1、优秀精品课件文档资料,2023年10月9日,2,Name-dropping:the practice of casually mentioning the names of famous people one knows or claims to know,in order to impress others.The New Oxford Dictionary of English,2023年10月9日,3,狗、孔子、海德格尔与猫由一堂小学英语课引起的另类思考,西南大学外语学院李力,2023年10月9日,4,Apple dog?,2023年10月9日,5,Apple dog!,你会怎么办?,掐
2、尖!,2023年10月9日,6,启示,教学方法很好缺乏对教学内容的临时整合能力没有关注学生的发展和语言习得的规律(route)Apple dog:LAD,universal grammar显性教学(显性课程)隐性教学(隐性课程)对“学”文化的影响杨惠中之问:Does learning really take place?inputintake.Intake is that portion of the L2 which is assimilated and fed into the interlanguage system.(Ellis,1985:159)inputintake钱学森之问重器而
3、轻道,2023年10月9日,7,形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器。易系辞上,2023年10月9日,8,道:规律和准则器:具体事物,2023年10月9日,9,子贡曰:“贫而无谄,富而无骄,何如?”子曰:“可也;未若贫而乐,富而好礼者也。”子贡曰:“诗云:如切如磋,如琢如磨,其斯之谓与?”子曰:“赐也,始可与言诗已矣,告诸往而知来者。”论语 1:15Zi Gong said,“Poor without cadging,rich without swagger.What of that?”The Master replied,“Not bad.But better still,poor,yet del
4、ighting in the way,rich,yet a student of the ritual.”Zi Gong said,“I suppose,the saying of the Songs as thing cut,as thing filed;as thing chiselled,as thing polished actually refers to what you have just said?”The Master said,“Oh Ci,now I can really begin to talk to you about the Songs,for when I te
5、ll you what precedes,you know what follows.”(Analects 1:15),2023年10月9日,10,子贡说:“贫穷而不谄媚,富裕而不骄横,怎么样呢?”孔子说:“也算可以了,但是,还不如贫穷而不失快乐,富裕而好礼义。”子贡说:“诗经里有像切磋兽骨象牙,像琢磨美石宝玉。就是讲的这个意思吧?”孔子说:“端木赐呀,我可以开始同你讨论诗经了。告诉你已经发生的事,你已经可以据此预知未来的事了。”,2023年10月9日,11,“(君子)是否该是这个样子?”“是的。但如果是那个样子就更好了。”“就跟诗经里说的一样,要精益求精?”“你能举一反三,好!”,2023年
6、10月9日,12,AB:新知识AB:新认识(魏在江的“接着讲”)C:已有知识(AB)=C:新旧知识关联(创新性思维)D:总结与抽象(学习策略),A?AB(AB)=C?(AB)=C D,A:贫而无谄,富而无骄:未若B:贫而乐,富而好礼:发展到C:如切如磋,如琢如磨D:告诸往而知来,2023年10月9日,13,解释是更高层次的研究。解释体现为找到事物之间的关联,或称关系。-魏在江,2023年10月9日,14,Teaching is even more difficult than learning.We know that;but we rarely think about it.And why
7、is teaching more difficult than learning?Not because the teacher must have a larger store of information,and have it always ready.Teaching is more difficult than learning because what teaching calls for is this:to let learn.The real teacher,in fact,lets nothing else be learned thanlearning.Heidegger
8、,M.1968,2023年10月9日,15,The teacher is far ahead of his apprentices in this alone,that he has still far more to learn than theyhe has to learn to let them learn.The teacher must be capable of being more teachable than the apprentices.Heidegger,M.1968,2023年10月9日,16,AB:新知识(let learn)AB:新认识(learning 1)(A
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- 孔子 海德格尔
