1、1,词是句子甚至整个语篇的基本构建单位,如何选择恰当的词义,是翻译过程中首先要碰到的问题。只有选择了恰当的词义,并在必要时加以恰如其分的引申,才能确保译文的通顺。英语和汉语的词汇都非常丰富,英语的一词多义,汉语的一字多义的现象十分普遍。译者只有在掌握词典基本释义的基础上,根据具体的语言环境和搭配习惯确定和选择词义,才能进行不同的翻译搭配,并确定词义。,1词义的选择,翻译方法:词义的选择,2,1.通过词语的搭配选择 词的搭配关系主要是指词与词之间的横向组合关系,英语和汉语在长期的使用过程中,都形成了各自的组合规律或搭配习惯。因此,在翻译中,可以通过词之间的固定关系选择词及确定词义。以“run”为
2、例:,1.词义的选择 通过词语搭配选择词义,3,把磁带倒到头。,她曾有一段时间在波士顿开餐馆。,2)Run the tape back to the beginning.,3)The company is running a series of advertisements in the national newspapers.,公司在全国性的报纸上登了系列广告。,1)For a while,she ran a restaurant in Boston.,1.词义的选择 通过词语搭配选择词义,4,水从屋顶上流淌下来。,本剧持续放映了两年。,5)Water was running off the
3、 roof.,6)The idea runs in his mind.,这个念头萦绕在他的脑海中。,4)The play ran for two years.,1.词义的选择 通过词语搭配选择词义,5,2.根据上下文选择词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同含义,因此可根据上下文的联系来判断和确定某个词在特定场合所具有的词义,请看下例:,1.词义的选择 根据上下文选择词义,6,几个主要的人物从政党中辞职了。,政府的数字低估了这个问题。,2)Several leading figures resigned form the party.,3)Most women have to w
4、atch their figure.,大部分妇女得注意她们的身材。,1)Government figures underestimate the problem.,1.词义的选择 根据上下文选择词义,7,我可以看见远处有两个人影。,街景中雕像很少,且大部分都是孩子。,5)I could see two figures in the distance.,4)There are few figures in the street scene and most are children.,1.词义的选择 根据上下文选择词义,8,3.根据词性确定词义 很多英语单词有多种词性,当词性不同时,往往词义也有
5、所不同。因此,在翻译过程中首先可分析确定词性,然后再根据词性选择恰当的词义。以“close”为例:,1.词义的选择根据词性确定词义,9,教堂离学校很近。,商店五点半关门。,2)The church is close to the school.(形容词),3)They were sitting close together on the couch.(副词),他们紧挨着坐在长沙发上。,1)The shops close at 5:30.(动词),最后,新上任的主席结束了会议。,4)Finally the meeting was brought to a close by the new cha
6、irman.(名词),1.词义的选择根据词性确定词义,10,4.根据词汇的褒贬确定词义 词汇按照感情色彩可以分为褒义、贬义和中性。在翻译的过程中,译者必须注意词汇的感情色彩,一般应严格按照原文的精神来进行。例如:,1.词义的选择 根据词汇的褒贬确定词义,11,要做个好推销员一定要有闯劲才能成功。,侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平。,2)A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.,1)Aggressive nations threaten world peace.,aggressive,1.词义的选择 根据词汇的褒贬确定词义,1
7、2,当我没主意时,他是个乐于助人、体贴的朋友。,他对自己个子矮小很敏感,可别提这件事。,2)When I need advice,he is a helpful and sensitive friend.,1)Hes very sensitive about being small,so dont mention it.,sensitive,1.词义的选择 根据词汇的褒贬确定词义,13,例(2)Lieutenant Blandfords heart jumped higher than his plane had ever flown.译1 布兰福德中尉的心跳得比他开的飞机还要高。译2 布兰福
8、德中尉的心悬得比他开的飞机还要高。,一词多义及搭配差异造成的误译,例(1)She said it was a test.译1 她说这是个测验。译2 她说这是个考验。,1.词义的选择误译举例,14,例(4)有些人认为他很粗野,但情况并非如此。译1 Some people think he is rude,but the situation is not so.译2 Some people think he is rude,but thats not the case.,例(3)They can learn how to control their movements,how to interac
9、t with their environment,and how to interact with other animals in their group.译1它们能学会怎样控制自己的行动、怎样与它们 生活的环境及自己群体中的其他动物互相作用。译2它们能学会怎样控制自己的行动、怎样协调适应 它们生活的环境及怎样和自己群体中的其他动物 相互交往。,1.词义的选择误译举例,15,Translation Practice,Translate the following sentences.,Directions:Translate the following sentences from Chin
10、ese into English.,1.词义的选择 翻译练习,16,1.首先,你得意识到(be aware that)在一个陌生的环境中感觉紧张是很正常的。,Our thoughts race along several times faster than most people speak.,First,you should be aware that feeling nervous in a new environment is quite normal.,2.我们的思维比大部分人的讲话速度要快好几倍。(race v.),3.为了使别人注意你,你必须学会如何做一个良好的、体谅的(sympa
11、thetic)听众。,In order to get others to pay attention to you,you must first learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener.,1.词义的选择 翻译练习,17,4.其中必不可少的一点是你得尽量扩大视野。(broaden ones horizons),A sense of humor is helpful and you can lighten a conversation by sometimes telling a joke about yourself.,One of the essential points is that you should try to broaden your horizons.,5.幽默感会有所帮助,有时讲个和自己有关的小笑话也会使谈话轻松(lighten)起来。,6.只有当你愿意交谈并认真地听的时候,你才能成功地与周围的人交朋友。(only when),Only when you are ready to talk and listen attentively will you succeed in making friends with the people around you.,1.词义的选择 翻译练习,