1、第四章 网络银行与传统银行比较分析,第一节 网络银行概述第二节 网络银行与传统银行的成本收益比较第三节 传统银行与网络银行未来的发展,第一节 网络银行概述,一、什么是网络银行二、网络银行的发展案例1:美国安全第一网络银行的发展案例2:Net.Bank的兴衰,一、什么是网络银行,1、含义网络银行或称网上银行、在线银行、虚拟银行(Internet Bank,E-Bank,online bank,virtual bank)指金融机构利用网络技术、通信技术以及先进的管理技术,以Internet为平台,在线为公众办理结算、信贷服务的金融机构或虚拟网站。2、成为网络银行的标准美国最著名的网络银行评价网站G
4、断其品质的商品。,资料来源:http:/=2&,Online banking is holding steady as a mainstream internet activity,growing along with internet use generally,though not accelerating as have some other forms of online activities.Fully 43%of internet users,or about 63 million American adults,bank online.资料来源:http:/,2、欧洲欧洲使用网络
6、,3、日本1997年10月,由富士通、日立和NE C联合成立了日本认证服务有限公司以提供这种颁发电子认证的服务,现在已开始这项服务。1996年,日本政府投入3.2亿日元推动电子商务,成立了电子商务促进委员会,简称ECOM,有251家公司或机构参加了该组织。此后,ECOM在诸如电子授权认证和电子预付款或ECOM现金协议等领域制订了规划和模型协议。非银行机构进军网络银行业。2001年11月1日,日本网络银行与富士通公司提供电子结算服务。4、发展中国家网络银行的发展趋势发展中国家网络银行的发展并不平衡,原因在于各国的经济实力、科学技术水平存在比较大的差异。总体发展水平落后于发达国家。在印度,信息技术
7、产业和银行业被认为是电子商务两大先导产业;推出了“电子卢比”。拉美地区的网络银行在90年代中后期有较快的发展。,案例1:美国安全第一网络银行的发展,1994年4月美国的三家银行联合在因特网上创建了美国第一联合国家银行(First Union National Bank),也称为美国安全第一网络银行(SFNB Security First Network Bank、美国证券第一网络银行),由美国联邦银行管理机构批准,是在因特网上提供银行金融服务的第一家银行。其前台业务在因特网上进行,其后台处理只集中在一个地点进行。1995 年10 月美国第一联合国家银行在网络上开业。1996年初,美国第一联合国
8、家银行全面在因特网上正式营业和开展银行金融服务,用户可以采用电子方式开出支票和支付帐单,可以上网了解当前货币汇率等信息。,该行完成对Newark银行和费城First Fidelity银行的兼并后,成为美国第六大银行,拥有1260亿美元资产,有近2000家分行,有1100万用户,分布在美国12个州内。美国第一联合国家银行面向美国的中低收入家庭,提供多种服务,其中包括:低现付抵押和无低现额支票帐户服务等。1998年,加拿大皇家银行(Royal Bank of Canada)以2千万美元收购了安全第一网络银行(SFNB)除技术部门以外的所有部分,此时该网络银行的客户户头有1万个,其存款余额早在199
9、7年就超过了4亿美元。名字改为RBC Centura。http:/,案例2:Net.Bank的兴衰,NetBank,formerly named Atlanta Internet Bank(1996)and Net.Bnk(1998),was a financial company engaged primarily in retail banking,mortgage banking,business finance and providing ATM and merchant processing services.NetBank was founded in February 1996
10、and completed its initial public offering of stock in July 1997.It was one of the pioneers of the Internet banking industry,and recognized as one of the first internet-only banks.Netbank was closed on September 28,2007 by the Office of Thrift Supervision(OTS)in conjunction with the Federal Deposit I
11、nsurance Corporation(FDIC).FDIC insured deposits were acquired by another on-line bank ING Direct.Several shareholders have filed class action lawsuits against Netbank claiming misrepresentation of the company value during the restructuring period.,1、History(1)BeginningNetBank was founded in 1996 as
12、 one of the nations first Internet-only banks.Using a new business model,NetBank paid higher interest rates for computer-savvy customers in exchange for not having physical bank branches.This model made sense and the bank early on paid very nice interest rates.NetBank,like all banks,made its money f
13、rom a mortgage and lending operation.The majority of home loans were offered through traditional channels and a small percentage of loans were offered through the same internet channels as the banking offerings.NetBank obtained customers by offering some sort of sign on bonus.A$50 bonus was a common
14、 bonus.NetBank signed many agreements with other companies to promote itself and the companies would offer gift certificate or credit to their loyalty programs(i.e.,frequent flyer programs)equivalent to around$50.These customer acquisition programs proved beneficial and NetBank gained many customers
15、 in this manner.,(2)GrowthStarting in the early 2000s,NetBank acquired a number of financial-related companies to diversify and improve the bottom line.In 2000,Netbank added the following products and services:Online safe deposit boxes for safe storage of electronic records,individual retirement acc
16、ounts,and expanded customer support(online chat and 24x7 availability).In 2001,Netbank acquired Resource Bancshares Mortgage Group,a leading provider of mortgage banking services.An online currency program was launched.And,NetBank acquired Market Street Mortgage,a leading provider of home mortgage t
17、o American consumers.The same year also brought a change in management to NetBank.A new CEO,Douglas K.Freeman,was appointed to head and manage the company.Freeman came from RBMG and had a background in mortgages rather than banking.In 2003,NetBank added a number of business and product lines:NetBank
18、 expanded into automobiles by offering auto insurance through sister company NetInsurance and direct consumer auto loans through Florida auto dealerships.NetBank also acquired Financial Technologies,Inc,a provider of off-premise ATM and merchant processing services.A number of ATMs were acquired in
19、this acquisition.Finally,NetBank also launched a small business banking program.In 2004,NetBank continued adding new product lines and acquired additional companies.NetBank acquired the assets of Beacon Credit Services,a leading provider of RV,boat and aircraft financing.They added business credit c
20、ards,internet payroll services,prepaid Visa gift cards,and expanded financial planning services.In response to customer concerns about mailing in deposits,NetBank launched the QuickPost system where deposits are shipped overnight to NetBank for processing.,NetBank reached the peak of the operation a
21、t the end of 2004 and through 2005.The rapid expansion into multiple lines of businesses may have proved to be too much,too soon for NetBank and it started to lose money in 2005.In 2005,NetBank suffered some setbacks due to the cyclical nature of the mortgage industry and did not add any businesses
22、or products to their line,instead choosing to preserve capital until the mortgage curve righted itself and they could resume earning profit from the mortgage businesses.They also introduced a tiered deposit system,where they paid the highest interest rates to people who also were customers of their
23、other products(home or auto loan,savings account,or CD)and the lowest interest rate to people that only had a savings or checking account.The intent was to better cross-sell the products and help transition the banking customers to the other platforms.Many customers were turned off by the tiered sys
24、tem because NetBanks auto loan rates were higher than other banks and many people didnt choose to have Autoloans through NetBank.,(3)DeclineIn 2006,NetBank recognized that there were some significant operating deficiencies and started to restructure the company in an effort to resume profitability.T
25、hey shuttered a number of businesses and sold off most businesses that were not shuttered.Some of the shuttered companies included QuickPost,payroll and finance services,non-auto(RV,boat,and aircraft)loans,and the subprime/non-conforming mortgage companies.The large network of ATMs were sold off to
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