1、Unit 5,Terms of Payment,Just as in domestic trade,any transaction in international trade,large or small,has to be settled through payment by the buyer.However,payment in international trade is often beset with more difficulties owing to the fact that either party to a business transaction has relati
2、vely limited knowledge of financial strength and mercial reputation of his counterpart.To guarantee the punctual delivery on the part of the seller and payment by the buyer,different modes of payments have been created,which can be divided into three categories.remittance collection letter of credit
3、 如同国内贸易那样,任何国际贸易交易,无论金额大小,总是要通过买方支付而结帐。然而,由于交易双方对彼此的财务状况及商业信誉了解有限,国际贸易支付往往会遇到较多困难。为了保证卖方能及时交货和买方能及时付款,因而产生了几种不同的支付方式。只需方式可分为三大类:汇付 托收 信用证,Remittance and collection belong to mercial credit,but letter of credit belongs to bankers credit.The word“credit”here means who takes responsibility of paying mo
4、ney and surrendering the shipping documents.So in remittance and collection transaction,the buyer is responsible for making payment,the seller for surrendering the shipping documents.In L/C transaction,however,the banker is responsible for paying money and tending the shipping documents on behalf of
5、 the buyer and the seller.汇付和托收是商业信用,而信用证则是银行信用。“信用”一词,在此指由谁承担付款责任和递交运输单据业务。所以,在以汇付和托收方式交易时,买方负责付款,卖方负责递交装运单据。而以信用证方式交易时,则由银行代表买卖双方负责付款和提交单据。,Remitance,Remittance is one of the modes used in international payment,which includes Mail Transfer;Telegraphic Transfer and Demand Draft.汇付是国际支付所采用方式之一,包括信汇,
6、电汇和票汇。,When remittance is adopted in international trade,the buyer should remit the money to the seller on his own initiative,and the seller should send the goods to the buyer according to the terms and time stipulated in the contract,because remittance belongs to the mercial credit.由于汇付属于商业信用,所以在国际
7、贸易中如采用汇付时,买方就应按合同规定的条款和时间将货款主动地汇寄给卖方,而卖方则应按合同规定之条款和时间将货物交付卖方。,Mail Transfer(M/T)信汇 Under M/T,the buyer should give the money of the goods to his bank.The local bank then issues a trust deed for payment and sends it to a correspondent bank at the sellers end by means of mail and entrusts the bank to
8、pay the money to the seller.采用信汇时,买方应把货款交给他的开户行。该银行开具付款委托书,通过邮寄的方式交给卖方所在地的往来银行,并委托其银行向卖方付款。,Telegraphic Transfer(T/T)电汇 Under T/T,the local bank,at the request of the buyer,sends a trust deed for payment by cable directly to a correspondent bank at the sellers end and entrusts the bank to pay the mo
9、ney to the seller.采用电汇时,当地银行应买方要求,直接用电报给卖方往来银行发出付款委托书,委托其向卖方付款。,Demand Draft(D/D)票汇 Under D/D,the buyer buys a bank draft from his bank and sends it by mail to the seller.On the basis of the above bank draft,the seller or his appointed person takes the money from the relative bank in his place.采用票汇时
10、,买方从他的开户行购买银行汇票,并将汇票邮寄给卖方。卖方或其指定人持此汇票从他所在地的有关银行提取货款。注:这种银行汇票和逆汇法的商业汇票不同。银行汇票用于银行的代客拨款,故受票人和付款人是同一银行或代理行。,In import and export business transactions,the following methods of settlement are sometimes used:在进出口业务中,有时采用以下结算方式:a.Payment In Advance(P.I.A.)预付货款b.Cash With Order(C.W.O.)随订单付现c.Cash On Delive
11、ry(C.O.D.)交货付现d.Open Account Trade(O.A.T.)记账贸易我国出口业务中,多采用预付货款的汇付方式。,Terms of remittance in contract:“The buyers shall pay the total value to the sellers in advance by T/T(M/T or D/D)not later than xxx.”合同中的汇付条款:“买方应于x年x月x日前将全部货款用电汇(信汇或票汇)方式预汇给卖方。”,Collection,Collection is the second mode of payment
12、in international trade.The seller issues a draft,to which the shipping documents are attached,forwards the draft to a bank in his place,makes an application for collection and entrusts the remitting bank to collect the purchase price from the buyer through its correspondent bank.托收是出口货物装运后,由卖方开具汇票,并
13、随附全套货运单据,把它交给汇付银行(出口人所在地银行),委托出口地银行通过其进口人所在地的分行或代理行向进口人收取货款。,由于托收的汇票是跟单汇票documentary draft,此托收方式又称为跟单托收。根据交单条件不同,可分为付款交单和承兑交单。,A Documents against Payment D/P 付款交单 出口人以进口人的付款为条件,即出口人将汇票连同货运单据交给银行托收时,指示银行只有在进口人付清货款,才能交出货运单据。按支付时间不同可分为D/P at sight和D/P after sight 即期付款交单开即期汇票,远期付款交单开远期汇票。如是远期,进口可凭本身信誉或
14、提供一定的担保向代收行开出信托收据(T/R),接单提货,到期再付款。B Documents against Acceptance(D/A)承兑交单 出口人交单以进口人承兑汇票为条件。进口人承兑汇票后,即可从代收行取得单据,凭以提取货物,于汇票到期时付款。其特点是在进口人付款前代表货权的单据已经交付给买方,故卖方承担的风险极大。,托收的特点:采用托收方式收取货款,有关银行完全凭出口人委托书行事。银行没有义务审查单据,也不承担进口人必然付款的责任。除非另有所约,银行也无代为照管货物和长期保管单据的义务。因此,能否收到货款,全凭进口人的的信誉。托收是一种商业性用,对出口人似有一定风险,故使用时必须严
15、格进口人资信。注意问题:出口方应坚持CIF贸易术语成交,因为采用托收方式收款时,出口方必须预防进口人拒绝付款赎单的风险,若采用其它贸易术语时,货物在这运输途中受损而发生进以拒绝付款赎单时,出口人将无法向保险人索赔。如争取不到CIF,而采用CFR 或FOB时,出口人应自行投保“卖方利益险”作为补救措施,以策安全。,合同中的托收条款:D/P at sight:Upon first presentation the buyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the sellers at sight.The shipping documen
16、ts are to be delivered against payment only.买方应凭卖方开具的即期跟单汇票,于第一次见票时立即付款,付款后交单。D/P after sight:The buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at days sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity.The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only
17、.(acceptance)D/A.买方对卖方开具的见票后天付款的跟单汇票,于第一次提示时应即于承兑,并应于汇票到期日即予付款,付款后交单。(承兑后交单),Letter of Credit,Letter of Credit,In international trade,the buyer will want possession of the goods before paying,and the seller will want payment before making delivery.At this point,the L/C can be extremely useful.Becaus
18、e the L/C belongs to the bankers credit and can guarantee the punctual delivery on the part of the seller and the payment by the buyer,it has bee the most widely used method of payment.To sum up,L/C is a tool or an instrument of payment,which is guaranteed by the bank.在国际贸易中,买方希望先收到货后付款,卖方则希望先收款后交货。
19、由于信用证属于银行信用,能保证卖方及时交货,买方按时付款,L/C在这一点上显得特别有用,因而已成为最广泛使用的支付方式。总之,信用证是一种银行担保付款的支付工具。,L/C是银行应进口人的请求开给出口人的有条件的保证付款的凭证。只要受益人(出口人)按期提交符合L/C规定的单据,银行将保证付款。L/C在一定程度上解决了买卖双方互不信任的矛盾。L/C是银行信用,对出口人较为可靠,进口人也可间接监管出口人履行合同。L/C还可为买卖双方提供融通资金的方便,有利于双方资金的周转和贸易扩大。L/C是开证行的信用做出的确定的承诺,这种支付方式有以下特点。,Characteristicsa.payment fi
20、rst 首先付款性:开证行负第一性付款责任。b.obligation independent:责任独立性:L/C 依据合同开立,但一经开出,即独立于合同,银行只对信用证负责。c.business documentary:业务单据性:L/C业务是纯粹的单据业务,银行仅凭单据表面所显示的内容是否与L/C规定的条件相符事实决定是否付款。,2.the parties concerned 当事人 a.Applicant 开证申请人是指向银行申请开立L/C的人即进口人。责任:(1)根据买卖合同规定按期开证,并保证信用证与合同一致。(2)在单据与开证申请书相符时,保证向开证行或付款行赎单。,b.Openin
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