pity.-,Its known to all that the earth is
11、round.,That you missed the chance.,Its certain that we shall be late.,注意:It is said that.It is believed that.等句型是固定用法,其中的主语从句不可以放在句首.,同位语从句,在句中作同位语的名词性从句叫同位语从句.它用以进一步说明与它同位的名词所表示的具体内容.常可带同位语从句的名词有:advice,belief,doubt,dream,hope,idea,knowledge,message,news,order,possibility,promise,problem,question,s
12、uggestion,thought,truth,view,wish,word等。,同位语从句的连词一般有that和whether.在某些连词后面有时亦可用连接副词how,when,where,why等.,同位语和定语从句定语从句的区别,1.同位语从句进一步说明前面名词的具体内容;定语从句则对其先行词起修饰,限制的作用,起句法功能相当于一个形容词.2.引导同位语从句时没有词义,也不在从句中担任成分,但不能省略,而引导定语从句时则代表先行词的词义,在从句中必须担任成分,作宾语时常可省略.,试比较:Mike told me his idea that we had better go to the
13、teacher for help.The idea(that)Mike told me just now is very good.,同位语从句,定语从句,他们问我到哪里去寻找所需要的书.我不知道这工作是否值得做.,They asked me the question where they can find the books needed.,I have no idea whether the work is worth doing.,3.和引导的从句前面的名词如果分别表示时间、地点或原因,则为关系副词,引导定语从句;否则是连接副词,引导同位语从句.,Bamboo grows best in
14、 places where it is warm and where it rains often.I have no idea where we should hold the meeting.,定语从句,同位语从句,1.It now appears _ they are in need of help.A.that B.which C.what D.how2.It is good news _ they will arrive in a few days.A.which B.what C.that D.how3.It _ Joe drives badly.A.thought that B.
15、thinks that C.is thought that D.is thought that,4.It _ he is late for class.A.may that B.might that C.may be that D.might be what5.This is _ she was born.A.where B.which C.that D.what6.The question is _ we cant go there today.A.that B.what C.which D.when,7.The question is _ it is worth doing.A.if B.
16、whether C.which D.what8.The reason he has made such great progress is _ he has never wasted his time.A.because B.why C.that D.what9.My suggestion is _ we should turn the land into rice fields.A.what B.that C.which D.where,10.His proposal is that the dam _ at the foot of the mountain.A.build B.will b
17、uild C.be built D.will be built11.My advice is that he _ regular house.A.keep B.would keep C.keeps D.kept12._ knows the truth will tell you about it.A.Who that B.Whoever C.Whom that D.That who,13.We all know the truth _ the earth goes round the sun.A.that B.which C.what D.whether14.We heard the news
18、 _ our team had won.A.which B.that C.what D.where15.The problem _ it is right or wrong has not yet been decided.A.which B.that C.whether D.if,16.You must do well _ the teacher asks you to do.A.which B.what C.that D.where,Good-bye!,名词性从句 by Will Smiles,在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句.分为:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。,名词从句
19、的功能,功能相当于名词词组,它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分为四类,引导名词性从句的连接词,可分为三类:1.连接代词that,whether,if 不充当从句的任何成分),引导名词性从句的连接词,2.连接代词:what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whose,which.不仅起到连接一个句子的作用,同时也是从句的一个组成部分。3.连接副词:when,where,how,why,引导主语从句不可省略的连词:,介词后的连词 引导主语从句和同位语从句的连词不可省略,同位语从句,在一个更长的句子中作同位语使用
20、的句子叫同位语从句。同位语与其前的词或短语表达的是同一事物。如:The fact that she is ill should be considered.,同位语从句一般在下列词的后面,belief,fact,fear,hope,idea,news,problem,reason,result,possibility等。如:I have no idea when he will return.,不同连词引导的同位语从句,引导同位语从句的连词除that外,还可以用how,when,where,why,等。He cant answer the question how he got the mon
21、ey.,不同连词引导的同位语从句,I should like to know the reason why you changed the plan.I have no idea when she will be back.,主语从句,在另外一个句子中做主语的句子叫主语从句。How the book will sell depends on its author.That he is the best student in the class is obvious,主语从句常用it作形式主语放句首,因而我们常见到这种句式:It+be+n./adj/-ed从句(that,whether,etc.
22、)例:Its a pity that you should have to leave.It is great that I have a teacher like you.,whether与if均为“是否”,但下列情况下只用whether:1.whether引导主语从句并在句首 Whether he will come is not clear.2.引导表语从句,The question is whether hell come.,3.whether从句作介词宾语 Im not sure about whether well win.4.从句后有or not Whether you like
23、 it or not,you ll have to do it.,表语从句,在另外一个句子中作表语的句子叫表语从名。The fact is that he has not been seen recently.,宾语从句,在另一个句子中做宾语的句子叫宾语从句。I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness.,宾语从句,Now I want to know what I can do.John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday,名词性从句,主语从
24、句同位语从句表语从句宾语从句,名词性从句动画讲解,高三英语总复习语法系列训练,名词性从句,一、引导名词性从句的连接词,在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句(Noun Clauses)。名词从句的功能相当于名词词组,它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。,引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类:连接词:that,whether,if(不充当从句的任何成分)连接代词:what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whose,which.连接副词:when,where,how,wh
25、y,不可省略的连词:1.介词后的连词2.引导主语从句和同位语从句的连词不可省略。That she was chosen made us very happy.We heard the news that our team had won.,whether 与 if 均为“是否”的意思。但在下列情况下,whether 不能被 if 所取代:1.whether 引导主语从句(包括从句在句首的位置)应当用whether,不用if,如:Whether it is true remains a problem.Whether he will come,I am not sure.2.引导表语从句用whe
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