1、重庆市绿色GDP核算方法探索与实践Methodological Exploration on geGDP Accounting and Practice in Chongqing,秦瑶 陆昕 Qin yao Lu xin重庆市统计局Chongqing Statistical Bureau2004年6月24日Jun.24,2004,前言Preface,一、重庆开展绿色GDP核算的理论依据Theoretical foundation of geGDP accounting in Chongqing 二、重庆市开展绿色GDP核算的背景Background of geGDP accounting in
2、 Chongqing三、重庆市绿色GDP核算方法的探索与实践Methodological exploration on geGDP accounting and practice in Chongqing,四、结论Conclusions五、对绿色GDP核算的思考Comments on geGDP accounting,前言Preface,我国在经济高速发展的背后,付出了高昂的资源代价和环境代价。Heavy resources and environmental cost has been paid behind high-speed development of the economy in
3、China.我国社会经济的可持续发展面临挑战。The sustainable social and economic development of China faces challenge.现行的GDP核算没有反映环境对经济的贡献及经济发展给自然资源和环境带来的负面影响。Current GDP accounting has not reflected the economic contribution from environment and the negative effect that economic development brings to natural resources a
4、nd environment.,绿色GDP核算可以弥补GDP核算在反映资源环境与经济相互关系方面的缺陷。geGDP accounting can remedy GDP accounting in reflecting resources environment and economy interaction.绿色GDP能为可持续发展提供科学的决策依据。geGDP can offer scientific decision-making warranty for sustainable development,一、重庆开展绿色GDP核算的理论依据Theoretical foundation of
5、 geGDP accounting in Chongqing 可持续发展理论Theory of sustainable development 综合环境经济核算理论(SEEA)System of integrated environmental and economic accounting(SEEA),二、重庆市开展绿色GDP核算的背景Background of geGDP accounting in Chongqing 重庆市统计局决定开展绿色GDP核算的课题研究,得到了国家统计局核算司的大力支持。Energetic support from the department of natio
6、nal accounts of National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)has been got for developing geGDP accounting in Chongqing Statistical Bureau.2001年,重庆被确定为资源环境核算唯一的试点城市,课题被列为国家统计局方法制度改革三年滚动计划里唯一的地方项目。In 2001,Chongqing was chosen as the only pilot city of the resources and environmental accounting,meanwhile the subj
7、ect was the only regional project listed in the three-year rolling reform plan of methodological system of NBS.,绿色GDP核算包括:水资源、土地资源、森林资源、矿产资源、海洋资源以及环境等内容。geGDP accounting includes:Water resources,land resources,forest resources,mineral resources,marine resources and environment etc.重庆选择了水资源和工业环境作为绿色G
8、DP核算的研究方向。Chongqing has chosen water resources and industrial environment as the research direction of geGDP accounting.重庆是长江上游的经济中心,三峡库区有78.9%的区县在重庆境内。因此,水资源与经济的综合核算对重庆有特别重要的意义。Chongqing is an economic center of the upper reaches of the Changjiang River,and includes 78.9%counties of the Three Gorge
9、s reservoir area.Therefore,integrated water resources accounting with economic accounting is of special importance for Chongqing.,重庆市作为老工业基地,工业是国民经济发展中的支柱产业,工业污染的问题较为突出。重庆作为2000年中挪环境项目的试点城市,研究的内容也是工业污染。因此,环境与经济的综合核算成为课题组的首选。Chongqing suffers greatly from industrial pollution because it is an old ind
10、ustrial base,where industries play pillar role in the regional economy.Consequently,the focus of the 2000 Sino-Norway environmental project,piloted in Chongqing,is industrial pollution evaluation.Therefore,it also becomes the choice with top priority of the environmental task group this time.,本文介绍的是
11、考虑了工业污染因素的绿色GDP核算方法的研究成果,是对绿色GDP核算的一种尝试。This paper introduces the outcome of the project of geGDP adjusted by industrial pollution,and it is on a trial basis.,三、重庆市绿色GDP核算方法的探索与实践Methodological exploration on geGDP accounting and practice in Chongqing(一)核算目的(I)Purpose of geGDP accounting核算经工业环境调整的重庆
12、市绿色GDP,为建立“中国综合经济与资源环境核算”制度及地区绿色国民核算制度提供初步的、可实际操作的核算框架及核算方法。The accounting of geGDP in Chongqing,adjusted by the industrial environment,provides preliminary references on the practical framework and accounting methods for establishing China integrated environmental and economic accounting system“and
13、 regional geGDP accounting system.,反映重庆市工业生产对环境带来的影响,工业发展中付出的环境成本及其在重庆市三大经济圈和工业行业之间的分布情况。It reflects the influence from the industrial production to the environment in Chongqing,the environmental cost paid during this process and its distribution across the Three Economic Zones as well as industries
14、 in Chongqing.,(二)核算的基本思路(II)Basic methods 绿色GDP核算方法主要有两种:其一是按环境损失计算;其二是按治理成本计算。本课题采用的是第二种方法:在现行GDP中扣除工业污染治理成本的绿色GDP。即:绿色GDP工业污染当年的GDP当年治理工业污染付出的成本。Two types of methods are mainly used in geGDP accounting:one is to evaluate based on environmental loss,the other is to evaluate based on the treatment
15、cost.This project follows the latter:to obtain geGDP by deducting the treatment cost of the industrial pollution from the traditional GDP.Namely:geGDP Industrial pollution adjusted=GDP of the reporting year treatment cost of industrial pollution of the reporting year.,本课题的基本思路是:以工业污染的实物量核算为基础,通过对工业“
16、三废”治理成本的确定,核算出工业污染引起的环境降级成本,再对GDP进行调整。见下图:The basic idea of this project is:Evaluating the treatment cost of the so called industrial“three-waste”based on the physical statistics of industrial pollutant first.Then estimating the environmental degradation caused by industrial pollution.Finally adjust
17、ing GDP.See the chart below:,核算基本思路框架图,=,+,产生量,处理量,实物量核算(废水、固体废弃物、废气),未处理量,价值量核算(废水、固体废弃物、废气),成本核算,=,+,产生量,处理量,未处理量,=,+,环境降级 总成本,环境降级实际成本,环境降级 虚拟成本,EDP2工业污染=EDP1工业污染环境降级虚拟成本=GDP环境降级总成本固定资产折旧,实物量价格=价值量,EDP1工业污染=GDP 环境降级实际成本固定资产折旧,Flow chart of geGDP accounting,=,+,Total waste produced,Waste treated,S
18、tatistics in physical terms(waste water,solid wastes,waste gas),Remnant,Statistics in monetary terms(waste water,solid wastes,waste gas),Cost evaluation,=,+,Total waste produced,Waste treated,Remnant,=,+,Total cost ofenvironmental degradation,Actual cost of environmental degradation,Imputed cost of
19、environmental degradation,EDP2industrial pollution adjusted=EDP1industrial pollution adjustedimputed cost of environmental degradation=GDPtotal cost of environmental degradationdepreciation,quantityprice=value,EDP1industrial pollution adjusted=GDP Actual cost of environmental degradationdepreciation
20、,(三)实践中的局限性(III)limitation in practice 1、问题的提出 1.Existing problems当年治理的工业污染只解决了当年的部分环境问题,没有解决过去积累的全部问题。The treatment of the industrial pollution of the reporting year has only solved part of the environmental problems in that year,it has not solved all problems accumulated in the past.,当年虚拟治理的工业污染只考
21、虑了现行治理水平下的环境成本,而污染物实际扩散后的环境治理成本将远远大于计算的虚拟环境成本。所以,本课题计算的的虚拟环境成本可能低估现行工业活动对未来环境的潜在影响。The imputed treatment of the industrial pollution only considered the environmental cost under current treatment techniques rather than the treatment cost when the pollutant has been diffused,where the imputed cost wo
22、uld become much larger.Therefore,the imputed environmental cost obtained in this project might under evaluated the potential environmental impact to the future brought by the current industrial activities.,在考虑环境成本代价的同时,还应考虑保护环境产生的环境改善和生态效益,即绿色GDP核算有减法也应有加法。While the cost of the environment is being
23、considered,the benefits of the improvement of environment and ecological system from environment protection activities should also be considered.That is,geGDP is supposed to be a result of both subtraction and addition.环境污染不仅指工业污染,也包括其它污染(指工业污染以外的所有环境污染)Environmental pollution not only includes indu
24、strial pollution,but also includes other pollution(all other types of environmental pollution except industrial pollution),2、核算资料的现状2.Current situation of data sources 绿色核算资料缺乏。Shortage of materials related to geGDP accounting尚未进行资产的重估价,对环境等级的估价更加困难。No reevaluation of assets has been conducted,which
25、 makes evaluation of the grade of the environment more difficult.工业污染以外的其它污染资料收集困难。Statistics on other types of pollution other than industrial pollution are difficult to collect.,3、初步的探索 3.Preliminary exploration 为了尽量利用现有资料,同时考虑到绿色GDP核算的可操作性,我们仅对扣除工业污染治理成本的绿色GDP核算方法,进行了初步的探索和实践。In order to make bes
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- 重庆市 绿色 GDP 核算 方法 探索 实践 Methodological
