1、张宇 主讲,五句话搞定英语考试作文主讲教师 张宇著作权所有,张宇 主讲,换汤不换药 新词显奇效,卷面有技巧 结构设计妙,句子有讲究 地道表达俏,别看只三计 请君心记牢,到底好不好 谁用谁知道,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,换汤不换药 新词显奇效,第一计,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住一句话:再也不要用左边老掉牙的词了,你看看右边,换汤不换药,新词显奇效!good favorable desirable satisfactory bad un,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住一句话:再也不要用左边老掉牙的词了,你看看右边,换汤不换药,新词显奇效!like apprecia
2、te be crazy about delight in rejoice in take pleasure in,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住一句话:再也不要用左边老掉牙的词了,你看看右边,换汤不换药,新词显奇效!I think I suppose I guess I insist in my eyes I hold/declare I am of the opinion that,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住一句话:再也不要用左边老掉牙的词了,你看看右边,换汤不换药,新词显奇效!very exceedingly excessively extremely notice
3、ably surpassingly,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住一句话:再也不要用左边老掉牙的词了,你看看右边,换汤不换药,新词显奇效!always consistently constantly continually eternally perpetually,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住一句话:再也不要用左边老掉牙的词了,你看看右边,换汤不换药,新词显奇效!because considering that,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住一句话:再也不要用左边老掉牙的词了,你看看右边,换汤不换药,新词显奇效!can be competent to do s
4、th be capable of doing,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住一句话:再也不要用左边老掉牙的词了,你看看右边,换汤不换药,新词显奇效!beautiful attractive good looking,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,我觉得我非常喜欢她,因为她太美了。I think I like her very much because she is very beautiful.In my eyes,I appreciate her exceedingly considering that she is extremely attractive.,五句话搞定英语
5、考试作文,张宇 主讲,句子有讲究 地道表达俏,第二计,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,在我所听到的,看到的,经历过的所有和这个话题相关的例子之中,最有说服力的是Among all the touching facts relating to that I have heard,noticed,and experienced,the most impressive one is,张宇 主讲,除了这个例子,我找不到更有说服力的了。I can think of no better examples other than,张宇 主讲,如何解决一个问题,情况如此危急,解决这个问题刻不容缓。首先,我们
6、必须制订一些法律和法规。第二,个人应该被教育。伴随着一个恰当的法律和警觉的民众,这个问题迟早可以被解决。,张宇 主讲,情况如此危急,解决这个问题刻不容缓。,The situation being so serious,it is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem.,张宇 主讲,首先,我们必须制订一些法律和法规。,On the one hand,it is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out.,张宇 主讲,第二,个人应该被教育。
7、,On the other,people should be educated to,张宇 主讲,伴随着一个恰当的法律和警觉的民众,这个问题迟早可以被解决。,With a proper law and an alert public,it will only be a matter of time before the problem becomes things of the past.Only in a reasonable,prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which p
8、eople can enjoy their life to the uttermost.,张宇 主讲,并列结构的妙用一、微观并列结构形式:A,B,and C思想:形成三个代表思维,“三思”而后行;训练方法:遇到问题就给自己找三个理由;记住,只要沾边的三个理由,你要关注的是句子的地道表达!,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,例子“嫦娥”的成功发射,取决于三个原因:一是科技的进步;二是政府的正确领导;三是公众的支持;共同的努力;财政的支持;科学家的努力;宇航员的勇敢;(沾边就可以,大胆一些,只要不跑题)The successful launch of“chang er”depends on th
9、e improvement of the science and technology,the guide of the national government,and the support of the general public.,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,It is widely recognized that the university campus has become the new places of interests nowadays.There were only researchers,teachers,and students on the univer
10、sity campus in the past,however,tourists,just as middle school students,children and their parents,ordinary workers,and even farmers,can be seen anywhere in our school now.记住:人物是一定可以并列的,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,记住:人物是一定可以并列的竞选学生会主席,同学、老师、家长、朋友的支持the support of my family,my teacher,my classmates,and my old
11、friends 看春节晚会,可以有家人、朋友、爱人、工人、农民、学生、老师、司机、老板 the family,the friends,the lover,the workers,the farmers,the students,and the boss,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,动作是可以并列的 Should the university campus be open to tourists?Some people stress that allowing the tourists to visit the campus has positive effects.In their e
12、yes,university is part of society and thus should perform its functions to educate,to communicate with,and to serve the people from all walks of life.,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,Others advocate that permitting the tourists to join the university may exert adverse influences on our school managements and thus
13、 threatened the order of the campus regularities.They are of the opinion that university is a place just for intellectuals to teach,to learn,and to study,if the university campus be open to tourists,the connotation of university will get lost.,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,As far as Im concerned,the question“sh
14、ould the university campus be open to tourists or not”is not easy to answer.On the one hand,we definitely need more people to recognize that university do have significant meanings to our society and thus it should take its responsibilities to contribute to the society.On the other hand,the security
15、,the order,and the regularity of the campus must be taken into account,without which,the opening will do harm to the famous colleges.,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,To put it simply,the measures,considered the double effects we discussed above,should be taken immediately to establish effective,successful,and har
16、monious regulations and managements.Only in this way can we give an explicit answer to this question in future.,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,Another case in point is the successful launch of Shenzhou-5 in Oct.2003.It was obviously the result of combined efforts of generations of scientists,engineers,astronauts
17、,and ordinary workers.It was also the result of the guidance of the national government,the support of the general public,and the contribution of the powerful finance.,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲,并列结构的妙用二、宏观并列结构形式:A.B A,however,B etc.思想:正反说,前后说,过去现在说;训练方法:有意识地培养并列思维;记住,只要符合逻辑,你要关注的仍是句子的地道表达!,五句话搞定英语考试作文,张宇 主讲
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