1、Geographic Information System-地理信息系统-,主讲:史良胜 副教授武汉大学水利水电学院,课程内容及学时分配,教材及参考资料,1.Geospatial Analysis:A comprehensive Guide to Principles,Techniques and Software Tools,Third Edition(Smith et al.,2009).The online-version can be accessed via http:/.中文版:地理空间分析-原理、技术与软件工具,电子工业出版社2.GIS A Computing Perspecti
2、ve(Michael Worboys,Matt Duckham,2004)3.Geographic Information Analysis(David OSullivan,David J.Unwin,2009)4.ArcGIS实验教程(汤国安,杨昕编著,科学出版社),考核办法,课堂表现:20%作业情况:20%期末考试:60%,Geographic Information System GIS,Introduction,What is GISIn the beginning.there were mapsRaster and vectorGIS=software+data.The signif
3、icance of scaleBasic functions of GIS,Geographic Information System GIS,What is GIS?,intuitive description,A map with a database behind it.A virtual representation of the real world and its infrastructure.,Geographic Information System GIS,System:A group of elements organized in such a way that ever
4、y element is to some degree interdependent(directly or indirectly)with every other element.ex)Ecosystem,Transportation System,Manufacturing System,Geographic Information System GIS,What is GIS?,Information:-.Data vs.Information-.Data:acquisition through direct observation or survey-.Information:the
5、data become information when interpreted in some meaningful way,Geographic Information System GIS,What is GIS?,Information System:Database System,Data Processing System-.Designed to input data,store it,manage it,process it,and output it in the form of meaningful information Geographic Information Sy
6、stem:A computer-based information system that enables capture,storage,retrieval,sharing,manipulation,analysis,modeling,and presentation of geographically referenced data.,Geographic Information System GIS,What is GIS?,Geographic Information System GIS,“A computer system for collecting,checking,integ
7、rating and analyzing information related to the surface of the earth.”(Rhind,1988),In other words,GIS is both a database system with specific capabilities for spatially referenced data as well as a set of operations for working with the data.It may also be considered as a higher order map.,Geographi
8、c Information System GIS,What is GIS?,Set of tools for collecting,storing,retrieving at will,transforming and displaying spatial data from the real world for a particular set of purposes(Burrough,1986),a computer based system that provides four sets of capabilities to handle geo-referenced data:data
9、 input data management(data storage and retrieval)manipulation and analysis data output.(Arnoff,1989),Geographic Information System GIS,What is GIS?,Geographic Information System GIS,What is GIS?,a computer based system,spatially referenced data,input,manage,analysis,output,share,Advantages of GIS,G
10、IS is good athandling spatial datavisualisation of spatial dataintegrating spatial dataframework for:analysis and modellingdecision support,Geographic Information System GIS,(dis)Advantages of GIS,GIS is not so good athandling temporal datavisualisation of temporal dataintegrating spatial and tempor
11、al dataframework for:analysis and modelling of time dependent datavolumetric analysisuncertainty,Geographic Information System GIS,Geographic Information System GIS,Introduction,What is GIS?In the beginning.there were mapsRaster and vectorGIS=software+data.The significance of scaleBasic functions of
12、 GIS,Geographic Information System GIS,Without map?,The story of GIS begins in the world of maps.,The natural environment is extremely complexhighly variable(space and time)complicated further by human action,Geographic Information System GIS,2.1 Map types,Geographic Information System GIS,A Topogra
13、phic map shows the physical surface features,for example,roads,rivers,buildings.,A Contour map shows lines which connect point locations at which a certain property has the same value,for example,height above sea level,isobars showing air pressure.,A Choropleth map shows areas characterised by some
14、general common feature,for example,political maps,agricultural crop types.,2.2 Map features,all map features can be divided into one of four different categories:,Geographic Information System GIS,?,Point(for example,a cross symbol to represent achurch).Line(for example,a yellow line to represent a
15、road).Polygon shape or area(for example,a blue area torepresent a lake).Text(for example,the name of a building).,2.2 Map features,Geographic Information System GIS,How is map information translated into digital form and read by a computer?The GIS must be able to store information about:The geometry
16、:the shape and location of the objects.The attributes:the descriptive information known about the objects,normally displayed on a map through symbology and annotation.,2.3 Map information,Geographic Information System GIS,Spatial Component Location Information Where is it?All of the data in a GIS ar
17、e georeferenced.Attribute Component Descriptive Information(characteristics)What is it?,Geographic Information System GIS,Geographic Data:,Spatial+Attribute.,Geographic Information System GIS,Geographic Data:,Geographic Information System GIS,Introduction,What is GIS?In the beginning.there were maps
18、Raster and vectorGIS=software+data.The significance of scaleBasic functions of GIS,Geographic Information System GIS,3.1 Maps in bits,Computers store information in sequences of binary digits(bits),which form a code for every possible number or letter.,Geographic Information System GIS,This fits wit
19、h the way maps reference geographical locations on the earths surface,through a system of coordinates.,All locations and shapes can be defined in terms of x and y coordinates from a given grid system:it is these numerical values which are used to translate map information into digital form.,Geograph
20、ic Information System GIS,3.2 Vector data,There are two fundamental methods of storing map information in digital form,raster and vector.,In vector data the features are recorded one by one,with shape being defined by the numerical values of the pairs of xy coordinates.A point is defined by a single
21、 pair of coordinate values.A line is defined by a sequence of coordinate pairs defining the points through which the line is drawn.An area is defined in a similar way,only with the first and last points joined to make a complete enclosure.,Geographic Information System GIS,In vector data the positio
22、n and shape of the building is captured as a series of four pairs of numerical coordinates.,Geographic Information System GIS,3.3 Raster data,In raster data the entire area of the map is subdivided into a grid of tiny cells.A value is stored in each of these cells to represent the nature of whatever
23、 is present at the corresponding location on the ground.Raster data can be thought of as a matrix of values.,Geographic Information System GIS,The values recorded in the cells are either white,blue or red.To reproduce the image the computer reads each of these cell values one by one and applies them
24、 to the pixels on the screen.,Geographical Information System GIS,3.4 Vector v Raster,Vector:Relatively low data volumeFaster displayCan also store attributesLess pleasing to the eye,Raster:Relatively high data volumeSlower displayHas no attribute informationMore pleasing to the eye,Geographical Inf
25、ormation System GIS,Geographical Information System GIS,In this example the raster data looks nicer but,as you zoom in,the pixel structure becomesobvious.Eventually the image looks like a piece of modern art rather than a detail of a map!The definition of the features is dependent upon the size of t
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- 地理信息系统 GIS
