1、温室效应 and 全球气候变化,全球变暖!,全球气候变化:,Contents,温室效应的概念,温室效应的机理及各种温室气体,全球气候变化,影响及防护措施,一、概念,温室效应(greenhouse effect),The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases,and is re-radiated in all directions.Since part of this re-radi
2、ation is back towards the surface,energy is transferred to the surface and the lower atmosphere.As a result,the temperature there is higher than it would be if direct heating by solar radiation were the only warming mechanism.,引自:Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.,二、温室效应的机理,-引自维基百科,温室效应的机理,R
3、elative importance of the five most important greenhouse gases,Greenhouse Gas,Carbon dioxide,二氧化碳是最重要的温室气体,来源,Methane,温室气体第二重要的是甲烷。?,来源:主要来自化石燃料的使用、家畜饲养、水稻种植和垃圾填埋,其他温室气体介绍,65万年来大气主要温室气体浓度变化情况,三、全球气候变化,Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution(统计分布)of weather
4、patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years.,全球气候变化概念,全球二氧化碳浓度的变化,CO2浓度升高,全球变暖,正方,反方,难以忽视的真相(An Inconvenient Truth)-2006,两方观点,正方 全球的气候变化是由于二氧化碳等温室气体过多的排放引起的。,反方 全球变暖是事实。但是人为过多地排放温室气体不是主要原因。,正方,.两极冰架融化,海平面上升;.飓风持续时间和强度上升;.湖泊退化,沙漠化加剧;.赤潮,生物灭绝,二氧化碳浓度升高,全球变暖,温室效应,反方,海洋表面“变暖”,使得海水蒸发比例
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- 温室效应 全球 气候变化 概念
