1、科技英语论文阅读及翻译,科技英语论文,科技论文的组成部分 1.标题(title)2.作者姓名(authors name)3.作者的工作单位(institute)4.论文摘要(abstract)5.论文的内容目录(contents)6.论文内容本身(text)1)引言(introduction)2)正文(body)3)结束语(conclusion)7.作者简介(biography)8.参考文献 References,科技英语论文,1.标题(title)标题要简明扼要,使人一目了然,不要写得太笼统使用名词短语,不使用一个句子或不定式短语,不出现从句一般不超过20个词,控制在12个词左右为宜,标题中
2、的大小写字母表示法:,1)开头第一个字母大写、专有名词大写,其余均采用小写字母Study on torsional vibration analysis of ICE crankshaft2)开头的字母及每个实词以及多于五个字母的介词、连词的第一个字母均大写 A Simulation Optimization Method for Automotive Cooling System Development of Automobile Electronics and Domestic Application 3)全部字母均大写,科技英语论文,论文摘要(abstract)摘要有长有短,通常为100
3、150个词左右,约为原文长度的1%5%。美国有些高校规定,硕士论文提要以250词为宜,博士论文以350词为宜。,论文摘要(abstract),简明扼要,通常只有一段话。主要内容:研究目的:该研究的背景、重要性 完成的工作:方案选择、研究内容、关键技术、主要成果及其意义:重要的关键性的结果,结论性的意见,论文摘要(abstract),摘要的语言结构:谓语动词简单而句子的其余成分却十分复杂大量使用be和have的变化形式做谓语动词大量使用被动句 描述自己的工作时态用过去时或完成时,但陈述理论或事实要用现在时。,研究目的、研究对象 This paper presents/discusses/stud
4、ies/deals with/investigates This paper presents an analysis of principles of magnetic refrigeration with application to air conditioning.A comparison with conventional evaporation-condensation gas cycle device is presented.Conclusions concerning the applicability of magnetic refrigeration to air con
5、ditioning are made.,b.This paper researched on the more injections effect on engine performance and emission experimentally and theoretically.c.This paper studied the application of wavelet transform in signal denoise.,a.This paper discusses the basic identification techniques of dynamic systems.,Th
6、e objective of this paper is to analyze the performance of active and passive suspensions.,The goal of this study is to discuss The aim of this paper is to evaluate The purpose of this project is to examine The objective of this research is to test this survey investigate/measure/demonstrate/analyze
7、/determine,a.This study aims to discuss the influence of the parameters of suspension system on the smoothness and operating stability of the whole car.,This research is designed to determine This study is designed to measure This project is designed to evaluate Our project aims to calculate,Multipl
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